"It's nothing, I hope you can achieve good results in this weekend's sports meeting, and bring more honor to the class."

"Has Yagyu-san signed up for the project?" Kato Otome asked curiously.

Regarding the school sports meeting, all classes are now actively preparing for the competition. As a sports girl in Class [-] of the year, of course, she intends to bring more glory to the class at the sports meeting.

However, it seems that Yagyu Xiaye has not personally submitted the application for registration.

"Well, someone has already registered for me, so we are considered comrades-in-arms at the sports meeting. Since the comrade-in-arms is in trouble, of course I will not sit idly by."

It turned out that Yagyu Xiaye didn't sign up in person, and Otome Kato also knew who signed up for Liusheng Xiaye. Except for Liusheng Xiaye's tablemate Gui Yanye, there was no one else.

This kind of feeling is not good, as if Gui Yanye has taken advantage of everything.

"Next week, the Women's Basketball Club of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University invited us to play another friendly basketball match. We have already agreed. Liu Sheng, will you go with us?"

The Girls Basketball Club of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University indeed sent an invitation to the Girls Basketball Club of Sakakano Academy for a friendly match, and the tone and style were completely different from the last time, so there should be no security personnel appearing last time Something that prevents access to the school.

However, even so, Kato Otome wanted to invite Yagyu Natsuya to go with her.

Although the question came out, Kato Otome was still very nervous, afraid that Yagyu Xiaye would refuse without even thinking about it, which would be too embarrassing.

Liu Sheng Xiaye's initial reaction was to refuse, because he wanted to spend more time with Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls.

If she disappears without knowing why and doesn't go home, I don't know what the two little loli will do next time I go home.

However, it seems that the invitation of my elder sister Yagyu Kubei will also be at the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University next week, so as long as the explanation is clear, the two little girls, Guixin and Ito Yuki, should understand that they have something to do instead of planning to do it again play disappear.

"Yes, I happen to have something to go to the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University next weekend, so it's no problem to go together."

Although Yagyu Xiaye didn't mean to go with their women's basketball team on purpose, Kato Otome was very happy that Yagyu Xiaye agreed to go with the women's basketball team.

"Thank you!" Kato Otome said a second thank you.

"If we don't speed up, we may have to start the second class in the afternoon when we go back." Liu Sheng Xia Ye reminded.

The lunch break of Sakakino Academy has already passed, and now it is the time for the first class in the morning and afternoon, so we have to hurry up to get back to Sakano Academy.


At the gate of Caiyun Academy, Yagyu Xiaye and Kato pitifully met those students who came to see Kyouichi Hanayamain.

Seeing the arrival of Yagyu Xia Ye, Kyouichi Hanayamain immediately stopped explaining to his followers, got into a taxi, and left Caiyun Academy.

After Kyouichi Hanayamain left, the rest of the students looked at Yagyu Xiaye with a little fear, fearing that Yagyu Xiaye would suddenly attack them.

However, Yagyu Xiaye was not interested in paying attention to these little shrimps. Just now, Kyouichi Hanayamain took the initiative to leave on his own initiative. If he stayed any longer, Yagyu Xiaye might take action against them.

When Otome Kato went out to stop the car, Yagyu Xiaye said to these little guys: "What are you looking at, I didn't see that it's time for class, so go back to class."

Of course I was afraid that you would do something to us.

These little fellows could only recite silently in their hearts, knowing that Liu Shengxiaye would not attack them, they walked into Caiyun Academy together.

Otome Kato had already stopped the taxi, and after Yagyu Xiaye got on the bus, she drove towards Sakakino Academy.


Finally, when the first get out of class was over in the afternoon, Natsuya Yagyu and Otome Kato came to Sakakino Academy together.

When the two were about to enter the school, another taxi stopped at the school gate, and the three people who got out of the car, Yagyu Xiaye and Kato Otome, all knew each other.

Miki Sawayong, the physical education teacher of Sakakino Academy, and two students from Class [-] of the first year, Miki Sawayong's younger brother Taisuke Sawayong and his best friend Makoto Ito.

The three of them also saw Yagyu Xiaye and Kato Otome standing at the school gate.

Makoto Ito suddenly took a small step back unconsciously, as if hiding behind Miki Sawaaga.

"Yagyu-san and Kato-san, why are you at the school gate at this time?" Miki Sawanaga looked at the time in his hand, and found that it was the time when get out of class was over. Logically speaking, Yagyu Natsuya and Kato Otome should be inside the school Or within the class.

"I just came back now because I went to deal with some things. The morning class is over, and the last class is self-study." Yagyu Xia Ye answered Zeyong Miki's question, but he didn't pay attention to it all the time. Sawa Yong Taisuke and Ito Makoto.

"Yagyu-san, can we have a chat?" Zeyong Miki said to Yagyu Xiaye.

It seemed that there was something she didn't want Kato Otome to hear, Yagyu Xiaye signaled Kato Otome to go back to the classroom first, and there was no need to worry about things here.

Kato Otome had no objection, turned around and walked into the school.

And Sawaaga Miki also took Sawayong Taisuke to the school with Ito Makoto, yes, like a couple, Ito Makoto actually held Sawayong Taisuke's arm, and Zeyong Taisuke did not dislike him.

"Yagyu-san, can the punishment of my brother Taisuke and Ito-san end here?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Although there is no evidence, when seeing Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto, the first thing Zeyong Miki thought of was Yagyu Natsuya.

Because Yagyu Natsuya had enough festivals with Sawayong Taisuke and Ito Makoto, and now Sawayong Taisuke and Ito Makoto have become like this, Zeyong Miki hopes that Yagyu Natsuya can stop.

Miki Zeyong never thought of calling the police to arrest Yagyu Xia Ye, not only Miki Zeyong didn't have complete evidence, but also the background strength that Yagyu Xia Ye showed.

Now, what Zeyong Miki can do is to say good things in front of Yagyu Xiaye, so that Yagyu Xiaye will stop haggling with Zeyong Taisuke.

However, for Miki Zeyong's words, Yagyu Xiaye showed a puzzled expression, and said: "Mr. Zeyong, I don't quite understand what you mean. Could it be that Makoto Ito and Taisuke Zeyong have been talking about it for the past few days?" Did something happen to you when you didn’t come to school? Even though I had a holiday with them, you can’t say that I was the culprit for what happened to them.”

Of course, Yagyu Natsuya didn't admit that he did what happened to Taisuke Sawa and Makoto Ito when Miki Zeyong just asked. That would only make him feel uncomfortable.

Yagyu Xiaye's refusal, Ze Yong Miki also guessed, and then said: "I promise that my brother and Ito-san will not provoke you or those around you again in the future, I hope you can forgive them, after all, they have already punished."

"Mr. Zeyong, as long as I don't want to mess with me, I usually don't care about it, because it will waste a lot of my time. The next class is about to start, and I have to go back to class. It's okay to be late." Not the right of our students."

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