What is in my heart now is endless regret, why did Ii Uzuki come to such a small shop, although there is also his own obscene purpose.But now when faced with these three young people in society, Kyoichi Hanazanin really regretted it. He was a well-known gentleman in school and had no experience in fighting with anyone, that's why he was so easily attracted by youths with dyed hair. hit.

Author's message:

Thank you for the reward of 10000 happy coins for only being born and not regretting controlling Lolita.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Brother Gong, are you alright?" Seeing Kyouichi Hanayamain squatting down, Uzuki Uzuki also anxiously asked about the situation. After all, she didn't see Kyouichi Hanayamain being hit.

"It's okay, Uzuki, I'll take you out of here now." Kyouichi Hanayamain endured the pain and wanted to stand up, but it didn't go as smoothly as expected.

"Are you planning to stage a live version of the teacher-student relationship in front of us? It's not that we are not interested in these things. Now we are very angry and need someone to comfort you, so you, the guy who is in the way, disappear for me Bar."

After one of the dyed-haired youths finished speaking, he kicked Kyouichi Hanayamain directly.

Kyouichi Hanayamain fell to the ground after being hit, and was still coughing.

"What are you going to do? You are not allowed to hit Big Brother Gong." Jing Yi Uzuki stood in front of Kyouichi Hanayamain, and forbade the three young men with dyed hair to get close to Kyouichi Hanayamain.

Being stopped by Ii Uzuki, the three young men with dyed hair didn't get angry, they didn't go to touch Ii Uzuki, but said to Kyouichi Hanayamain on the ground: "He is really a good student, but don't worry, we will help you train him well. "

"You have two choices now. The first is that you also become such a backbone and responsible family teacher and sacrifice your life to protect your students. The second is to get out of here honestly. If you don't leave, then Just wait until we sink you into the sea."

Kyouichi Hanayama, who was lying on the ground, trembled and curled up after hearing the threatening words from behind.

He doesn't want to die yet, so he has a choice.

"Sorry, Uzuki, I will come to save you after the teacher leaves."

Uzuki Ii couldn't quite understand the meaning of Kyouichi Hanayamain at first, but when she saw Kyouichi Hanayamain get up from the ground, safely passed through the surrounding of three young men with dyed hair, and did not take her away by herself, she finally understood .

"Brother Gong, are you going to leave me?" Jingi Uzuki wanted to catch up with Hanayamain Kyouichi, but was surrounded by three youths with dyed hair.

After hearing what Ii Uzuki said, Kyouko Hanayamain paused for a moment, but he didn't turn his head and left no words for Ii Uzuki, so he left the canteen.

Yagyu Xia Ye knew that Kyouichi Hanayamain would not come to rescue Uzuki Ii, and he might not even call the police, because he was already scared.

After Kyouichi Hanayamain left, Uzuki Uzuki tried hard to get out of the encirclement of the three hair-dyed youths, but how could a little loli break free from their blockade.

"Little sister, your big brother Gong is gone, and we have three new big brothers to play with you."

"Yes, little sister, we will definitely spoil and love you more than that Gongyi."

It's a pity that what responded to them was not Loli's cuteness, but sharp nails and biting.

"You damn girl, it seems that you won't be honest if you don't suffer a little bit." At this time, a young man with dyed hair who was caught by Jing Yi Uzuki's clothes was thrown violently, and Jing Yi Uzuki was thrown to the ground.

This time Jing Yi Uzuki didn't move much, just sat quietly on the ground, which made people feel a little scary.

"Let's go, although I want to enjoy it here, the risk is still too great."

"Well, go back to the rental house and play however you want." The other two immediately agreed.

They walked into Jingyi Uzuki very carefully, all trying to prevent Jingyi Uzuki from hurting people again suddenly, but when they expected it, Jingyi Uzuki had no intention of resisting at this time.

Maybe it was heartbroken because he was abandoned by Kyouichi Hanayamain, or because he couldn't escape and chose to give up on himself.

However, such Jing Yi Uzuki is excellent for them.

The three of them took Jing Yi Uzuki to leave the canteen, but they saw a young man blocking the door.

"Go away, don't get in the way, be careful we beat you!" The hair-dyed youth walking in front said to the young man.

The person standing at the door was Liusheng Xiaye. After listening to the young man with dyed hair, Liusheng Xiaye said: "Sorry, I am a temporary salesperson of this store. If the customers do not pay, they cannot leave the store."

"When did this store have a salesperson? It's really bad luck to meet you. We didn't buy anything, but just read a book for a while. It's okay if you charge a fee." After the hair-dyed youth walking in the front finished speaking, he walked to At the front desk, he took out a large handful of coins and put them in the box, and said to Liu Shengxia Ye: "These money is enough for you to go for a while, so go away now."

"The money you put in just now can indeed be used to pay for your books, but it is not the cost of the goods you took away, so please pay before leaving."

"We didn't take away the goods here, you guy, don't make anything out of nothing, believe it or not, I will beat you now."

"Then what are the two behind you pulling?"

"This is not the goods in your store, but the sister we just met, and it has nothing to do with you." One of the hair-dyed youths immediately talked about their relationship with Jing Yi when Yagyu Xia Ye changed the topic to Jing Yi Uzuki. Uzuki's false relationship.

"I'm really sorry, what I saw was a little guy who was abandoned here, but it's not your sister, so she can only be regarded as our store, and you have to pay enough to take her away now. "

The three young men with dyed hair thought that Liu Shengxia had already called the police, and one of them asked, "How much do you need?"

"One hundred million yuan, after all, he is a very cute little guy."

The three thought that Yagyu Natsuya had seen how they treated Hanayamain Kyouichi and the conversation before, so Yagyu Natsuya should just use this to blackmail them a little bit, in order to be able to enjoy the newly-acquainted younger sister earlier, they thought they were blackmailed a little it is also fine.

How could he have thought that Liu Shengxia Ye would ask for [-] million yuan, this was simply a deliberate embarrassment.If the three of them have [-] million yuan, is it still worth coming to this place to read h books and using violent means to get what they want?

"It seems that we have been tricked, but now you should be unlucky, who let you find trouble for nothing." One of them continued to hold Jing Yi Uzuki, while the other two walked towards Yagyu Xiaye, trying to use the Yagyu Xia Ye made way by using means.

"Heroes can't save the beauty for everyone, so you'd better lie on the ground and wait for the ambulance to arrive." After one of the young men with dyed hair finished speaking, he punched Liu Shengxiaye directly.

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty

Liu Shengxia Ye didn't intend to use his fists to talk to these people. He pulled out the hidden weapon from behind with his backhand, and slapped the hand that was stretched out to the young man with dyed hair.


This is not a physical collision. The blow of this kind of hard object made the guy who was hit squat on the ground in pain. As for the other young man with dyed hair who was not hit, he wanted to retreat. He really didn't expect Yagyu Xia Yehui played cards in such an unreasonable way.

Although here is two fighting one, but what you are doing now is a scene where a hero saves a loli, how can you not use the moves of a hero, but use methods that only a local ruffian would use.

It's just that Liu Sheng Xiaye has already made a move, so how could he return empty-handed?

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