"Of course, as long as you can do it well, what my mother needs is an attitude." Said like this, but the world of Xiyuan Temple still hopes that Yagyu Xiaye can make the kind of food praised by Gui Xin and Ito Zhi from.


There is not much difference in the layout and size of Radish’s kitchen and Gui Yanye’s kitchen. The difference is that the seasoning boxes here are prepared more and richer than Gui Yanye’s kitchen.

"How many people are there?" Yagyu Xiaye asked this because it was a farewell dinner for Xiyuanji pupa for a friend.

"Including you and me, there are five people in total. But you can't just make a few dishes to fool us. Mom can tell that a person's heart is not sincere."

Hearing that there were only five dishes, Liu Sheng Xia Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

In this case, it would be enough for four people. Liu Shengxia Ye ignored him directly, because he planned to return to Gui Yanye's house without staying after he was done.

"Of course not. After all, this is requested by the store manager."

Before going out in the morning, Gui Yanye confessed that after arriving at Radish, he wanted to thank Xiyuan Temple Pupa.But after arriving, I encountered the world of Xiyuanji, and I did not meet Xiyuanji pupa, and because of the girl with sunglasses, Yagyu Xiaye was very busy on this day, even taking a break to go to Xiyuanji pupa to thank him None of the time.

So at this time, if you want to meet Xiyuan Temple's pupa's request, Yagyu Xia Ye will definitely not refuse, and the quality of the food must be guaranteed.

While Yagyu Xia Ye was cooking, the world of Xiyuan Temple did not leave.

Seeing Liu Sheng Xiaye's busy voice in the kitchen and the fragrance slowly emitting, Xiyuan Temple World threw away the last trace of doubt in his heart.

"It seems that Xinxin and Xiaozhi are not lying, you really have such ability." When Liu Shengxia was resting, Xiyuan Temple World said.

"These dishes are enough for the four of you, so I don't need to count them in. I still plan to go back." Liu Sheng Xia Ye said while leaning on the cabinet beside him.

It's not too late now, so Liu Shengxia decided to go back.

"It seems that classmate Gui is more attractive. But you should go and tell my mother in person, after all, she asked for this matter." Hearing that Liu Shengxia still planned to go back, Xi The mood in the world of Yuansi became a little low, and he did not decide without authorization that Liu Shengxiaye could leave immediately after finishing.

Author's message:

Thanks to Mario Megatron for the reward of 100 happy coins, thank you.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Now, it is impossible to escape from Xiyuan Temple's pupa, so Yagyu Xiaye still plans to face it.

"Help me bring the dishes over, and then I will tell the store manager in person about going home." Although it can be heard that Xiyuan Temple World's mood is not very high, but the place to eat is in Xiyuan Temple's pupa's room Inside, one person still can't handle it.

The Xiyuan Temple World did not reject Yagyu Xiaye's request, and hoped that the Xiyuan Temple pupa would refuse Yagyu Xiaye's request to go home. As for the reason, the Xiyuan Temple World itself did not quite understand.

The food for four people can be easily handled by two people. When the food was brought to the room by Yagyu Xiaye and Xiyuanji World Bar, there were already three people inside, and they were all people that Yagyu Xiaye knew and was familiar with.

The first one is, of course, the mother of Saiyuanji World, Xiyuanji Jizi, and the other is Kiyoura Setsuna’s mother Kiyoura Mai. As for the last woman who is still wearing glasses in the room, she is the first one to order Yagyu Summer Night Tune today. wine woman.

"Hey, the speed is quite fast, it can't be a takeaway that was delivered by phone." Seeing Xiyuanji World and Yagyu Xiaye coming in together, Xiyuanji pupa stood up first and said.

"Xia Ye did it himself, and I personally watched him finish it." Before Liu Sheng Xia Ye could respond to Xiyuan Temple's pupa, Xiyuan Temple World first explained it to him.

"I do believe that teenagers can bring us miracles, but Manami, do you still need to wear glasses? This is impolite behavior for our children." Kiyoura Mai also spoke for Yagyu Xiaye , At the same time, he also talked about the woman who has been wearing glasses.

After being told by Kiyoura Mai, the woman with glasses finally took off her sunglasses and said to Yagyu Xia Ye: "Hello, my name is Katsura Manami, and I am a good friend of Chrysalis and Mai. Your craftsmanship is good, I can feel it This is what you did."

After Yagyu Xia Ye and Xiyuan Temple World put the food on the table, Xiyuan Temple pupa found that there was only food for four people, and asked, "Is there not enough food?"

"The store manager, I'm sorry, I still have some things to go back to deal with today, so I won't stay." Liu Sheng Xia Ye could feel that Xiyuan Temple's pupa's attitude towards him didn't have much ups and downs, so he was very happy. Naturally, she expressed her desire to leave to Xiyuan Temple Pupa.

Xiyuanji pupa did not immediately agree to Yagyu Xiaye's request, but looked at Katsura Manami.

"Liu Sheng, right? After drinking your wine twice, I also felt a little bit. I also mixed the same wine before. Can you help me to taste it, so that I can understand my skills. After all, I also want tomorrow I have gone abroad, and I don't know when I will come back after going abroad this time, so can you satisfy my guest's willful request before I leave." Katsura Manami made a request to Yagyu Xia Ye.

"Wine tasting, if Xia Ye can't do it, I'd like to come." Xiyuan Temple World joined in the fun.

"World, the brewed wine is not something you can drink, but you can drink a little sake, but can't you know too much? You have to go to school tomorrow." Xiyuanji Pupa obviously didn't want Xiyuanji World to mix Among the affairs of Yanagi Natsuya and Katsura Manami.

"It's not impossible to drink sake." Xiyuan Temple World is very satisfied, because it has never been drunk since it was so old.

Not at home, especially not in Radish, and I was in a bad mood before, and being allowed to drink certainly satisfies the world of Xiyuanji.

Katsura Manami looked at Yagyu Xiaye, waiting for his decision. At the same time, Qingpu Wu also said to Yagyu Xiaye: "Young man, next time, you can make a kind of wine alone."

"If it's just an evaluation, I can agree."

"Great, I'll go and get it now." Katsura Manami went out to get it, and there was already opened sake on the table, Xiyuanji World first filled a glass for himself.

Perhaps it was stimulated by Yagyu Xiaye to go back to Gui's house now, so Xiyuan Temple World drank a full glass of sake in one gulp. Because of drinking too fast, Xiyuan Temple World coughed one after another, and Saiyuan Temple Pupa helped her to the toilet to wash her face.

"Young man, your charm is not bad." Watching Xiyuan Temple World being taken away, Qing Pu Wu said to Liu Shengxia Ye.

"Sorry, I don't know what you mean."

Seeing Liu Sheng Xia Ye's denial, Qing Pu Wu smiled and said, "That must be because I was thinking too much, I couldn't help it anymore, I started."

Kiyoura Mai didn't wait for Katsura Manami and Saizonji's mother and daughter, and began to enjoy the food that Yagyu Xia Ye cooked alone, and of course the result was very satisfactory.

"Wu, it's really rude of you to not wait for me." Katsura Manami brought in four glasses of prepared wine from the outside, of course there is no Xiyuanji world.

"The boy's cooking is really good, so he didn't hold back." Kiyoura Mai said to Katsura Manami after she stopped.

"I made this, so you can taste it too." Katsura Manami put the cup in front of everyone, and she had a cup herself.

Seeing that Kiyoura Mai and Katsura Manami both drank, Yagyu Xiaye took a sip from the wine glass in front of him. It can only be said that Yagyu Xiaye was still wary of what happened before.

When it was just brought out, Liu Sheng Xia Ye knew that the wine that Gui Manami had prepared was the same wine that he made for Gui Manami last time and this morning.

"It's so cool. It's so refreshing to drink a glass of Manami's after eating the boy's food. I have never drunk the wine that the boy made for me alone, so I don't have it as a reference for comparison." Kiyoura Mai was the first reviews.

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