Pulling the owner of the room back to the bed, tidying up a bit, Liu Sheng Xia Ye walked out of the room.

When he returned to the front desk of the hotel again, Yagyu Xiaye said to the waiter: "My alumni needs to rest, so if there is nothing important, don't bother him, even if it is lunch."

"We've made a note." The waiter at the front desk completely believed that Liu Shengxiaye was a friend of the owner of the room this time, because he also said not to disturb him lightly when he checked in.

"We have another companion outside. I may bring him here later, and I will trouble you then."

"No trouble, your stay is the greatest encouragement to us."

Tell the waiter in advance what may happen in the future, so as not to be overwhelmed by unexpected situations.


After Yagyu Xiaye left the hotel, he went to the bakery again.

However, he did not choose to enter the West Bakery, but found a place on the second floor in the shop next door, just in time to see where Gui Yanye and the others were in the West Bakery.

There were three people sitting on the seat, besides Gui Yanye, who was the daughter of the bakery owner Kuroda Hikaru, there was also a boy named Taisuke Zeyong.

Now Ze Yong Taisuke is sitting opposite Gui Yanye, and Kuroda Hikaru is sitting on the side.

"Student Gui, I'm glad you came here to accept my apology. It really surprised me." Tasuke Zeyong was a little excited when he said this. I don't know if it's because Gui Yanye came here or because of other things after that. .

Gui Yanye didn't like the way Zeyong Taisuke looked at her when he was talking, it felt exactly the same as in the cafeteria that day, but now that Kuroda Hikaru was by his side, Gui Yanye suppressed this disgust in his heart and said: "I just I don't want Xia Ye to be dissatisfied with him in school, as long as the conflict is resolved."

Hearing Gui Yanye mention Yagyu Xiaye's name, Taisuke Zeyong's eyes flashed a trace of hatred, but he immediately hid it.

"Well, we are all from the same school, so there is no need to make trouble because of some things. Today I asked Kuroda-san to ask Gui-san to come out, mainly to express my apology to you. Of course, I am also with Yagyu-san. I will go, but I need to get your forgiveness first, after all, Liu Sheng..."

Ze Yong Taisuke didn't finish his sentence, but both Kuroda Hikaru and Gui Yanye knew what he wanted to express.

"If Mr. Zeyong really meant to apologize, I've passed it here. You can find an opportunity to apologize to Xia Ye in the future." Other than being irritated a bit, there was nothing else that was hurt.

On the contrary, Yagyu Xiaye beat Makoto Ito and Taisuke Sawaong in the cafeteria, which made him bear the punishment of the school, although now with the sponsorship of Xiyuan Temple Pupa, the punishment seemed to be contained.But if the relationship between Yagyu Natsuya, Ito Makoto, and Zeyong Taisuke continues to deteriorate like this, then the conflict between the two parties is certain, and the previous punishment of the school may fall on Yagyu Natsuya.

If the grievances between Yagyu Natsuya, Ito Makoto, and Zeyong Taisuke are resolved, then their incident will end because of this, and Yagyu Natsuya will not be threatened by school punishment.

"Of course I will look for opportunities, but today I am apologizing to you. It is really great to be forgiven by you."

"Since it's a good thing, then we should celebrate it. Wait a moment, I'll get a bottle of drink." After Kuroda Hikaru finished speaking, he left his seat and walked to the front desk.

Looking at Hikaru Kuroda who left, Gui Yanye's eyes were a little disappointed, but it didn't show, but the hand in his pocket was holding the phone.

When Taisuke Zeyong appeared in the bakery, Gui Yanye did not send a message to Yagyu Xia Ye immediately. She thought that Kuroda Hikaru should not be that kind of person, and she could handle it.But now Kuroda Hikari's reaction was almost the same as when Liu Shengxia Ye explained the things she needed to pay attention to, which made Gui Yanye a little nervous.

"Gui, are you uncomfortable?" Tasuke Zeyong also saw Gui Yanye's reaction and asked a little strangely.

"It's okay." With Ze Yong Taisuke staring at him like this, Gui Yanye couldn't send messages or call Yagyu Xia Ye.

Not long after, Kuroda Hikaru brought a bottle of drink.


Even though it wasn't in the bakery, Liu Shengxiaye on the second floor next door knew that it was the bottle of drink he smelt yesterday. When he saw this, Liusheng Xiaye got out of the shop next door and was about to enter the bakery.

Hikaru Kuroda poured a glass for Taisuke Zeyong and Yanye Gui, but did not pour it for herself.

"I'm sorry, because I have to help in the store later, so I can't drink even if it's a drink. I'm really sorry."

Gui Yanye was even more disappointed, but Ze Yong Taisuke said: "It's fine if you can't drink, Kuroda-san. This is my apology meeting to Gui-san, so it's good for you to be a witness."

Taisuke Zeyong picked up the drink and said to Gui Yanye: "Student Gui, if you have forgiven me, then drink this drink that represents my apology."

Kuroda Hikaru also looked at Gui Yanye at this time. Seeing this, Gui Yanye couldn't help but drink.

He picked up the drink with his right hand, but his left hand was desperately holding the phone in his pocket, and at the same time, he was praying that Yagyu Xia Ye would appear at this time.

Seeing that Gui Yanye had been brought to his mouth by the cup, Taisuke Zeyong, who felt that there would be no more accidents, drank the drink in his cup first, as if it was for Gui Yanye to watch, and also put The glass is turned upside down, indicating that the drink has been consumed.

Gui Yanye, who was about to drink the drink, stopped when the phone in his pocket rang.

Author's message:

Thanks for Qianmu's 300 happy coins reward, thank you.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Sorry, I'll answer a call first." Gui Yanye put the drink in his hand on the table, picked up the phone in his pocket and put it to his ear and asked, "Xia Ye?"

Taisuke Yagyu's name made Taisuke Zeyong frowned, and Hikaru Kuroda looked around to see if Xiaye Yagyu was in the shop. Before Gui Yanye and Taisuke Zeyong came to the bakery, Yagyu Xia Ye came here first.

"Xia Ye? Who do you think this is calling you?" There was a voice that was very familiar to Gui Yanye from the other end of the phone, just because he paused when he knew it wasn't the call from Liu Sheng Xia Ye, Only then did he react.

"Mom, why did you call me?" Gui Yanye was very surprised.

Having a younger sister and a house, and busy parents, this should be a typical protagonist attribute, but it's a pity that Gui Yanye is a girl.

Since their parents left, they have never contacted Sister Guiyanye, and Sister Guiyanye doesn't know their contact information.Taking the phone away from his ears, Gui Yanye found that it was a number from his own country. Gui Yanye couldn't help asking: "Mom, are you back?"

Gui Yanye is also looking forward to living with his parents, but when he thinks that there are still two people in the family, he becomes a little nervous, and starts to worry about whether his parents are really back.

"It's just that I'm here temporarily, but I won't be here for a long time. Do you have time now?"

Gui Yanye looked at Taisuke Zeyong and Hikaru Kuroda before saying, "I have time."

"I have called home, but no one answered. If you have time, tell me where is your address? I will pick you up by car, and we will get together as mother and daughter, because I will be leaving after tomorrow."

"Now in the pastry shop we visited before, should I tell you to be careful?" Gui Yanye would never let go of the opportunity to get together with her mother, that's why she thought of Gui Xin.

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