"Boy Yagyu, do you think it's a rare time to call me because you miss me?" On the other end of the phone was the pupa of Xiyuanji.

Fortunately, it's not hands-free now, otherwise Yagyu Xiaye would still feel embarrassed if Xiyuanji World heard Xiyuanji pupa call him that.

A little farther away from the world of Xiyuan Temple, Yagyu Xia Ye said: "Manager, I am on the roof of the school with the world, so please speak softly."

"I won't, I want you to turn the microphone to hands-free, at least you can see how that girl cares for you." Xiyuansi pupa heard that her daughter was by Yagyu Xiaye's side, He seemed even more excited. If the other side of the phone could operate and turn on the speakerphone, maybe Xiyuanji pupae would have done this.

"Manager, where are you traveling now?"

"We're done with our tour, and we need to come back to deal with some things." Xiyuan Temple pupa didn't say it was because of Ze Yuezhi.

"You, Setsuna's mother and..."

"And the mother of the sisters you live with is coming back too, maybe we can add Ruo Ye and have a drink together." Of course Luo Ye is the mother of the two sisters, and she is now managing Radish's store manager .

He broke into a sweat after drinking a cup of Liu Sheng Xia Ye. Last time, he didn't expect such a thing to happen. Now Liu Sheng Xia Ye must be more vigilant.

"Shop Manager, you don't want to come back, I will take care of the matter." Yagyu Xia Ye said to Xiyuansi Puzi.

On the one hand, Yagyu Xiaye didn't want to experience what happened last time again, and on the other hand, if Xiyuanji pupae and people related to Ze Yuezhi came back, they might have more worries when making a move.

"Boy Liusheng, you don't even know what we are doing when we go back, so you just boasted that you will help us solve it. After being bullied by us, machismo broke out all of a sudden?"

"I have already guessed what it is, and I have just confirmed it in the world. If you let you handle it, it will only become more and more chaotic, so this kind of thing should be left to me, an outsider."

"What, the world will actually tell you..." On the other end of the phone, Xiyuan Temple's pupa was a little flustered.

"The world didn't say anything, it was just cheated out by me. I live in Sister Yanye's house, work part-time in your Radish, and I'm a classmate with Kiyoura Shina, of course I don't look at my landlord, my employer and myself Bad things happen to my classmates.”


"If you believe in me, give everything to me, and I guarantee that you will have the new life you are looking forward to in the future."

This time, Xiyuan Temple Pupa was silent for a long time on the other end of the phone, and then said: "Of course I choose to believe you. If you can really help us solve the problem, I don't mind being with the world..."

Before Xiyuanji's pupa could say anything, Yagyu Xiaye hung up the phone.

After seeing Liu Sheng Xia Ye hang up the phone, Xiyuan Temple World asked: "Xia Ye, are you calling my mother?"

"Yes, I advised the store manager not to come back first, and they should agree to my advice."


"Leave the rest to me, trust me."


And foreign airports.

"You actually hung up on me before I finished talking, damn it!"

"Pupa, is that boy calling? Why do you even say that?" Kiyoura Setsuna's mother asked Xiyuanji Pupa.

Yagyu Xia Ye hung up the phone and didn't hear what was said later, but Kiyoura Mai and Katsura Manami who were beside Xiyuanji Pupa could hear clearly, Xiyuanji Pupa said that she didn't mind talking with her daughter Xiyuan Sonoji pupa accompanied Yagyu Xiaye together.

"Our men already know about us." When she was with friends like Katsura Manami and Kiyoura Mai, Xiyuanji pupa seemed to have no scruples, and directly called Yagyu Xiaye their man.

This made Kiyoura Mai and Katsura Manami very helpless, and they couldn't find anything to refute.

"Is our matter the matter of your drug?" Katsura Manami asked.

"Of course not. You must have found out about the medicine the next day. You definitely wouldn't just call me today to tell me about it. What I said was something the three of us were going to go back to solve today. He already knew about it. And told us not to go back and let him solve it alone." Said Xiyuanji pupa.

"My God, how could that be? How would he know?"

"It's impossible, why would he know?"

Katsura Manami and Kiyoura Mai were also very shocked after learning the real purpose of Liusheng Xiaye's call just now, because that was indeed not something Yagyu Xiaye should know.

"Don't ask me, I don't know what's going on, now we have two options. The first is to go back, but I believe what the little man said on the phone just now, we can't solve the problem perfectly when we go back, saying Maybe it will also involve Yan Ye, the world and the others. The second is to choose to trust our little man and believe that he will help us solve the problems that have been bothering us."

After hearing these two choices, Kiyoura Mai and Katsura Manami did not easily say their choices for a while.

"Pupus, can you feel his attitude? The attitude towards us is not important, what is important is the attitude towards Yan Ye, the world, and Setsuna." Katsura Manami asked.

"The attitude towards us can only be felt by ourselves after the matter is over, but the little man said that the reason why he made a move is because he doesn't want bad things to happen to his landlord, his employer, and his classmates." Xi Yuan Temple Pupa relayed Yagyu Xiaye's words once.

"Pupus, what's your choice?" Qingpu Wu asked.

Author's message:

Thanks to gaochao, lzfgh, Forever の Kaguya Ji and Shuke 5824716324 for their rewards of 100 happy coins.Thanks to gaochao, Kankanmiao, The Lonely Watcher, Sister Sai for selling her cuteness, Witch Witch Lingmeng and Shuke 492741136 for each monthly ticket reward.

ps: Tell me about the update.There is no 10 update today, and yesterday's [-] update results are there, so I can't beat it.

In the future, it will basically maintain two shifts a day, and occasionally there will be three shifts on Saturdays and Sundays.

Finally, please subscribe, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, and ask for everything.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Of course I choose to believe in our little man. He will not let us down. He has never let me down." Facing Kiyoura Mai's question, Xiyuan Temple pupa said her words without thinking. choose.

The choice of Xiyuanji pupa was not beyond the expectations of Kiyoura Mai and Katsura Manami. After all, Xiyuanji and Yagyu Xiaye spent much longer time together than them, so they must know more about Yagyu Xiaye a little.

Now, judging from the information Liu Shengxia Ye revealed just now, Liu Shengxia Ye must have grasped most of what happened to them.

Although I don't know how Yagyu Xiaye managed it, it still made Kiyoura Mai and Katsura Manami feel scared.

Because, if the person who knows the information is unfriendly to them and spreads the information, it will cause indelible harm to their children.

"Can we trust his mother like a chrysalis?" Katsura Manami asked Kiyoura Mai.

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