"You..." Hikaru Kuroda didn't know what to do after being shown his attitude by the referee teacher.

Because anyone with a discerning eye knows that Ito Makoto and Zeyong Taisuke are the first to fight, and Yagyu Xiaye only speeds up after that.

As for what Zeyong Taisuke said, Yagyu Xiaye was aiming at destroying people, and Kuroda Hikaru and Ito Makoto probably took it seriously.

But it doesn't matter if the three of them take it seriously, after all, the referee teachers are now starting to define this matter.

Kuroda Hikaru did not get a satisfactory answer from Yagyu Xia Ye, and left angrily.

"Xia Ye, student Kuroda, what's going on?" Gui Yanye asked a little puzzled.

"It's okay, I'm just being stupid occasionally." Liu Shengxia Ye was not worried about Kuroda Hikaru, but instead asked the referee teacher: "Teacher, do you have anything to say to me?"

These referee teachers have been by Liusheng Xiaye's side since the end of the game, but because of Gui Yanye and Kuroda Hikaru just now, they have not spoken to Liusheng Xiaye.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Yayuu-san, after the sports meet, can you come to our staff room, there is something I need to discuss with you in person before we can confirm." The referee teacher also didn't immediately tell Yagyu Xiaye to represent Sakakano Academy's sports revival , because they haven't fully seen the potential of Liu Shengxia Ye, and such a direct request will definitely make Liu Sheng Xia Ye disgusted.

I don't really know what the referee teacher means. Liu Shengxiaye thought before that the referee teacher would have his own opinion on the [-]-meter sprint competition, but he didn't expect that it would be like this. Supporting him without leaving room .

So there is no need for the relationship with the school teacher to be so stiff now, maybe it is a good thing or not.

"It's ok, just let me know when the time comes." Yagyu Xiaye didn't really want to take the initiative in this kind of thing, so he still said that if there is still a need after the sports meeting is over, he can notify after the sports meeting is over. he.

Liu Shengxia Ye's attitude made Gui Yanye a little worried, but to Gui Yanye's surprise, the referee teacher was not angry because of Liu Shengxia Ye's attitude, and said in a tone that didn't seem like a teacher-student relationship: "OK , I will notify you when the time comes, you still have a sprint race this afternoon, you can go to rest now."

Yagyu Xiaye has already broken two records and won the championship, so the physical education teachers of these schools attach great importance to the competition that Liusheng Xiaye will participate in afterward.

So it is not difficult for them to know what games Yagyu Xiaye will have and when they will start.

What they hope is that Yagyu Xiaye will complete the remaining eight competitions in the best condition, and only after the results are obtained can they start planning for Yagyu Xiaye to help the sports revival of Sakakino Academy.

After the referee teacher's permission, Liu Shengxia Ye really turned around and left, and had no intention of training the [-]-meter sprint in the afternoon.

After Gui Yanye bid farewell to the referee teacher, he also followed behind Liu Shengxia Ye.


Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye went to the cafeteria, but they didn't come to eat, but now there are people in the school except the class.

It's not lunch time yet, so no students are here yet.

"Xia Ye, what are you going to do if my mother comes back?" After the two found a seat and sat down, Gui Yanye asked Liu Sheng Xia Ye such a question.

Gui Yanye's mother, the woman who asked him to mix drinks in Radish, is also a friend of Xiyuanji Puzi.

But, shouldn't she be taken abroad like the Xiyuan Temple pupa, waiting for Liu Shengxia to settle the matter?Why did Gui Yanye ask such a question at this time.

"Did you say when you'll be back?" Yagyu Xiaye hoped that people like Katsura Manami would not return to China to cause trouble when he made a move.

"I didn't say anything, I just told me that I will come back after solving one matter, and after I come back, I won't leave like before." Gui Yanye finally expressed her worry.

If you don't leave like before, that means you will stay at home.

As for the matter of Liusheng Xiaye staying at home, Gui Yanye has not personally told Gui Manami, although Gui Manami also knew this through other channels.

What Gui Yanye was worried about was whether Gui Manami would let Liu Sheng Xia Ye move out if she came back and found Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

Sister Gui Yanye is already used to the life of Liu Sheng Xia Ye, if such a thing really happens, Gui Yanye doesn't know what to do.

After hearing Gui Yanye's words, Liu Shengxia Ye also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Gui Manami only told her daughter about this decision first, and did not plan to really come back now.

However, if Katsura Manami really came back, Yagyu Xiaye would really have to think about it.

Because the relationship between him and Katsura Manami is a bit special, if Katsura Manami comes back and he continues to live here, some uncontrollable problems may occur.

"When the time comes, I'll look for a house when I'm moving out, and Zhi can move out with me." Ito Zhi and Katsura Manami also have a little relationship, so Yagyu Xiaye also planned to let Ito Zhi move out together.

"No!" Gui Yanye immediately refused, but found that he seemed to care too much, and explained: "I mean, I will definitely explain Xia Ye's affairs clearly when my mother comes back, and then let my mother agree to Xia Ye and Xiaozhi Continue to stay at home."

If Liu Sheng Xia Ye wanted to move out, Gui Yanye knew that Gui Xin would be the first to disagree.

And Gui Yanye just wanted to use Gui Xin to persuade Gui Zhenami's main force. Because of work, Gui Zhenami was always away from home for a long time, and Gui Yanye was always taking care of Gui Xin. The heart is guilty.

If Gui Xin asks Liu Sheng Xia Ye to stay, Gui Manami will definitely consider it seriously.

"Well, it's better to solve this problem earlier." It's not just the problem of Yagyu Xia Ye's own living, but also the problem of Katsura Manami.

After that incident, Katsura Manami and the three left together, and there was no chance for Yagyu Xia Ye to solve it.

After Ze Yuezhi's matter is resolved, they will all come back to resolve the matter. If they don't resolve it early, maybe there will be even bigger troubles in the future.

The two continued to chat for a while, and students entered the cafeteria one after another, because it was time for lunch break.

Because it was the sports meeting, Yagyu Xiaye only made bento for Gui Xin and Ito Zhi two little girls this morning. He and Gui Yanye planned to eat it in the cafeteria at noon.

However, Liu Sheng Xia Ye still does not have a meal card for the cafeteria, so he still uses Gui Yanye.

After Yagyu Xiaye had finished cooking, he saw that the Saiyuanji World, Kanroji Nanami, and Kato Otome, who stayed behind to take care of Kiyoura Setsuna, all came to the cafeteria, while Saiyuanji World went directly to Yagyu Xiaye. and Gui Yanye's position.

Before, Xiyuanji World told Kato Otome and Ganluji Qihai, but Ganluji Qihai and Kato Otome did not want to sit with Gui Yanye, and the two planned to sit in other seats, so only Nishi Yuansi World came alone.

"Student Gui, congratulations on winning the rope skipping competition." As soon as he sat down, Xiyuan Temple World congratulated Gui Yanye.

Because there are not many competitions in the morning, it is easy to know who won the championship.

For example, the three champions in the fourth class of the year, and the lane grabbing accident in the [-]-meter sprint race, all spread quickly.

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