Although Liu Shengxiaye was strong in personal factors, he was not strong in off-court factors.

It's just that something embarrassing happened to them.

Because of a road grab.

Originally, from left to right were Yagyu Natsuya, Ito Makoto, and Sawayong Taisuke, but at last I thought they were the students of the second class of the first year.

But Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto, who ran to the front, grabbed the road together.

Makoto Ito took the lead on the runway where Yagyu Xiaye was, while Taisuke Zeyong stepped up and ran on the runway where Makoto Ito was.

This was beyond everyone's expectations, and even the referee forgot to call a stop.

Because since the opening of the sports meeting at Sakakino Academy, there will indeed be lane grabbing in the [-]-meter sprint competition, but that is an isolated phenomenon.But now the fight between Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto seems to be premeditated, and it happened specifically for Yagyu Xiaye.

"How can this be?" Gui Yanye made a dissatisfied voice, and then the students in Class [-] of the first year were also somewhat dissatisfied.

The sound of cheering from the third class of the year also stagnated for a while because of rushing to the lane, but after the voice of doubt from the fourth class of the year came out, they immediately started to cheer for Taisuke Sawa and Makoto Ito, because they saw Makoto Ito and Makoto Ito Yong Taesuke gets a chance at honor for his class.

Being robbed by Ito Makoto and Sawayong Taisuke, Yagyu Xiaye did not show any panic, as if nothing had happened, she was still running forward and accelerated.

It was getting closer and closer to Ito Makoto, and Yagyu Xiaye's speed was also getting faster and faster. He was about to hit him, and Yagyu Xiaye didn't even intend to slow down.

"Be careful." Someone began to remind Ito Makoto who was running in front of Yagyu Xia Ye.

But Makoto Ito didn't care, because he also saw the opportunity to defeat Natsuya Yagyu at this time, this man who has always brought him shadows and failures, Makoto Ito also wanted Natsuya Yagyu to taste the taste of failure.

Zeyong Taisuke glanced back at Yagyu Xiaye, and found that the corners of Yagyu Xiaye's mouth turned up. Does this mean he is happy?

Then he felt the speed at which Yagyu Natsuya raised it again, and Zeyong Taisuke understood what Yagyu Natsuya wanted to do.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Shengxia Ye came here for Deception, and the target was Makoto Ito in front of him.

If that kind of thing didn't happen, Nazawa Yong Taisuke might just remind Ito Makoto to be careful, but since the two of them had a super-friendship relationship again, their attitude towards Ito Makoto also began to change slowly.

But now, Zeyong Taisuke can't just watch Ito Makoto being destroyed by Yagyu Natsuya.

There was no time to remind Makoto Ito to be careful, Tasuke Zeyong accelerated his speed to the limit, and then rushed directly to Makoto Ito.

Ito Makoto was a little dazed by the sudden attack. He didn't expect Zeyong Taisuke to do such a thing. Ito Makoto was thrown directly by Zeyong Taisuke and ran to the ground next to him.

Yagyu Natsuya also expected Zeyong Taisuke's actions, so after Zeyong Taisuke gave way to Ito Makoto's runway, Yagyu Natsuya immediately jumped onto the runway where Ito Makoto was, and then accelerated again to complete the final sprint.

Yagyu Xia Ye is the first place of course, the second place is not the combination of Sawayong Taisuke and Ito Makoto, because the two are still lying on the grass next to them, and the second place is the second class of the first year annual.

As for Taisuke Sawayong and Makoto Ito, the referee directly ruled them to abstain after one side did not get up. Therefore, in this sports meeting, there are only two winners in the [-]-meter sprint event.


After the competition, many people from the third class of the first year gathered around Makoto Ito and Taisuke Zeyong. Hikaru Kuroda directly asked Taisuke Zeyong, "Student Zeyong, are you okay?"

Zeyong Taisuke did not answer Kuroda Hikaru's question, but related to Ito Makoto who was under him.

"Makoto-kun, how are you?" Zeyong Taisuke's address to Ito Makoto made everyone in the third class a little strange, and Kuroda Hikaru's face darkened.

Since Zeyong Taisuke relieved his strength purposefully, neither he nor Ito Makoto suffered any actual damage, at most it could only be regarded as a minor injury, and it would be fine to slow it down a bit.

"Taisuke, why did you pounce on me just now?" Ito Makoto asked very puzzled, his tone was full of resentment, because if Zeyong Taisuke hadn't pounced on him, then he could have blocked Yagyu Xiaye to the finish line, and then Let Yagyu Xia Ye try the pain of failure.

"If I don't do that, that guy Yagyu Natsuya will definitely ruin you, and you also believe that he is the kind of person who can do it." Facing Makoto Ito's question, Taisuke Zeyong also explained.

After listening to Zeyong Taisuke's explanation, Ito Makoto also put away his annoyed expression, and began to think about the possibility of what Zeyong Taisuke said, and finally had to admit that Yagyu Natsuya is indeed a person who can do it.

Facing him and Zeyong Taisuke's indifference after robbing the lane, there is definitely a possibility that he intends to give him a fatal blow before the finish line.

And when Hikaru Kuroda heard that Sawayong Taisuke rushed to Ito Makoto because of this, he instantly became dissatisfied with Yagyu Natsuya, and went directly to Yagyu Natsuya who was receiving Gui Yanye's congratulations.

"Yagyu-san, don't you think you've gone too far?" Kuroda Hikaru asked directly.

"Student Kuroda, what do you mean?" Gui Yanye looked at Hikaru Kuroda in puzzlement.

In Gui Yanye's view, Yagyu Xiaye was the one targeted by Ito Makoto and Zeyong Taisuke, and now Zeyong Taisuke went crazy and threw Ito Makoto, and the two lost their qualifications together. In the end, Yagyu Natsu Ye won the championship and there was no objection.And Hikaru Kuroda came over to ask what Yagyu Natsuya meant, as if he was saying that Yagyu Natsuya was bullying Sawayong Taisuke and Ito Makoto for teaming up just now.

"What do you mean, ask him yourself." Because of Liu Shengxia Ye, Kuroda Hikaru's attitude towards Gui Yanye is also very bad now, although his attitude towards Gui Yanye was not very good before.

Seeing Gui Yanye being treated like this by Kuroda Hikaru, Liu Shengxia Ye felt a little unhappy, but he didn't explain it to Kuroda Hikaru himself.

"Teacher referee, what do you think about this matter?" Liu Shengxiaye directly asked the teacher referee of this competition.

After the match, the referee teacher was by Yagyu Xiaye's side almost all the time. They were older, so they knew what Kuroda Hikaru meant.

"Kuroda-san, Yagyu-san is not at fault in this matter, but Zeyong-san and Ito-san's behavior of directly interfering with their opponents during the competition will be criticized individually after the sports meeting is over." The referee The teacher expressed his attitude on this matter.

This is completely partial to Yagyu Xia Ye, but it should be done.

Because of Yagyu Xiaye's [-]-meter competition this time, although Yasuke Yasuke and Ito Makoto teamed up to grab the lane, they not only won the championship, but also broke the school's historical record, almost one second ahead of schedule.

Therefore, the referee teacher has enough reasons to favor Liu Sheng Xia Ye. The reason why he is by Liu Sheng Xia Ye's side is also to remind Liu Sheng Xia Ye to try his best in the next game.

Before the start of the sports meeting, they knew from Miki Zeyong that someone had signed up for ten competitions in this year's sports meeting.

At that time, these referees didn't feel anything, because in previous sports games, some people signed up for ten or more events, but in the end, no one was able to complete all the games.

Now Yagyu Xiaye also signed up for ten competitions, and now participated in two competitions, not only won the championship, but also broke the school's historical records.

Such a result had to make these referees start to pay attention to Yagyu Xiaye, maybe Yagyu Xiaye was the leader who revived the sports of Sakakino Academy.

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