Such an answer made Kuroda Hikaru's father very satisfied, and he smiled and walked towards the customer to be served.


Yagyu Xiaye didn't see Hikaru Kuroda come back after he solved the Western Cakes, so he probably hasn't got the result yet.

Without going to the kitchen to say goodbye to Kuroda Hikaru's father, Yagyu Xiaye walked out of the bakery by himself.

It's already past afternoon, and I don't know what happened to the two people next door.However, if they were allowed to wake up naturally, something unexpected might happen, so Yagyu Xiaye made a call.

"Young master, is there anything I need to order?" Dongcheng answered the phone.

"My school, I think you have already investigated it. Just send a message to the first-grade physical education teacher Zeyong Miki and ask her to go to the place below to pick up people. I will send you the address later. This Don't tell my sister one thing, and tell my sister that I will go to her school after our school's sports meeting."

"The subordinates know it, and it will be done."

"Thank you then." Liu Sheng Xia Ye hung up the phone.

The last time the school was closed, if Dongcheng or Kitazawa did it, it would definitely make the school dissatisfied, but if Yagyu Kubei went to ask for it in person, the situation would be different.So Yagyu Xia Ye knew that Yagyu Kubei had already known when the school was suspended on the day of the suspension.

Although Yagyu Kubei is already familiar with calling her sister, but Yagyu Xiaye still doesn't want to be bound by the Yagyu family.

After sending the address of Taisuke Sawaaga to Tojo, Yagyu Xiaye planned to go to Radish to pick Guixin and Ito Yuki back home.

However, Liu Shengxia Ye noticed a large and a small figure.

It should be two people who had a simple disguise, but Yagyu Xia Ye felt a little familiar. It is still early before Radish closes, so it is not a big problem to go and see who these two people are.

The two finally walked into a canteen, and Liu Shengxiaye was a little surprised why he had to disguise himself when entering the canteen, so he followed in with some confusion.

Just like the dilapidated storefront on the outside, the shelves and decoration inside are very unsatisfactory. It gives people the feeling that this kind of small store cannot be opened for a long time.

It's just surprising that apart from the two people who came in before, there are actually several customers inside, all men, and they are all standing in front of the same row of shelves.The two people who went in in front of Liusheng Xiaye also gathered around the shelf and began to pick things.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

There is no salesperson in this small shop to greet customers, but there is a box at the counter for collecting money. It should be that the items on the shelf are already clearly marked. If you want to buy them, just put the money in the box. up.

Liu Shengxia Ye did not follow the two familiar figures to the row of shelves, but looked at the shelves behind to see what was on them.

The shelves were not filled with department stores, but mostly books. The shelf where Yagyu Xia Ye was located contained new books by authors who had been popular for a while, as well as those best-selling world masterpieces.

However, there was no one visiting Liu Shengxiaye's shelf, all the people gathered around the row of shelves in front of him, and all the people who came in and went out were men.

When Liu Sheng Xiaye was concerned, some young boys who were obviously young also imitated the two people before when they went out, covering his face with their hands, presumably because the things in their hands were not good. Others recognize it.

Liu Shengxia Ye slowly approached the row of shelves. At the end of his own row of shelves, Liu Shengxia Ye found a box. When he saw the DVD inside, Liu Shengxia Ye guessed the name of this small shop. It's true.

Without moving the discs in the box, Yagyu Xiaye looked at the shelf in front.

The covers of the books on the shelf have seductive covers and titles full of hints. Now, besides the two people Yagyu Xiaye followed, there are three young people with dyed hair who are reading the books. Also keep communicating.

As for the two that Liu Shengxia followed, only the smaller guy was constantly changing the books on the shelf, as if he was picking which one was better.As for the tall guy, he looked around vigilantly, as if he was guarding against something.

"Hey, secretive kid over there, you brought in a little loli, right?"

Suddenly, the three young men with dyed hair stopped reading and discussing, and instead walked towards the two that Yagyu Xia Ye was following.

"No, this is my younger brother. We only dressed up like this because we had a bad cold." The tall man covered the little one behind him, and explained to the three young men with dyed hair, but he There is a very anxious expression in his eyes, which means that he is lying.

When they heard that it was a bad cold, the three young men with dyed hair also had a meal, because a bad cold is contagious, but one of them sucked his nose hard in the air, and then said: "Boy, where is it?" My elder brother brought my younger brother to this kind of store. I have already smelled the unique aroma of women in the air, if you don't cooperate, we will just have to force you to check."

After listening to this guy's words, the remaining two chose to believe in his judgment, and then surrounded the tracking targets, one big and one small.

Before they could do it themselves, the little guy took off the camouflage on his body, and the image that appeared immediately caught the eyes of the three young men with dyed hair.

Sensing the change in the eyes of the three guys, the tall man turned around and saw the little one's movements, and asked dissatisfiedly: "Uzuki, why did you remove the disguise, do you know that it will cause us trouble? Know."

"But brother Gongyi, won't you help me solve my troubles?"

When Xiao Budian took off his disguise, Liu Shengxia Ye recognized him.That is Gui Xin's good friend at school, Jing Yi Uzuki who also gives Gui Xin some strange things, and judging from the name of Jing Yi Uzuki, he should be Kyouichi Hanayamain, the senior who confessed on the rooftop and was rejected by Nanami of Ganlu Temple .

It was just the last time I had a brief contact with Ii Uzuki's family, Yagyu Xiaye had already reminded Jingi Uzuki's mother that Kyoichi Hanayamain had a bad style, and at that time Jingi Uzuki's mother also said that she would consider whether Kyoichi Hanayamain should be Jingi Uzuki's tutor of.

Now Ii Uzuki continues to stay with Kyouichi Hanayamain. I don't know if it means that Kyouichi Hanayamain's position as a tutor has been stabilized.

He didn't come out in a hurry to deal with Uzuki Ii and Kyouichi Hanayamain.

Because Yagyu Xia Ye wanted Jingyi Uzuki to suffer a little, to let her understand that there are some things she should not understand and touch at her age, especially if she wants to teach Gui Xin badly, this is absolutely not allowed.


"Little sister, don't be afraid, you won't be in trouble. The one who will be in trouble is this person who will get in the way." One of the young men said to Ii Uzuki in a tone that he thought was kind, and then stared at Kyouichi Hanayamain and said : "Boy, you know that we are lonely reading here, so you sent a little loli, for the sake of being so sensible, get out of here now, and then you can save yourself a hard time."

"I'm Uzuki's tutor, and I won't abandon my students. Don't mess around, or I'll call the police." Kyouichi Huashanin really took out his phone from his pocket after he finished speaking.

Uzuki Uzuki, who is hiding behind Kyouichi Hanayamain, feels that she is the happiest now, because now Kyouichi Hanayamain is like a hero protecting the heroine in the comics.

It's a pity that Kyouichi Hanayamain didn't make a call to the police because his mobile phone was directly snatched by one of the young men with dyed hair.

"What are you doing, return the phone to me quickly." Kyouichi Hanazanin didn't try to snatch it back, but asked someone else to return the phone.

The young man with dyed hair who snatched his mobile phone looked at Kyouichi Hanayamain like an idiot, then broke the mobile phone in half in front of him, threw the broken mobile phone aside and said, "It's true! It's funny, let me give you back the phone so you can call the police? You think I want to be as stupid as you. Give you another chance, get the hell out of here now, or don't blame us for being disrespectful .”

"I won't compromise."

After Kyouichi Hanayamain finished speaking, he took Uzuki Ii's hand, trying to escape from the siege of the three young men with dyed hair, but failed, and was punched in the abdomen by one of the young men with dyed hair.

Stopping his breakthrough, Kyouichi Hanayamain squatted down in pain.

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