Because the contact between Katsura Manami and Yagyu Xiaye is really limited, apart from Xiyuanji pupa, only Kiyoura Mai and Yagyu Xiaye have had contact here.

But in the face of Katsura Manami's question, Kiyoura Mai has one thing for sure.

"If what he said just now is true, then we don't have to worry about Setsuna and Yanye. They are worried about the world."

"Are we the ones to worry about?"

"However, his attitude towards me may be the same as what the pupa said before. We will only know when the matter is resolved and we go back."

"Then we won't go back?" Katsura Manami was still a little worried.

"Don't worry, the little man will still be responsible for such small things. What you need to think about is how to repay our little man after the matter is over. Do you want to come soberly?" Xiyuan Temple World said directly to Katsura Manami .

"You're going to die, you're so obscene." Katsura Manami couldn't bear the teasing of Xiyuanji's pupa, and blushed.

"You're still shy, do you think what you've been thinking about all these years and me and the dance party don't know?" Xiyuanji pupa said provocatively again.

After hearing the words of Xiyuan Temple Pupa, Katsura Manami looked at Kiyoura Mai, wanting to wait for her friend's confirmation.

"Manami, it's a bit obvious."

Now that Qingpu Wu actually said the same thing, Katsura Manami couldn't stay still any longer, she turned around and said angrily: "I won't go back, I will be angry if I go back with you."

Katsura Manami left, and Saizonoji Pupa and Kiyoura Mai did not plan to stay at the airport any longer.

Since they all chose to believe in Liu Shengxia Ye, let's wait for Liu Sheng Xia Ye to solve the things that have been bothering them.


"Xia Ye, what you said is true?" Xiyuan Temple World was very puzzled when it really understood that Liu Sheng Xia Ye wanted to help solve the problem.

"Of course, I don't want you to come to school without energy in the future, and there are not many bento boxes at home. If you don't plan to change them, I might go shopping for bento boxes again." Yagyu Xia Ye teased.

After eating today, Xiyuanji World still asked to take her bento box home and wash it, but the one she brought home yesterday really forgot to bring it back to Yagyu Xiaye today.

"Sorry, didn't mean to stay at home, it's just..."

"Don't be sorry, I now know what the reason is, so I'm going to solve your problem."

"Are you going back to Radish with me?" Xiyuanji World still felt that Radish was safer with Yagyu Xiaye.

What I received yesterday was just a call to the front desk of Radish, maybe that person will appear in Radish later.

"The sports meeting will start tomorrow, and I have to prepare a bit, so I won't go to Radish. But don't worry, that guy has no chance to go to Radish." Because the phone call with Xiyuanji Pupa was just over After that, Yagyu Xiaye used his mobile phone to issue an order to Dongcheng, which was to restrict Ze Yue from activities in or around people related to him.

Yagyu Xiaye has guaranteed this, so the Xiyuan Temple World still chooses to believe in Liusheng Xiaye. However, when it comes to the sports meeting, the Xiyuan Temple World thinks of one thing.

"I heard that you chose ten individual competitions?" Xiyuan Temple World learned about it from other places, so now I want to confirm it from Liusheng Xiaye.

"Well, school life is a bit boring, just looking for something fun. Have you signed up for the World?" Regarding the matter of the ten events, Yagyu Xia Ye did not intend to hide anything.

"Skipping rope and ping pong."

Hearing these two items mentioned by Xiyuan Temple World, Liu Sheng Xia Ye was also taken aback, because he seemed to have heard these two items from someone.

By the way, it's Gui Yanye.

Gui Yanye only applied for two projects, and they were exactly the same as those registered by Xiyuan Temple World.

"Come on, you will have a special opponent."

"Xia Ye, did you also sign up for these two?" Hearing that there was a special opponent, Xiyuan Temple World thought it was Yagyu Xia Ye.

"Although I also signed up for rope skipping, the men's and women's individual competitions are separate, so of course it can't be mine. As for who it is, you will know when the time comes. Class is about to start now, let's go down too." Yagyu Xiaye looked at the time, and then said to Xiyuan Temple World.

"Well, I will bring two bento boxes tomorrow, and I will also make a bento to exchange with you."



When I returned to the classroom, there was still some time before the first class in the afternoon.

As soon as he sat down, Gui Yanye said, "Xia Ye, let's have lunch together tomorrow."

"Where are your friends?" Now Gui Yanye has made a lot of changes, and Ganluji Qihai and Kato Otome have not continued to target her, so Gui Yanye still made friends in class. Lunch these days is all about having new friends.

"I have already told them the reason, and they expressed their willingness to understand." Gui Yanye said.

"Okay, come on at the sports meeting, you might meet interesting opponents." Liu Sheng Xiaye remembered the competition that Xiyuan Temple World participated in, and then said almost the same thing to Gui Yanye.

"An interesting opponent?"

"I will know when the game comes, I hope you can win."

"Since it's Xia Ye, if you wish, I will definitely work hard." Gui Yanye promised Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't say anything more, all he was thinking about was going to see Liu Sheng Jiubingwei at the Affiliated Middle School of Lingyang University next week, and asking for the punishment power of Liu Sheng's family.

Author's message:

This one is for Zimei who is eighteen years old. Thank you for your reward of 6100 Happy Coins and 8 monthly tickets for your support.

In addition, I would like to thank Ye Youyueying and Shuke 5824716324 for their reward of 100 happy coins and Liu Aotian~ for their reward of 200 happy coins.

The final practice asks for all support.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After finishing the afternoon class normally, Yagyu Xiaye and Gui Yanye left the school together after school.

However, there are still a large number of students who stayed, because the sports meeting will start tomorrow, and the current venue and some arrangements have not been completed yet.For example, Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami stayed together. They didn't stay to decorate props, but to gather people from the women's basketball club to train together to make sufficient preparations for the adoption next week.

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