That's what Liu Shengxia Ye planned to do. As for what will happen later, it is beyond Liu Sheng Xia Ye's control.

"I wish you all the best!"

Before closing the door, Liu Sheng Xia Ye whispered into the room.

Back at the front desk, Yagyu Xiaye first returned the room card to the waiter sister paper, and then paid for the room's accommodation fee.

"Thank you very much, welcome to visit next time!" Although Liu Sheng Xia Ye had never stayed in this hotel and had no plans to stay, but when Liu Sheng Xia Ye left, the waiter girl still greeted Liu Sheng Xia Ye with perfect etiquette .

Regarding this, Liu Sheng Xiaye didn't say anything, because this hotel probably won't come again.


After Sawanaga Taisuke settled down, Yagyu Xiaye would have nothing to do next.

Because Radish is on leave today, and Guixin and Ito Yuki have asked Xiyuanji World to take care of them, so Yagyu Xiaye does not plan to go to Radish for another half-day shift.Originally, he thought that if he could resolve the matter of Taisuke Zeyong earlier, he would go back with Gui Yanye, but now that Gui Yanye was picked up, Yagyu Xia Ye didn't know where the destination was.

All I know is that Gui Yanye said that the person who came to pick her up has no problems.Up to now, I haven't sent any text messages to Liu Sheng Xia Ye, either because I went to a place without signal coverage, or Gui Yanye didn't want to tell Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

No matter which one it is, there is not much problem for Liu Shengxia Ye, as long as Gui Yanye does not have any problems.

Yagyu Xia Ye had no choice but to go back to the bakery.

This time happened to be when the store was free, so Kuroda Hikaru's father was able to come alone, so Kuroda Hikaru didn't help, but sat on the seat just now.

"What are you remembering alone?" Yagyu Xia Ye sat down on the seat and asked Kuroda Hikaru who was still speaking.

Kuroda Hikaru was woken up by Yagyu Xiaye's voice, saw that it was Yagyu Xiaye who had returned, and asked a little surprised: "Sister Liusheng, why are you here again? Haven't you found what you dropped? But, We don't have any items left by customers in our store, so they won't be in our store."

"The thing must have been found, and I didn't say that it was dropped in your store, so don't worry about it so much." After answering Kuroda Hikaru's question, Yagyu Xiaye shouted to the kitchen: "Boss, the Get some cakes."

"Okay, eh..., it's Liu Sheng, wait for me to come out..."

"No need, boss, you can do your work, you don't have to worry about me here." Liu Sheng Xia Ye continued to the kitchen.

After Yagyu Xiaye finished speaking, he saw Kuroda Hikaru pouring the drink on the table for herself, and asked, "Have you drank?"

I only saw Hikaru Kuroda take out this bottle of drink before, and Yagyu Xia Ye left from the next door, so I don't know how much this bottle of drink was drunk.But at least Gui Yanye didn't drink, because in the morning, Liu Shengxiaye had confessed to Gui Yanye.

And now it's not sure if Kuroda Hikaru drank it, it would be bad if he drank it before.

"No, this is only for others to apologize, but now no one can see it, so I want to drink and watch." When Kuroda Hikaru said this, there was a self-deprecating tone.

Fortunately, I didn't drink it, otherwise it would be troublesome.

So it was easy to deal with it this way. I picked up Hikaru Kuroda's cup directly, and then threw it at the trash can in the store. A perfect hollow went into the basket.

Seeing that Yagyu Xiaye wanted to throw away the remaining drink on the table, Kuroda Hikaru grabbed the drink and questioned Yagyu Xiaye.

"Liu Sheng, what are you going to do?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The customers in the store were all attracted by Kuroda Hikaru's excitement, but although they were curious about the relationship between Yagyu Xia Ye and Kuroda Hikaru, no one came to ask, it was just a simple look.

"It's reasonable to get excited, but the store is open now, so can you calm down and understand the matter clearly?" Liu Sheng Xiaye didn't want to ruin the reputation of the bakery for so long, so he didn't talk to Hei Tian Guang had any disputes, but he just asked Kuroda Guang to calm down.

Reminded by Yagyu Xia Yeyi, Kuroda Hikaru also felt the curious eyes of the customers around her, and knew that it was her own actions that made these people like this, so she quickly bowed to the people around her to apologize, and then sat back on her seat.

It's just that Kuroda Hikaru didn't put the drink on the table this time, but held it with his own hands, and found the lid from the table to cover the drink.

"If you have anything to say, you can say it now." After taking these security measures, Kuroda Hikaru said to Yagyu Xia Ye, she wanted to know what kind of things Liu Sheng Xia Ye would say.

"Did you stop drinking this bottle of drink yourself or was someone told you not to drink it?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked directly.

"Of course I don't drink it myself, because I still have to help in the store. If I drink a drink before going to work, it will be disrespectful to the customers." Kuroda Hikaru answered Yagyu Xia Ye's question very fluently.

Of course, Yagyu Xiaye didn't want this answer, so he shook his head and said, "I can choose to believe what you said later, Mr. Kuroda, but was it really your own subjective consciousness that made you not drink the one from the soda shop before?"

"Does that make any difference?"

"Of course there is a difference." Liu Sheng Xia Ye explained: "If someone else explicitly tells you not to drink or hints that you are not allowed to drink, it means that person has no good intentions in this bottle of drink. So I won’t let you drink, I think the possibility of not wanting you to ruin his plan is greater than the possibility of him worrying about you.”

"What do you mean, I don't understand." After hearing what Liu Shengxia said, Kuroda Hikaru seemed to think of something, but he said something that denied Liu Shengxia Ye.

Liu Shengxia Ye didn't care about this, but said: "I have already said what I have to say, if you want to drink now, I will not stop you, of course, the price may not be affordable for you now. Don’t believe what I said, but I believe you should have the ability to verify whether what I said is true or false.”

After saying this to Hikaru Kuroda, Yagyu Xiaye waited for the cakes to arrive.

Without making Liusheng Xiaye wait for a long time, Kuroda Hikaru's father brought Liusheng Xiaye's western cakes and said to Liusheng Xiaye: "If you like it, eat more. This time I invite you, of course it is the same as yesterday's help." Thanking you is two different things. Guang, you and Liu Sheng are from the same school, so you can chat with Liu Sheng more, I can handle the shop by myself right now."

Compared with Taisuke Zeyong, who made him displeased, Yanagi Natsuya was able to win the eyes of Kuroda Hikaru's father.

But this didn't mean to train Yagyu Natsuya and Zeyong Taisuke, because Kuroda Hikaru's father remembered the girl who had been to the shop last time and today.

"Father, I have something to go out now." Hikaru Kuroda suddenly stood up from his seat, said something to her father, and ran out of the store, holding the drink that Yagyu Xia Ye had stopped her from drinking before. .

It seems that I went to find a way to verify it.

"Sorry, I've been spoiled by this kid alone."

"I don't mind, because I came here to taste the western cakes here, so you should go get busy, uncle." After Yagyu Xiaye's words fell, someone began to greet Kuroda Hikaru's father.

"That's it, but can you find a free time and let me treat you well? Thank you for what happened yesterday."

"I'll come when I have time."

Kuroda Hikaru's father had already mentioned this several times. If Liu Shengxiaye didn't accept it, it would be bad.

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