This point, Yagyu Kubei himself also understands, that's why he has been looking for Yagyu Xia Ye.

"Forget it, since my sister has such ability, let me go to her school to discuss it with her next week, but I need you to do something these days."

Dongcheng also didn't ask Liusheng Xiaye what he wanted to find Liusheng Jiubingwei, because there are some things that they, who are retainers, should not know well. Although Liusheng Xiaye is harmless to humans and animals, there are some taboos that should not be committed. .

"You keep an eye on Ze Yuezhi, don't let him get close to Ito Zhi and Gui Xin's school, if there are people who are disobedient and insist on helping, you can deal with those people yourself." Yagyu Xiaye told Dongcheng Said.

The reason why Yagyu Xia Ye judged that someone was secretly helping Ze Yuezhi was because an envelope appeared in Ito Yuki's schoolbag today.

Gui Xin and Ito Zhi were together all day today, and they didn't meet any strangers who came to the school class. They were familiar with each other when they came in and out, or they were all from their school.

But Ze Yuezhi's second envelope still appeared in Ze Yuezhi's schoolbag. There must be someone's help inside, either a student or an employee of the school.

This kind of thing that would bring pressure to Ito Zhi must be stopped, so Yagyu Natsuya ordered Dongcheng not to stay behind those who helped Ze Yuezhi to do this.

As for Ze Yuezhi, he still focuses on staring at him now, and it won't be too late to deal with him after he meets Yagyu Kubei next week.

"I see, young master, your school needs us..."

"My school doesn't need it. If it really happens to me, I'll get rid of him unceremoniously." Liu Shengxia Ye said coldly at this time.

It seems that the young master is still angry, but he just endured it.I really don't know what kind of treatment that guy will encounter?However, Dongcheng, who read some of the investigation materials, also felt that it would be better for a scum like Ze Yuezhi to be punished earlier.

"If my sister asks me about Liu Sheng's family, you can tell her that I will visit her school next week, and you can take this information with you." Liu Sheng Xia Ye handed the information to her It was returned to Dongcheng.

In the end, the Dongcheng part of the document was still a little unclear, so why did Liu Sheng Xia Ye want this document, so why did he read it once and then hand it back.

"Tell my sister that I appreciate the kindness this time, but I will handle my affairs myself."

Liu Shengxiaye's words made Dongcheng break out in cold sweat. It turned out that Liusheng Xiaye knew that this information was not the result of Dongcheng's investigation alone.

"Young master, I'm sorry, because..."

"I don't mean to blame you. On the contrary, you did a good job, but it's not as detailed as my sister's. Also, I don't want someone from the Liusheng family to contact those principals privately before I resolve the matter. "

"Our investigative team has also been ordered to do so."

"Just get it. If you have nothing to do, go back first. I'm going back too. Otherwise, they might come out to find me."

As soon as Liu Sheng Xia Ye finished speaking, he saw Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little lolis, coming out of a corner, looking left and right, as if they were looking for something.

Dong Cheng immediately bid farewell to Yagyu Xia Ye, and quickly disappeared.

And the two little lolitas also saw Liu Shengxia Ye at this time, and they were shouting from a long distance away.

Liu Shengxia Ye also went up to meet him, and the two little girls held Liu Sheng Xia Ye's hand one by one, entangled Liu Sheng Xia Ye tightly.

"I just come out to get some air, and I don't know how to run."

"We are just afraid that you will leave." The two little lolitas did not show any weakness at all.


Gui Yanye has already prepared dinner and is waiting for Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Xin to come back.

Greeting Gui Xin and Ito Zhi to go to the kitchen to help serve the dishes, Yagyu Xia Ye is of course enjoying it.

After dinner, the two little girls went to the TV first, while Gui Yanye asked Liu Sheng Xia Ye while cleaning up.

"Xia Ye, today you are so thoughtful about applying for so many competitions at once, and you also compared the school's historical records?"

"I just want to add a little more fun to the boring life. Of course, comparing the school's records is to see if there is a chance to break the school's records. In the end, it seems that the hope is quite high."

Liu Shengxia Ye said it easily, but Gui Yanye was very surprised.

"Xia Ye, you said you were going to break the school's record? Are you kidding me?"

"Participating without breaking the record is not fun at all. Yan Ye, didn't you say that you also signed up? What kinds of events are there?"

"Rope skipping and table tennis." Gui Yanye only registered for two competitions.

"Although the school's table tennis is also an individual competition, it's been too long so I didn't sign up, but if we go out to play together in the future, we can find a place to play table tennis." The quiet Gui Yanye can actually play Table tennis, this was a bit beyond Liu Shengxiaye's expectation.

On the way to bring the bowls and chopsticks into the kitchen, Gui Yanye reminded Liu Sheng Xia Ye: "Since Xia Ye wants to win the championship and break the school record, you should take a good look at the books I brought back."

"Don't look at it, take it easy, do you need help in the kitchen?"

"I can take care of it, you can go and put the bath water for Xiao Zhi and you carefully."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the evening, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi still obediently did not ask to sleep with Yagyu Xia Ye, but Ito Zhi also said that if the incident of today and yesterday happened again tomorrow, then tomorrow night must sleep with Yagyu Xia Ye. Together, because that will have a sense of security.

Of course Yagyu Xiaye agreed to this request, but Guixin and Ito Yuki's schools will be monitored tomorrow, and Ze Yuezhi will also be targeted. There must be no chance for the envelope to appear again.

Of course, these Liusheng Xia Ye did not mention it clearly.


The next day, when Liu Sheng Xiaye was making breakfast, he made an extra portion, which was the portion from Xiyuan Temple World, but Gui Yanye did not see it.

When sending Gui Xin and Ito Makoto to the school, they just saw Jing Yi Uzuki, led by her mother, was about to enter the school.

"Uzuki, we are here." After letting go of Yagyu Xia Ye, Guixin and Ito Yuki walked towards Jingi Uzuki together.

Seeing Yuki Ito and Gui Xin appearing together, a smile appeared on Jingi Uzuki's face, and after saying goodbye to her mother, the three walked into the school together.

"Yagyu-san, thank you for your reminder." Jing Yi Uzuki's mother came to Liusheng Xiaye and Gui Yanye and said.

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