When someone wanted to urge you, the girl with glasses responded, but she didn't comment on Liu Shengxia Ye's wine for the first time, but asked: "Bartender, can you tell me your name?"

"Yayuu Xiaye, Radish's part-time bartender, how about the wine I just had?"

"Of course it's good. Although it doesn't taste the best, it's the one that suits me best right now, and it's completely different from the last time. Are you really a part-time bartender here?"

There is no need to hide such facts, so Yagyu Xia Ye replied: "Everything you see is true, mine is indeed a part-time bartender here, if you are satisfied with the drinks I make, that is My pleasure."

"I always feel that we have met each other recently. I don't know if you have any impression?"

"Including today, we should meet for the second time. The first meeting was a week ago, so it must be considered the most recent period."

"It seems to be my illusion. If this is the case, I will leave first, and the wine money will be counted on the pupa's head first." The glasses girl left the bar counter with the wine glass in hand, and then walked towards Xiyuan Temple The location of the pupa office.

After hearing this, Liu Shengxia Ye finally realized that this woman should have known Xiyuan Temple pupa, no, it is more accurate to say that they knew each other well.

"The other friend of the store manager, but we don't know what her real identity is, so the wine can only be recorded in the name of the store manager."

"He is really a serious senior." Liu Sheng Xia Ye said.

"Since you have the first person, there will definitely be someone who will come to you to mix drinks, so please be prepared."

"Of course, this is necessary." For receiving guests, Liu Sheng Xiaye did not show any timidity.


Sure enough, Genfan Tanizaki was right. After the glasses girl left, people came to Yagyu Xiaye's place intermittently to order wine.

When it was almost closing time, basically no new customers came in, because everyone knew Radish's work and rest time.

"You did a good job. It seems that your performance will definitely surpass mine in the future." Yuanfan Tanizaki was still very satisfied with Yagyu Xiaye's performance in the second half of the day, and said that Yagyu Xiaye was almost at his level.

"I have conditions to work here. If there are no restrictions, I will leave, so don't worry, senior Yuanfan, that I will take your job."

"I'm not worried. If there is someone with your qualifications and skills to share, of course I welcome it. Do you really think I'm a masochist?" Yuanfan Tanizaki retorted.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I'm really sorry, my part-time job here shouldn't last long, so I need seniors to continue to work hard."

"Whatever, it's just going back to the previous state anyway, and it's not like I'm not unsupported. But it's quite a pleasure to meet someone as talented as you here. I just know that you won't stay in this industry forever or It's a pity, but that's your personal choice, so I can't interfere."

Although he didn't get along with Yagyu Xiaye for a long time, he fully agrees with the talent shown by Yagyu Xiaye, Yuanfan Tanizaki, and understands that Yagyu Xiaye's part-time job here is only temporary.That is to say, after Yagyu Xia Ye left here, it is possible to forget his bartending skills.

"If I have time, I'd still like to come here for a drink."

It's just that Liu Shengxia Ye assured that he didn't know if he would have time to come here. If that kind of thing didn't happen, it would be fine to come here for a drink, but...

"I'm off work first, I guess you can't go back now." Yuanfan Tanizaki cleaned up the mess he had to clean up, and also said that Yagyu Xiaye would not leave so easily.

"See you next week then."

Yagyu Xiaye bid farewell to Genfan Tanizaki, because tomorrow is Monday and school starts again, so Yagyu Xiaye said see you next week.

At the same time, it's also a little strange why Yuanfan Tanizaki said that in an affirmative tone.

After finishing everything in Yagyu Xiaye, when he left the bar, he encountered the world of Xiyuan Temple.

"Xia Ye, is your part-time job over now?" Xiyuan Temple World asked in front of Yagyu Xia Ye.

"If it's just today's work, then I believe I'm done."

I don't understand the purpose of Xiyuan Temple World coming here at this time, so Yagyu Xia Ye is not in a hurry to leave.

"You know how to cook, and it's delicious?"

Although he was asking, Liu Shengxia Ye could hear the affirmative tone inside.

"who told you?"


Xiyuan Temple World gave himself a compliment first, and then answered Yagyu Xiaye's question.

"Of course Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi said it."

In fact, when I heard Guixin and Ito Yuki say that Yagyu Xiaye can cook, and the dishes are even more delicious than those outside, Xiyuanji World didn't believe it.She thought it was what Guixin and Itozhi said to save Yagyu Xiaye's face in front of outsiders, but after telling her mother Xiyuanji Pupa about her uncertain guess, Xiyuanji Pupa Directly ask Yagyu Xia Ye to cook today's dinner.

"These two guys will really talk nonsense to me. Although they can cook, they can't bring me like this..."

"I choose to believe in caution and restraint, so we need you to cook our dinner here tonight."

"Why?" If you don't go back at night, maybe Gui Yanye will be in the living room waiting for him to go back.

This kind of thing only needs to happen once, if there are too many, Liu Shengxia Ye will feel a bit scumbag.

"My mother said that yesterday she was merciful to give you a holiday and let you go on a date. The price is that you have to cook the dishes yourself tonight, and one of your guests is about to leave. It should be a farewell party." Xiyuan Temple World gave reason.

Yagyu Xiaye didn't find it strange that Xiyuan Temple Pupa could have such a request, but did he have any guests?

"Don't worry, I've already called Xiaoxin about Gui's side, and I'll tell Gui about what's going on here, so don't worry. You don't have many guests, so I'll go to your place today and talk to the first one." The guest with a glass of wine is the person you want to farewell, she is my mother's friend."

It was a woman wearing sunglasses, and Xiyuan Temple World also solved Gui Yanye's problem?

"If you are worried, you can go back after dinner." Xiyuan Temple World reminded.

Yagyu Xia Ye chose to go back after cooking.

"Okay, now take me to the kitchen, I will only do what I know how to do, but I don't guarantee that it will be what you like to eat."

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