"The ideal land of solitude."

When he said the name of the sword, Yagyu Xiaye was ready to accept Gui Xin and Ito Yuki's teasing, but the two didn't respond at all, instead they started to really think about it.

"Alone in this world..."

"Lonely Utopia." The name of the sword can only be pronounced with the joint efforts of two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Yuki.

And it was this kind of serious artifact that made Liu Shengxia Ye almost want to find a hole to jump in and bury herself, it was so embarrassing.

"Big brother, what does this mean?" asked Gui Xin, who couldn't figure out the name of the sword.

"Big brother, do you have unrealized ideals, and then feel lonely." Ito Yuki asked with his own guess.

Author's message:

Thanks to Ye Youyueying for the reward of 100 happy coins and 1 monthly ticket for support, and thanks to Zimei for the reward of 400 happy coins when she is eighteen years old, thank you.

It seems that I saw that Yan Ye is a soy sauce maker, so I have to rectify my name.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

How can Liu Shengxia Ye still remember now, why he gave this sword such a name in the second place, it must be because of some tendon that was tied wrongly.

"No, I don't know exactly how this name came about." In the end, Liu Shengxia Ye could only play tricks and directly denied in front of Gui Xin and Ito Zhi that he had given the name of the sword.

And the two little lolis also chose to believe in Liu Shengxia Ye. Since Liu Shengxia Ye didn't know anymore, there was no need for the two little lolis to continue asking.

"Xia Ye, the bath water is ready, you can go." Gui Yanye's voice sounded outside the door, and it was Gui Yanye who had put the water for Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

Before Liu Shengxia Ye could answer, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi opened the door of Liu Sheng Xia Ye's room. When seeing Gui Yanye wearing a bathrobe, Gui Xin felt a little strange and asked, "Sister , why did you take a shower so early today?"

Originally, when Liu Shengxia returned to the room at this time, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little lolis, were surprised.

Because the two little lolitas had already calculated the time for Liusheng Xiaye to take a bath before, and then they were going to play in Liusheng Xiaye's room, and when they were tired, they could just sleep in Liusheng Xiaye's bed.In this case, even if Liu Sheng Xia Ye came back and saw that they had fallen asleep, he would definitely not drive them away.

However, not only did he not feel sleepy after coming to the room, but also Yagyu Xiaye came back to the room early.

Hearing his sister's question, and then looking at Gui Xin and Ito Yuki with curious eyes, Gui Yanye was also a little overwhelmed, but fortunately, he was able to deal with these two little girls with the same words he used to deal with Yagyu Xia Ye .

"I participated in the school's sports meeting today, so I was rather tired, so I changed the order of bathing with Xia Ye." However, Gui Yanye added something in his heart, although he did not ask Liu Shengxia Ye's consent.

"Sister, what kind of competition did you participate in, and did you win the prize in the end?" Gui Xin still knows what her own sister looks like. Gui Xin was surprised when she learned that Gui Yanye had actually participated in the school's sports meeting, so she decided to He will ask about Gui Yanye's grades, because Guixin thinks Gui Yanye is a round trip.

"Your sister is the champion of the women's timed rope skipping competition." Liu Sheng Xia Ye answered Gui Xin's question.

Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls, immediately approached Gui Yanye and asked Gui Yanye to tell her experience of winning the championship, and Gui Yanye said at this time: "My championship is just luck, Xia Ye Today is the school's most popular, three consecutive championships, and all of them broke the school's school history record."

If it was a surprise to Gui Yanye's grades just now, after Gui Yanye knew about Liusheng Xiaye's grades, the eyes of the two little girls looking at Liusheng Xiaye were completely full of admiration.

"Big brother, tell us the story of your three champions." The two little lolitas immediately defected from Gui Yanye's side and came to Liu Shengxia Ye, asking Liu Sheng Xia Ye to tell the story of winning the championship. .

Fortunately, in the end, it was Gui Yanye who relieved Liu Shengxiaye of this siege.

"Okay, Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi, you two should stop pestering Xia Ye, let Xia Ye go take a bath first, otherwise the water will be cold." Gui Yanye asked the two little girls not to pester Liu Sheng Xia Ye's words made Gui Xin and Ito Zhi a little unhappy, but Gui Yanye then received: "I will tell you the story of Xia Ye's winning the championship, because I was also there at the time."

I could hear the story of Liusheng Xiaye winning the championship, although it was not obtained from Liusheng Xiaye himself, Gui Xin and Ito Yuki also gave up pestering Liusheng Xiaye.

Gui Yanye was tired after participating in only one competition, and the contestant Liu Shengxiaye who broke the school record three times must also be very tired, so Gui Xin and Ito Zhi are two little girls who are so obedient, because they are both For Yagyu's summer night.

After getting rid of Gui Xin and Ito Zhi's entanglement, Liu Sheng Xia Ye nodded to Gui Yanye when he went out to cross the body with Gui Yanye, expressing his gratitude for the rescue just now.

When nodding, Yagyu Xiaye lowered his head slightly, and then saw the beautiful scenery in the bathroom before.

Because Gui Yanye's bathrobe was white, but it was a little transparent, and she would not wear a bra after taking a bath, so the bright red was particularly conspicuous.

Gui Yanye also did not dare to look directly at Liu Shengxia Ye, and lowered his head in the same way, and saw the same scenery as Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

Gui Yanye blushed, and when he was thinking about how to face Liu Shengxia Ye, Gui Xin's voice came.

"Sister, what's wrong with you, didn't you want to tell me the story of my big brother winning three championships?"

Gui Yanye raised her head again, and found that Liu Shengxia Ye who was standing opposite her before had disappeared, while Gui Xin and Ito Yuki were looking at her curiously.

"It's okay, now I'll tell you the story of Xia Ye winning the championship, but I have to go back to your room to tell it." Gui Yanye also put forward her own conditions, because she was afraid that Gui Xin and Ito Zhi would stay overnight in Liusheng Xia Ye inside the room.If it affects Liu Shengxia's rest, it will be very unfavorable for tomorrow's game performance.

"No, we have to stay in Big Brother's room. We have promised Big Brother that we will go back to our own room before going to bed." Gui Xin and Ito Zhi shook their heads, rejecting Gui Yanye's request.

Hearing that the two little Lolitas and Liu Sheng Xia Ye had made an agreement, Gui Yanye didn't ask them to go back to her room again. Instead, she entered Liu Sheng Xia Ye's room, and then began to give the two little girls Lolita talked about Yagyu Xiaye's performance in today's game.


When Liu Sheng Xia Ye took a shower and answered his room, he was still listening to Gui Yanye's voice at the door.

Gently pushed the door open, and found that sisters Gui Yanye and Ito Zhi were all on his bed, but Gui Yanye was sitting, and Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls, were in Liusheng Xiaye fell asleep in bed.

And the voice Liu Shengxia Ye heard just now was actually Gui Yanye telling the two little girls to wake up and go back to their room, because she felt that Liu Shengxia Ye was almost done washing.

However, when Liu Shengxia Ye pushed open the door, Gui Yanye realized that it was already too late.

"Xia Ye, I'm sorry, Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi must stay in your room and listen to me tell you about your sports meeting."

Originally, when Gui Xin and Ito Zhi were in a daze, Gui Yanye asked them to get up, but they were both rejected, the reason was that Liu Shengxia hadn't come back from the bath yet, and Gui Yanye's story was also unreliable. None of them are finished.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

So Gui Yanye continued to tell Gui Xin and Ito Zhi about Liu Shengxiaye's plans at school today, especially when it came to the last [-]-meter sprint final, Gui Yanye completely entered the memory So I ignored the fact that Gui Xin and Ito Zhi were already asleep.

When Gui Yanye was about to finish speaking, he realized that both Gui Xin and Ito Zhi had fallen asleep.Moreover, when she woke up once, Liu Shengxia Ye came back from the shower at this time.

"It's not a big deal. Why did Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi fall asleep?" Liu Shengxiaye said he didn't care, but the two little lolis said that they would go back to their room before going to bed, but they are asleep now What's going on.

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