Four groups, or the top two enter the finals, to compete for the final championship.

The first game was the first group that Zeyong Taisuke was in. Amidst the cheers from the third class of the year, Zeyong Taisuke won the first place in the first group without any pressure.

When Makoto Ito of the second group played, the sound of cheering that was neat before the third class of the year became sparse. This is obviously a differential treatment.

Makoto Ito was also a little surprised, because during the [-]-meter sprint race in the morning, he and Taisuke Sawayong were in the same group, so the cheering sound received was the same as that given to Taisuke Sawayong before.

The main reason for this is that the people who launched this cheering and cheering are no longer in Makoto Ito's heart.

And in Kuroda Hikaru's heart, Ito Makoto is a person who hinders Zeyong Taisuke's performance.

If it hadn't been for Tasuke Sawayong who was going to fight Makoto Ito in the last match, Taisuke Sawayong, who had taken the lead, might not have lost the championship.

So without Hikaru Kuroda's organization, the cheering of the third class of the year seemed a bit chaotic.

In the face of this situation, Zeyong Taisuke took action, and he took the initiative to cheer for Ito Makoto.

"Your Majesty, you will definitely win."

Zeyong Taisuke's cheering sound made Kuroda Hikaru look a little ugly, but Kuroda Hikaru also started to organize the third class of the year to cheer for Ito Makoto, which can be regarded as a response to Zeyong Taisuke's behavior.

However, Kuroda Hikaru's behavior did not get Zeyong Taisuke's attention, because Zeyong Taisuke's eyes were all on Ito Makoto, as if to prevent Ito Makoto from any accidents.

"It really failed his sister's wishes." Liu Shengxia Ye said standing beside him.

Although Miki Zeyong has already restrained Taisuke Zeyong and Makoto Ito, but in this tense time, people can't control their emotions freely, so what should be shown is still shown.

Sure enough, after Zeyong Taisuke's cheering sound, although under the organization of Kuroda Hikaru, some people still cheered for Makoto Ito, but they both looked strangely at them.


The starting gun sounded, and the contestants in the second group rushed out together.

Those who can come to participate in the competition must have certain confidence in their own strength, so Makoto Ito is not very dominant in this group of competitions.

After most of the laps, Ito Makoto was about to make the final sprint and still fell in the third position.

At the end of this score, Makoto Ito will definitely be eliminated.

Therefore, when the people in the second group ran to Taisuke Zeyong, Taisuke Zeyong cheered Makoto Ito again very abruptly.

Since there was no sign of it, the two contestants running in front of Makoto Ito were stunned for a while, because the sound of cheering was loud and abrupt.

And Makoto Ito didn't stand still, as if he knew that Taisuke Zeyong would do this, so taking advantage of this opportunity, Makoto Ito overtook the two leading ahead of him and ran to the front.

The surrounding students were almost stunned, because Taisuke Zeyong's move was really surprising, and it was obviously done to help Makoto Ito.

The two frontrunners who had been stunned before also woke up immediately, and began to chase Makoto Ito, who was running in the first place and sprinting.

Unfortunately, they missed their opportunity.

Makoto Ito became the first in the second group. One of their two leaders before won the second place, but the other was eliminated.

After the rest of them crossed the line, the contestant who appeared as the third came directly to Sawayong Taisuke's side, and then pushed Sawayong Taisuke.

"First-year kid, what did you mean just now?" It was a second-year student who came to find fault. He would have been able to enter the final without the interference of Sawayong Taisuke.

"Senior, what do you mean? I was just cheering for my friend just now, do you want to do it?" Taisuke Zeyong did not show weakness, he did not regret what he did for Makoto Ito just now.

After hearing such an arrogant reply, the second-year senior immediately became angry, and he followed up and raised his fist to give Zeyong Taisuke a shot, but he couldn't land successfully.

It turned out that the referee teacher who came over stopped him.

"Whether Ze Yong has violated the rules, we will naturally give opinions, but if you really shook your fist just now, I think you are facing more than just a review." The referee teacher has a good relationship with Sawayong Taisuke's sister, who is also a physical education teacher, Sawayong Miki, so he can't just watch Sawayong Taisuke get beaten.

"If the school doesn't deal with it, I will definitely complain." Having been stopped, this senior knew that it would be very difficult to teach Zeyong Taisuke a lesson, so after letting go of the cruel words under the scene, he also Turned around and left.

There is no need for him to stay here, because he is third and has lost his chance to enter the final.

"Student Zeyong, I hope you will abide by the rules of the competition in the future, and don't put more pressure on your sister." The referee teacher also reminded Zeyong Taisuke, but Zeyong Taisuke did not ignore him, but walked towards Makoto Ito, ask him about his situation.

The referee teacher who saw such actions was also worthless for Miki Zeyong.

Because of Zeyong Taisuke's incident, Zeyong Miki already had a lot of pressure in school, and after some rumors came out, Zeyong Miki's pressure was even greater.

The referee teacher also knows the purpose of Zeyong Miki letting his younger brother Zeyong Taisuke participate in the competition, but now Zeyong Taisuke seems to have not understood his sister's meaning, and is still adding pressure to his sister.


This disturbance quickly subsided, but Taisuke Zeyong and Makoto Ito were isolated by other referee teachers, and what they were afraid of was the sudden ambition of some students.

When Liu Shengxia Ye's group was playing, the third class of the first year actually booed, which surprised Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

You know, during the game in the morning, although these people were cheering for Taisuke Sawa and Makoto Ito in their own class, they didn't boo the opponent in the next class, Xia Ye Yagyu.

Yagyu Xiaye looked at Hikari Kuroda in the crowd, and found that Hikari Kuroda was also looking around blankly, which meant that Hikari Kuroda didn't know why this happened.

Actually, Hikaru Kuroda couldn't be blamed for this, because these boos were made by them independently, and had nothing to do with Hikaru Kuroda.

Author's message:

Thanks to Yeyou Yueying for the reward of 100 happy coins, and thanks for the support of the 2 monthly tickets for playing soy sauce, thank you.

It seems that there are too many plots complaining about the competition, so let's speed up the end, and the next two days will also speed up.

So ask for a subscription, a monthly pass, and a reward here.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Before cheering for Taisuke Sawayong and Makoto Ito, it was because of Kuroda Hikaru's mobilization, and because both of them are in the third class of the year, so they think it should be.

As for his opponent, Yagyu Xiaye, he didn't get booed by them at that time, thinking that the morning's rope skipping championship was just an accident.

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