The last time I saw it in Fukushin Park, and then in the incident when Ii Uzuki and Hanayamain Kyoichi came out alone, after Yagyu Xiaye taught the gangsters a lesson, Ii Uzuki's mother was notified to pick up Ii Uzuki.

Obviously, she who didn't wait for her own daughter also saw Liu Shengxia Ye.

"Thank you very much for your help last time, Yagyu-san." Jingi Uzuki's mother bowed to Yagyu Xia Ye in gratitude.

The last time Jing Yi Uzuki was handed over to her, she had already done this action, but today when she met Yagyu Xia Ye again, she did it again.

Gui Yanye was very surprised. You must know that Jing Yi Uzuki's mother used honorific words and bowed to Yagyu Xia Ye just now.

In this world where the relationship between the younger and the younger is clearly defined and the social status is clear, such a situation can only show that Yagyu Natsuya has given Jingi Uzuki's mother a lot of help.

"It was just a coincidence that I met you that day. You have already thanked me before, so there is no need to do so in the future. However, if you have time, it is best to take Jingyi Uzuki to see a doctor, especially a psychological doctor." Natsu Yagyu Ye reminded Jingi Uzuki's mother and said.

After the last incident, Yagyu Xiaye felt that there was something wrong with Jingi Uzuki's state, and he didn't think about it at the time, but now that he thinks about it, he must be reminded.

Jingi Uzuki's mother was taken aback, she hadn't considered this aspect yet.

Yagyu Xia Ye didn't tell her about the last incident in detail, and Jing Yi Uzuki didn't say anything to her when she was going home or on the way home.

So Jingi Uzuki's mother thought it was just a general incident, but now when Yagyu Xiaye said that it was best to take Jingi Uzuki to the hospital, and it was still in the psychology department, she immediately panicked.

"Sorry, I'm going to see if Uzuki has come out." After apologizing to Yagyu Xiaye and Gui Yanye, Jingi Uzuki's mother approached the school gate.

After Jingyi Uzuki's mother left, Gui Yanye asked, "Xia Ye, did something happen to my careful friend?"

Gui Yanye also knew that Jing Yi Maoyue was Gui Xin's good friend, and she was worried that what happened to Jing Yi Maoyue would affect Gui Xin.

"Don't worry, that matter has been resolved."


When Liu Sheng Xia Ye was talking to Gui Yanye, students came out of the school one after another, among them were two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.

However, when it was surprising, another little loli, Ii Uzuki, was also with them.

"Uzuki, here." Jingyi Uzuki's mother recruited Jingyi Uzuki and asked Jingyi Uzuki to come to her side.

"Be careful, Xiao Zhi, we are here." Gui Yanye also waved to Ito Zhi and Gui Xin, but the reaction of the two little lolita made Gui Yanye a little unhappy.

Gui Xin and Ito Zhi were indeed the first to see Gui Yanye who was beckoning, but when they wanted to respond, they saw Liusheng Xiaye beside Gui Yanye, and immediately rushed towards Liusheng Xiaye.

"Big brother!" The two little lolis called each other the same, and then threw themselves into Liu Shengxia Ye's arms, making Gui Yanye who was standing next to her a little upset.

"Big brother, you're so good at picking us up." Gui Xin asked, holding Liu Sheng Xia Ye tightly.

"I said that I will never leave in the future. I will definitely pick you up after school today. But don't forget, there is another person who will pick you up." Liu Sheng Xia Ye pulled the two little girls up, but But still couldn't stop the two little lolis from holding one of his hands.

After being reminded by Yagyu Xia Ye, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi only reacted.

"Sister (Sister Yan Ye), thank you for coming to pick me up." Although they were all words of thanks, they were very different from when facing Liu Shengxia Ye.

In fact, Gui Yanye is not so stingy, and now that the two little lolitas have expressed their gratitude to themselves, they will definitely not show an unhappy look, but instead smiled and said: "Okay, let's go back first, and buy some by the way." What you like to eat."

"I want to eat dinner made by big brother." What the two little girls said made Gui Yanye's face turn dark again, which obviously meant that she didn't like her dinner.

Fortunately, Liu Shengxia Ye said at this time: "You have been doing it for so long, let me do it today, you can take a rest."

When Yagyu Natsuya and the others wanted to leave, Jingi Uzuki's mother stopped them.

"Liu Shengsang..." Called Liu Sheng Xia Ye, but did not speak.

Jingi Uzuki hid behind her mother, as if she was afraid or afraid to face something.

"Uzuki, do you have something to say to big brother?" Guixin and Jingyi Uzuki are good friends, so they seem to be able to guess some possibilities.

Jing Yi Uzuki, who was not obsessed with objecting, let Guixin know what to do, passed Jing Yi Uzuki's mother, pulled Jing Yi Uzuki out from behind her, and came in front of Liu Shengxiaye.

"Big brother, let me introduce you again. This is my good friend Jingyi Uzuki." The reason for introducing again is because Liu Shengxiaye had told Gui Xin before that she should stay away from Jingyi Uzuki.

Author's message:

Thank you for the monthly ticket support of life is only if you first meet and the world scenery, thank you for the reward of 200 happy coins from the prophet, thank you for the reward of 1500 happy coins from Muyi, thank you for the reward of 1500 happy coins, and thank you for the 100 happy coins of USure Coin reward.

Testimonials on shelves plus ten more update notices

Belated testimonials.

The testimonials on the shelf were published at this time, and the author is probably the only one.

Originally, it was not put on the shelves so soon, maybe it was not communicated well, so the book was put on the shelves at this time, and the author took the blame for it.

Although it is not the first time to write a testimonial on the shelves, every time I write it, I feel apprehensive, because I don't know if the book will flutter after it is put on the shelves.

But judging from last night's chapters, the book has hit the street.

In view of the sudden release, ten chapters will be updated today, and the results after ten chapters almost determine the score of this book.

So I still have the cheek to beg for a subscription and a monthly pass here, Mr. Liusheng kneels and thanks.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the first few days, although Gui Yanye had listened to Yagyu Xia Ye's words, getting along with Jing Yi Uzuki at school was different from before.

And after Yuki Ito lived at home, he and Ii Uzuki were limited to greeting each other when they met.

However, just a few days ago, Yuki Ito discovered that something was wrong with Uzuki, and Guixin turned his attention to Uzuki again.

Unable to say anything, Guixin clearly felt that Jingi Uzuki was different from before, but for a while, she didn't know where the strangeness was, and her relationship with Jingi Uzuki began to slowly recover again, and even Ito Yuki and Jingi Uzuki became friends. friends.

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