Kuroda Hikaru ignored Liu Shengxia Ye, so after Liu Sheng Xia Ye finished speaking, he left to reconcile with Gui Yanye.


Together with Gui Yanye, they came to Gui Xin's school, and did not meet Jing Yi Uzuki's mother and daughter again, but saw Gui Xin and Ito Yuki appearing at the school gate.

The two little girls also saw the arrival of Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye, and just like yesterday, they all ran over and threw themselves into Liu Sheng Xia Ye's arms.

However, Liu Shengxia Ye felt something strange.

It's from Yuki Ito.

Yesterday was the excitement of seeing Yagyu Natsuya, but today Yagyu Natsuya could feel Ito Yuki's petite body trembling, and pulled Yagyu Natsuya's clothes tightly.

Pulling away the two little lolitas and leaving one on the side, Yuki Ito wrote another letter in the palm of Yagyu Xiaye's palm, Yagyu Xiaye frowned, and then immediately returned to normal.

"Be careful, have you been with Xiao Zhi all this time?"

"Yes, even going to the bathroom together." Gui Xin answered Liu Shengxia Ye's question, and made Gui Yanye take a look at him.

"That's fine, let's go home first."

"Okay, we can have dinner made by big brother again." Gui Xin said happily.

And Yuki Ito, who came to Yagyu Xia Ye, was not as nervous at first, and started to look forward to dinner tonight just like Gui Xin.


We went to pick out vegetables together when we were shopping, but Yagyu Xiaye did not make the dinner tonight, because when Yagyu Xiaye was cooking, he received a text message.

A message from Dongcheng said that he was already outside the door.

I explained to Gui Yanye that I had something to go out for, but I didn't tell Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, I took the envelope from the living room, it was Ito Zhi who found a chance to hand it to Yagyu Xia Ye after I came back, and it was also not disassembled.

Because he didn't want Gui Yanye to find out, Liu Shengxia Ye didn't open it at that time. He was about to go out at this time, so he could take this opportunity to open it to see what was written inside.

Not too far away, Yagyu Xiaye saw Dongcheng, the retainer of the Yagyu family.

Kitazawa, who often appeared with him, did not follow this time, and found that Yagyu Xiaye was coming. Dongcheng wanted to pack his luggage, but was stopped by Yagyu Xiaye.

"wait for me."

In no hurry to ask Dongcheng to take out the investigation materials of Sawa Koshiyuki, Yagyu Xiaye first opened the envelope that Ito Yuki found in her schoolbag today.

The content inside is basically the same as yesterday, but the tone of threat is a little more serious.

After reading it, Yagyu Xiaye tore up the letter and the envelope and put them into the recycle bin next to it.

"Young Master..." Seeing Liu Shengxia Ye's anger, Dong Cheng thought that Liu Sheng Xia Ye had already learned about Ze Yuezhi's information first, so he blamed him for being slow in coming.

After controlling his emotions, Liu Shengxia Ye said to Dongcheng: "Dongcheng, show me the information you have investigated."

Liu Shengxia Ye wanted to know what kind of abilities this Ze Yuezhi had.

"Young master, you must restrain yourself after reading it, here..."

"Give it to me, don't you just show me what I asked you to investigate?"

Liu Shengxia Ye insisted, and Dong Cheng didn't refuse, and handed the file bag in his hand to Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

After receiving it, I found that it actually had a certain amount of weight, which surprised Liu Shengxiaye, who has such a thick profile.

After finding a place to sit down, Yagyu Xia Ye opened the file bag and began to read the contents inside.

The thing that worried Dongcheng did not happen, Yagyu Xiaye has been reading the documents inside calmly, page by page, as if flipping through a literary novel.

Even after turning over the last page, Dongcheng still didn't notice anything unusual about Liu Shengxia Ye.

"Dongcheng, tell me about the privileges that the Liusheng family has in this era." After reading all the documents, Liushengxiaye actually started to ask Dongcheng about the Liusheng family.

This made Dongcheng very excited, because now Liusheng Xiaye began to care about the Liusheng family, which meant that Li Liusheng Xiaye's complete return to the Liusheng family was just around the corner.

"Young master, the Liusheng family has been passed down as an inheritance..." Dongcheng crackled and talked about the history and honor of the Liusheng family, and of course he had the privilege of Liusheng Xiaye's concern.

"Stop, you just said that Liu Sheng's family can have private punishment?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye interrupted Dongcheng when he heard the key point.

"There have been, since the Yagyu family. Some are aimed at the Yagyu family's children, some are aimed at the Yagyu family's retainers, and some are aimed at the Yagyu family's enemies."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Who has the power to punish?"

"Young master, as the first heir of the Liusheng family, you can definitely have the right to punish the Liusheng family, but since you have been away from home for many years, young master, you need to go home, it is best to hold an inheritance ceremony, so that Then you can use the punishment power of the Yagyu family."

"Aside from me, who else has the punishment power of the Yagyu family? Does my sister have it?"

The elder sister that Yagyu Xia Ye mentioned was of course the current heir of the Yagyu family, Yagyu Kubei.

"Of course the young master has power, but they are all waiting for you, young master, to go back and inherit it."

Liu Sheng Xia Ye was a little flustered by Dong Cheng’s words about the two young masters, so he said, “Dong Cheng, you can continue to call me sister if you say the young master in the future. Young Master, you can call me by my name directly."

"Don't dare in Dongcheng, primary and secondary cannot be violated. And if you go back with me now, young master, there will be only one young master in the Liusheng family."

This is not the meaning of Dongcheng's disdain for Yagyu Jiubei as the young master of the Yagyu family.

On the contrary, during the years when Yagyu Xiaye disappeared and Yagyu Jiubei was the young master of the Yagyu family, he did a very good job.

Unfortunately, Yagyu Kubei is a daughter.

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