He quickly caught up with the young man who was about to retreat, and then hit him on the waist with another stick, and another poor fellow fell to the ground as well.

"Despicable!" The guy who was lying on the ground first, used his good hand to support his hand that was hit by Liu Shengxia Ye, and then said to Liu Sheng Xia Ye through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry, although the method was a little despicable, but now I'm standing and you are on the ground, so you still lose." Of course Liu Shengxia Ye didn't care about the irony of these guys, and of course he didn't suffer. Still choose a favorable method.

It wasn't a fight between knights, and Yagyu Xiaye thought he didn't have any chivalry, not to mention that the three young men with dyed hair couldn't be considered knights.

"Let us go, otherwise this little lolita will be ruined here." The young man who kidnapped Uzuki Ii found that his companion was beaten by Yagyu Xia Ye in a single meeting, so he could only use his hands The hostages came to threaten Yagyu Xiaye.

Yagyu Xia Ye looked at Jing Yi Uzuki, and found that her eyes were not angry, but full of despair.

"It's up to you, it's all abandoned anyway, you can deal with it however you want, but you still need to pay a little price, because it ruined my good mood today." Liu Sheng Xiaye's words were completely disregarded The life and death of Ii Uzuki.

Such words made the three hair-dyed youths almost cry, thinking that this guy is not sick, and they don't care about Jingyi Uzuki's life and death, but they want to stop them.

"Today we admit defeat, just use any tricks, as long as we don't kill us, I will thank you for your kindness." These guys still understand some forms, and immediately let Jing Yi Uzuki go and euphemistically begged for a chance to live.

Without the support of the young man with dyed hair, Jingi Uzuki just limply went down to the ground, scaring the guys around him to quickly signal that it had nothing to do with him.

Yagyu Xiaye did not go to Guanjing Yi Uzuki first, but said to the uninjured guy: "Come here."

Although he was very reluctant, the last guy could only follow Liu Shengxia Ye's order, because neither of his two companions were the enemies of Liu Sheng Xia Ye, so there was no need for him to resist Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

Since they all took the initiative in this way, then Liu Shengxia Ye was not polite, and directly hit him on the left hand with a stick, which was the opposite of the guy who was injured first.

It hurts.

At this time, they also felt the feelings of Kyouichi Hanayamain before, but they didn't say any harsh words of revenge. They were all waiting for Yagyu Xia Ye's next words. If they wanted to continue, they could only accept it with gritted teeth.

"Get out, don't appear here again." He didn't have the idea of ​​killing the grass, it might be that these three guys threatened someone who wouldn't care about Liu Shengxiaye.

After the three guys heard Liu Shengxia Ye's words, the biggest worry in their hearts fell, they supported each other to stand up, thanked Liu Shengxia Ye and bowed down to express their gratitude, and then left the canteen.

They also didn't say they planned to call the police to trouble Yagyu Xia Ye. This self-knowledge is still there, but it allows them to transfer their hatred to another person, and that is the culprit who brought Jingi Uzuki to this shop. ——Kyoichi Hanayamain.


The three young men with dyed hair have been away for a long time, but Uzuki Ii is still in the same state as before.

Because of the fight with the three guys before, Jingi Uzuki's clothes were torn, and Yagyu Xiaye had to take off his coat and put it on Jingi Uzuki, saying, "If you are sad, just cry."

Like a fuse, Jingi Uzuki collapsed, hugged Yagyu Xia Ye and cried.

There was no intention of avoiding it, Yagyu Xia Ye just let Jing Yi Uzuki vent.

After a long time, Jingyi Uzuki's crying subsided, and Yagyu Xiaye asked, "Have you vented enough?"

"Hmm!" Jing Yi Uzuki didn't look at Yagyu Xiaye, probably because he hasn't figured out how to face Yagyu Xiaye yet.

According to Gui Xin's narration, Jing Yi Uzuki is still very curious about Yagyu Xia Ye, but the first meeting between the two was a bit unpleasant.

At the amusement park, Ii Uzuki was a little angry when Yagyu Natsuya said that Hanayamain Kyouichi was not. She thought that Yagyu Natsuya targeted Hanayamain Kyouichi like that for other reasons.

After that, Gui Xin would still talk to Jing Yi Uzuki about Yanagi Xiaye, but Jing Yi Uzuki was not so interested.So in order to prevent Gui Xin from coming to talk to her so frequently, Jing Yi Uyue taught Gui Xin some strange knowledge and a theoretical book.

These were all discovered by Uzuki Uzuki herself, and of course Kyouichi Hanayamain must have been responsible for the inducement.

It's just that Uzuki Jingi didn't expect that the one who saved her in the end was Yagyu Xiaye, someone she didn't like before.

After waking up, the previous memory was completely normal, so the conversation between Liu Shengxiaye and the three guys before and the punishment were all remembered.

"I'm really an abandoned person." When he said this, Jingi Uzuki was very disappointed.

Instead of answering Jing Yi Uzuki's monologue, Yagyu Xia Ye asked, "Do you know your mother's phone number? Tell me."

After Jing Yi Uzuki gave the phone number, Yagyu Xia Ye called.

"Hello, is this Jingi Uzuki's mother?" After the call was connected, Yagyu Xiaye asked directly.

"Yes, who are you?"

"We met once, and now your daughter is by my side."

Yagyu Xiaye handed the phone to Jingyi Uzuki's ear, and Jingyi Uzuki's mother's anxious voice came from inside.

"Uzuki, where have you been? I haven't found you anywhere. Hurry up and tell mom where you are now, and then stay where you are and don't move until mom comes to pick you up."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Mom!" Hearing the anxious voice on the other end of the phone, Jingi Uzuki burst into tears again, but this time he didn't throw himself into Yagyu Xia Ye's arms, but simply cried.

"Uzuki, what's wrong with you, you..."

Jing Yi Uzuki's mother was still talking on the other side of the phone, but Jing Yi Uzuki was not ready to answer the phone at this time.

Liu Shengxiaye took the phone away from Jingyi Uzuki's ear, Jingyi Uzuki knelt down and continued to cry with her hands wrapped around her knees, while Liusheng Xiaye said to the phone: "Your daughter is fine now, she was just a little scared That's all. I'm the elder brother of your daughter's friend Gui Xin, we met last time, you should still remember."

Yagyu Xiaye's words interrupted the person who wanted to continue talking, perhaps because he was too worried about Jing Yi Uzuki, and asked in a crying voice: "Gui Xin? Could it be that the last time we met at the playground? the one who arrived."

"It's fine if you remember it. I'll send you the address here, and then you come here. I'll take care of your daughter for you during this time."

"Thank you so much, Liu..."

"My name is Liu Sheng Xia Ye."

"Sorry, I didn't remember your name for a while, so Uzuki will ask Liu Sheng-kun to take care of you for a while, and I'll be right over."

After hanging up the phone, Yagyu Xia Ye ignored Jing Yi Uzuki who was still crying, but started searching for information about this store at the front desk, and quickly found the text description of this address, and then sent it to Jing Yi Uzuki's mother up.

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