After Yagyu Natsuya entered the school, Sawaaga Miki also made a decision in her heart. She must warn Sawayong Taisuke and Ito Makoto again not to provoke Yagyu Natsuya again.


Back to class four, one year, just in time for the bell to start.

The teacher hasn't come yet, so there are still words in the classroom that haven't stopped before.

Yagyu Xiaye saw Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami talking, and when Gui Yanye saw him coming in, he also sat down.

Because the teacher was coming soon, Yagyu Xia Ye did not greet Qihai of Ganlu Temple.However, when passing by the two of them, Qihai of Ganlu Temple whispered: "Thank you, Liu Yu."

Liu Shengxia Ye didn't reply, just walked in front of them.

After returning to his seat and sitting down, Gui Yanye said, "Welcome back."

"Don't worry, everything is settled, let's go to class first."

This time, Gui Yanye didn't ask, and Yagyu Xiaye also planned to take the initiative to talk to Gui Yanye about the pitiful things of Kyouichi Hanayamain and Kato.


Gui Yanye also understood what Liu Shengxia Ye meant, and a joyful expression appeared on his face. This was the first time Liu Shengxia Ye planned to confess to her.

The teacher in class was gone, and the class immediately became quiet.


Afterwards, perhaps because of Gui Yanye's presence, neither Kato Otome nor Ganluji Qihai came up to talk to Yagyu Xia Ye.

Liu Shengxia went out with Gui Yanye, and met Xiyuan Temple World at the school gate.

"Ito and Sawayong Taisuke are back, be careful." Although he is familiar with Gui Yanye, Xiyuanji World and Gui Yanye still don't have much to talk about.The reason why Xiyuan Temple World waited at the gate of the school was to tell Yagyu Xia Ye the news.

"Thank you, but those who watched them come back in person should pray that they don't come to provoke me again." Liu Shengxia night expressed his gratitude to Xiyuan Temple World for the reminder, and then said: "Go back and help now?"

"Sister Ertiao is planning to come over today, and I'm going back to teach them. If you have time to rest, can you come and help?" Regardless of Gui Yanye's presence, Xiyuan Temple World asked directly.

"This weekend is the sports meeting, and next weekend I will go to the high school attached to Lingyang University to meet someone, so I don't have time for these two weeks. But if you have any problems that you can't solve, you can contact me. "I had something to do on the two weekends, so Yagyu Xia Ye refused the request of Xiyuan Temple World.

"Okay, that's it for now. Goodbye, classmate Gui."

"Goodbye." Gui Yanye said goodbye to Xiyuan Temple World politely.

On the way to the car with Gui Yanye, I found that Gui Yanye's mood was a little bit wrong, Liu Shengxiaye immediately said: "Yanye, are you worried about Ito Makoto and Zeyong Taisuke's return to school?"

"I don't want Xia Ye to... because of me?" Gui Yanye wanted to say that all these problems were caused by her, but was immediately interrupted by Liu Shengxia Ye, and said: "Those two guys also provoked me Yes, so don’t talk about the things that implicate me. Also, don’t worry about Makoto Ito and Taisuke Sawayong, you can just pretend that they don’t exist, trust me!”

Gui Yanye was a little worried at first, but Liu Shengxia Ye stopped Gui Yanye's mouth by saying that he believed him.

"Xia Ye, is what you said to Xiyuansi students just now true?"

"Do you mean?"

"I will go to the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University next week."

"It's true. People in my family have found me recently, so if you want me to meet in the past, there will be no problem." Liu Shengxiaye only said that the people in the family met, and did not say that he would attend the meeting. There was a friendly match between Sakakino Academy and the women's basketball club of the high school attached to Lingyang University.

"Xia Ye, your family members?" Since knowing Liu Sheng Xia Ye, he has never heard of the situation of the family members. Now that he suddenly mentioned it, Gui Yanye was a little bit unconvinced.

"When the time is right, I'll introduce you to each other. Now let's pick up Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi first, otherwise the two little guys will think I've broken my promise."

"Okay, they will be very happy to see you." Gui Yanye said with a smile, not only because Liu Sheng Xia Ye wanted to pick up Gui Xin and Ito Zhi with her, but also because Liu Sheng Xia Ye said that he would introduce his family People get to know her.

Is this an admission of something?


In the car, Yagyu Xiaye told Gui Yanye about Kato Poor and Hanayamain Kyouichi.

Gui Yanye, who knew the truth, let go of Kato Otome's prejudice, because the elder sister who can protect her sister like that is not a very bad person.He scolded Kyouichi Hanayamain for being a scumbag, and at the same time, he hoped that when Yagyu Xiaye encountered Kyouichi Hanayamain doing such a scumbag again, he would not give him a warning and teach him a lesson.

"How could there be such a senior in our school?" Gui Yanye knew that Kyouichi Hanayamain was a senior student in Sakakino Academy, so he still called him senior.

Author's message:

Thank you for the support of the 2 monthly tickets for soy sauce, and thank you for the 500 happy coins reward from the ideal town in the Far East.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"The school isn't full of good students anymore, isn't there just two examples in the next class?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye reminded.

It was only then that Gui Yanye came to his senses. Apart from the senior student Kyouichi Hanayamain at Sakakino Gakuen, Makoto Ito and Taisuke Sawa from the next class were at the same level as Gui Yanye and Yagyu Natsuya. These three should say It was in Sakakino Academy that Gui Yanye had the worst impression of it.

Although I said before that I want Yagyu Xiaye to teach him a lesson when he encounters Kyoichi Kayamain doing bad things again, but Gui Yanye still reminds Yagyu Xiaye to pay attention to safety, because Kyouichi Huashanin is Yagyu Xiaye's elder after all.

For Gui Yanye's worries, Yagyu Xiaye of course accepted, but he thought in his heart that Kyouichi Huashanin should be worried about him.

Afterwards, the two got off the car and went to Gui Xin and Ito Yuki's school together.


Since Liu Shengxia came to Radish as a part-time job, Gui Yanye did not often come to the school of the two little girls to pick them up, because Gui Yanye still has a lot of things to do, such as shopping for vegetables and cooking.

Although it is said that he will cook today, but after all, he came with Liu Shengxia Ye, so it must not be a problem.

At Gui Xin and Ito Zhi's school, many students came out of the school at this time, and the parents guarding outside picked up their children.

For the time being, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little lolitas, could not be seen coming out, but Liu Sheng Xia Ye saw someone he knew.

The mother of Guixin's good friend Uzuki Ii.

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