"I'm just leading the way. I don't know what's going on behind. It's just a fact that Taisuke saved me." At that time, Makoto Ito was silent in the fantasy of defeating Yagyu Xia Ye, and had no time to care about what happened later.

After hearing Makoto Ito's answer, Miki Zeyong was dissatisfied, because it didn't mean that Taisuke Zeyong's previous view that Yagyu Xia Ye was going for destruction was correct.

"That's the end of this matter. You go get ready and participate in the sprint race in the afternoon, but you are not allowed to do things that deliberately grab the lane." Miki Zeyong finally told Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto Said, and at the same time reminded the two of them not to cause trouble.

Ito Makoto and Zeyong Taisuke left through the front door, and Yagyu Xiaye also entered the classroom through the front door of Class [-] of the first year.

And when Yagyu Natsuya was lying on the table and trying to sleep, Miki Zeyong's voice appeared in the classroom.

"Did you start to relax after winning two championships?"

Yagyu Xiaye raised his head and found that Miki Zeyong was standing on the stage looking at him, Yagyu Xiaye did not refute anything, but said: "As long as there is no disturbance, the school's historical records are still easy to break. "

If it can break the historical record, it means that it will definitely win the championship.

"Have you heard what you said just now?" After Miki Zeyong finished asking, she continued to ask without waiting for Xia Ye Yagyu to answer: "Then here, can I ask, is what my brother said just now true? Are you aiming to destroy Ito-san?"

Miki Zeyong didn't believe in this kind of judgment based on feeling, so she wanted to prove it from the person named Yagyu Natsuya.

However, to Miki Zeyong's surprise, Yagyu Xiaye actually admitted directly to her question.

"It's rare for your brother to be smart enough to protect the person he wants to protect."


"You should ask your brother and the person he protected, not me. And the warning you just gave them is good, I hope they listened."

"Are you not afraid that I will disqualify you from the competition?"

Yagyu Xia Ye didn't care about Zeyong Miki's threat at all.

"Without the agreement with Mr. Zeyong, I would still have other methods to obtain the ownership of the rooftop. And now relying on my achievements of breaking the school's historical record twice in a row, I'm afraid you can cancel it if you want to cancel it?"

Miki Zeyong was also at a loss for words when she heard that, because Xia Ye Yagyu said something well, it is not Miki Zeyong who can stop the competition of Xia Ye Yagyu now.

If Yagyu Xiaye just won the championship and did not break the school's school history record, then maybe Miki Zeyong could use her right to deny Liuyu Xiaye from continuing to compete.

However, Yagyu Xia Ye did win the championship, but it was the championship that broke the school's historical record.

In the morning, the news had spread throughout the sports group, and someone had even reported the incident to the school's management.

And Sakakino Academy has not shown its face in sports for a long time in these years, and a talent like Yagyu Xiaye suddenly appeared, and he would definitely be cultivated by the management.

That's where Ze Yong Miki can't touch, because she doesn't have enough power.

"I hope you can win the Ten Crowns." Miki Zeyong also left, and must find Makoto Ito and the others, and warn them again not to provoke Xia Ye Yagyu.

Not a reminder, but a warning.

After Zeyong Miki left, Yagyu Xiaye began to sleep on the table.


Liu Sheng Xia Ye was woken up by shaking, and the person who woke him up was Gui Yanye.

"Xia Ye, are you so asleep?"

Opening his eyes, he found that it was Gui Yanye. Liu Shengxiaye asked lazily, "Yanye, are you going home after opening your eyes after the sports meeting?"

The reason for asking this is that not only Gui Yanye returned to the classroom, but other students in the class also returned.

"It's not that school is over, but Xia Ye's time for your game is coming." After Gui Yanye finished speaking, he pointed the screen of the phone at Liu Shengxia Ye so that he could see the time on it.

You still have a game, and the time is almost up?

Shaking his head to clear his mind, he finally remembered that this matter was true.

Immediately got up from the seat, and seeing Liu Sheng Xia Ye get up, the students who returned to the class are all blessing Liu Sheng Xia Ye, hoping that Liu Sheng Xia Ye can come back with another championship.

Because on the first day of the sports meeting, they were in the limelight in class four a year. Although after Gui Yanye and Liu Shengxiaye, they didn't win any more championships, but they already had three championships, and now they go out to cheer. Very confident.

But now, they put their expectation of the fourth championship on Yagyu Xia Ye.

For these expectations, Yagyu Xiaye simply responded, then walked out of the classroom and went to the playground to participate in the competition.

Gui Yanye followed behind Liu Sheng Xia Ye, expressing that he was going to cheer.


By the time Liu Sheng Xia Ye arrived, he had already started verifying the information.

There were a little more participants in the [-]-meter sprint than the [-]-meter sprint, and Taisuke Sawa and Ito Makoto were indeed among the participants.

There are four groups in total, two more than the groups for the [-]-meter sprint.

Perhaps in order to prevent the team from taking the lane from happening again, Miki Zeyong made a certain arrangement, that is, divided Ito Makoto and Zeyong Taisuke into different groups, and also put Yagyu Natsuya and them together. separated.

It seems to be well-intentioned.

Taisuke Sawa is in the first group, Makoto Ito is in the second group, and Yagyu Natsuya is in the third group.

Before the competition of the first group started, Yagyu Xiaye heard Kuroda Hikaru and the students from Class [-] of the first year cheering.

It seems that Kuroda Hikaru has not given up yet, and continues to mobilize the students of the third class of the first year to cheer for Sawayong Taisuke, so that Sawayong Taisuke can eliminate Yagyu Xia Ye.

However, because Yagyu Natsuya and Zeyong Taisuke are not in the same group, it doesn't have much effect now.

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