"No, I think it's different from the wine made by Yagyu." Katsura Manami also drank the wine she made herself, but she didn't think her ability was the same as that of Yagyu Xia Ye.

"Did you add sake to it?" Yagyu Xiaye asked as he put down his glass, taking only a sip of the wine in the glass.

"Well, just now, Yagyu, you said that you had to go back, so I replaced the wine with sake, so that it is not easy to get drunk."

"The idea is good, but the wine I concocted must use spirits to show its perfect taste. This is the difference in your life. It is also very good for the first time to concoct, you With such talent."

In fact, there are more differences than these, but in order to be able to leave here sooner, Liu Shengxiaye could only pick out the most obvious difference.

"Anyway, it's good to drink, Manami, you should also try the boy's food, it's delicious,"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kiyoura Mai didn't understand what Yagyu Xia Ye and Katsura Manami were talking about, but she still thought that the wine that Katsura Manami made was very good.Of course, what surprised Qingpu Wu most was the food on the table.

As a woman who often drinks, I must have tasted a lot of food, but I have never tasted such delicious dishes except in some very high-end hotels.Qingpu Wu was a little envious of Gui Yanye's girl, because she knew that Liu Sheng Xiaye lived in Gui Yanye's house.

After knowing the difference in wine, Katsura Manami stopped pestering Yagyu Xiaye for the time being, and after hearing Mai Qingpu's words, she picked up the dishes on the table and began to taste them.

"It's really good. It seems that Yagyu Xia Ye will be very popular with girls in the future. Do you make the school lunches yourself?"

"No, someone else did it."

Liu Shengxia Ye was not lying, because Gui Yanye made the bento for him and Gui Xin during this time.Although Gui Xin is still a little bit dissatisfied with this, Gui Yanye's power in Gui's family is still good, at least it can deter a little loli like Gui Xin.

"Since I've already tasted your wine, I'm leaving today." Liu Sheng Xia Ye offered to leave.

"Aren't you going to say hello to Pupa?" Qingpu Wu asked.

It is strange to say that it has been a long time since Xiyuanji Puzi took Xiyuanji World into the toilet. If Xiyuanji Puzi hadn't had a sip of wine tonight, it might make people suspect that both mother and daughter are drunk It fell in the toilet.

"I don't think so. If the store manager wants to find me later, I'll come back next week to apologize." If you continue to wait, you may miss the train home again.

"Go ahead and do what you have decided. I will have a few words with the ball at Pupa." Katsura Manami also didn't get up to go to the bathroom to see what the Xiyuanji mother and daughter are doing in there, just said yes Good words, reduce some problems for Yagyu Xiaye.

"Then thank you very much, eat slowly, and I will leave first."

After Yagyu Xia Ye finished speaking, he walked out of the room.


"Such a boy is very sought-after." Once again, he picked up a chopsticks of food and put it in his mouth, Qingpu Wu was still not sure that it was really done by Yagyu Xia Ye.

"Don't tell me you have such an idea?" As Kiyoura Mai's friend, Katsura Manami knew her friend's temperament, so she couldn't help asking.

Instead of directly answering Katsura Manami's words, Kiyoura Mai asked instead: "When I was discussing wine with the young man just now, are you sure that you are not throbbing?"

Katsura Manami was stunned by such a sudden question, but immediately retorted, "This is completely different. The previous incident can only be regarded as my meeting a bosom friend in this regard, and it doesn't mean anything."

"Manami, what did you add to the wine? Why do you suddenly feel like you want to get drunk at this moment?" As a frequent drinker, Mai Kiyoura still has a lot of alcohol, but today she just took a sip of the wine made by Manami Katsura. A feeling of intoxication can occur.

"How come, Yagyu said he wanted to go home, but I changed the spirits into sake, just to get drunk on instant noodles, why..."

"Don't you feel drunk?"

"Hey, why is this happening? I opened the wine myself, so I'm going to ask Pupa what's going on?"

"Let's go together." Kiyoura Mai seemed to have grasped something at this time, but she didn't have much clue, so she wanted to go with Katsura Manami to ask Xiyuanji Pupa.

It's a pity that before the two of them walked to the toilet, they fell to the ground together.


Also fell to the ground was Yagyu Xiaye.

After coming out of the room of the chrysalis of Xiyuan Temple, I met all the requests from the clerk in Radish for help.

Last week, it was causing trouble for Xiyuanji's pupa, so Yagyu Xiaye chose to accept the help of these shop assistants.At first, I thought it would be fine if there were only one or two, but I didn't know there would be so many things today, but after finishing the work, Liu Shengxia Ye felt a little heavy in his head, and a familiar feeling came to his head.

This is not the last time...

It's a pity that before Liu Shengxia could figure it out, he collapsed in front of Radish's door.

"Liu Sheng-kun, are you alright?"

"Quick, call an ambulance."

Those clerks who asked Liusheng Xiaye to help immediately surrounded Liusheng Xiaye after seeing Liusheng Xiaye collapsed. At first, they thought they were asking Liusheng Xiaye for help, and made Liusheng Xiaye tired That's why I called an ambulance.

"No need, you can get off work now, leave the rest to me." Xiyuansi Pupa suddenly appeared at the door.

With the assistance of Yagyu Xiaye, Radish's packing has basically been finished now, so after hearing the store manager say that they can leave work, these employees are still a little happy.However, there are still people who are worried about Yagyu Xiaye, because they asked Yagyu Xiaye for help because of the benefit of the store manager Xiyuanji Puzi.

"The store manager, what about Yagyu?"

"You don't have to worry about Xia Ye. He may have eaten something broken before. I will help him in first. If it is serious, I will send him to the hospital."

Now that Xiyuan Temple pupae have said so, their worries are a bit unnecessary, and they can return home earlier after get off work, which is still attractive to them.

While the employees were evacuating one after another, Xiyuanji Pupa helped Yagyu Xiaye into the room they were in before.

The difference from before is that there is no one in the room, and there are only real objects eaten by Kiyoura Mai and Katsura Manami on the table.

"It looks pretty good, but it can only be a pity."

Xiyuanji Pupa first put Yagyu Xiaye on a stool, and then went out to finish the finishing work of Radish before returning to the room.

There is another room in the dining room, which is the room where Xiyuanji pupa rests, and it is also the place where Yagyu Xia Ye was recruited last time.

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