"It must be because I didn't speak well enough, and I didn't pay attention to them all the time." Gui Yanye took the blame for this, but he didn't intend to let Gui Xin and Itozhi spend the night in Liusheng Xiaye's room, and said: "I'll take them back to the room now, Xia Ye, wait a moment."

After finishing speaking, Gui Yanye went to hug Gui Xin, but Gui Xin refused to obey, and kept yelling that he was not big brother Xia Ye.

This made Gui Yanye a little embarrassed, because the younger sister Gui Xin actually rejected her older sister.

Seeing this situation, Yagyu Xia Ye would of course not ignore it, because if Gui Xin and Ito Zhi didn't leave his room, Liu Sheng Xia Ye would have no time and place, and he couldn't go to Ito Zhi and Gui Xin. room to sleep.

When Liu Shengxia Ye walked towards the bed, Gui Yanye got up from the bed and stood aside, waiting to see if Liu Sheng Xia Ye could hug Gui Xin.

The final result, of course, disappointed Gui Yanye, because Liu Shengxia Ye hugged Gui Xin in his arms very easily, and during the whole process, Gui Xin didn't even struggle at all.After arriving in Liusheng Xiaye's arms, she even twisted her small body, as if she wanted to find a comfortable position in Liusheng Xiaye's arms.

"Be careful, it's definitely not my real sister." Gui Yanye said with a bit of taste.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye laughed, but he didn't make fun of Gui Yanye, but whispered to him: "Let me be careful, you try to hug Xiaozhi and take them back to their room."

Gui Yanye still has no confidence in hugging Ito Zhi, although Ito Zhi has lived at home for a long time, and he and Gui Yanye have known each other for a long time.

However, from Gui Yanye's point of view, Zhixin and Yagyu Xiaye are close to Ito Zhi in this family, not her.

Just now, Gui Yanye almost told Liu Shengxia Ye to take Gui Xin back first, and then come to hug Ito Zhi.Now that Liu Shengxia Ye has suggested this, Gui Yanye still thinks that she should give it a try.

Going around Liusheng Xia Ye, Gui Yanye stretched out his hand to Ito Zhi. To Gui Yanye's surprise, the hug Ito Zhi went smoothly, and did not encounter the same embarrassment as Gui Xin made her before.

"Maybe Xiao Zhi is my sister." Gui Yanye said this after successfully hugging Ito Zhi.

And Liu Shengxia Ye didn't react at all after hearing this sentence, he didn't complain or make fun of it, but said a little strangely: "Let's take them back first, it will be a bit difficult if they wake up all of a sudden." gone."

Yagyu Xiaye spoke so lightly that Gui Yanye couldn't hear the strange tone in it. He followed Liusheng Xiaye's pace and carried Ito Zhi back to their room.


There was no accident in the process of putting Gui Xin and Ito Zhi down. After covering them with a quilt, Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye walked out of the room.

After coming out, Gui Yanye did not go back to his room immediately, but asked Liu Sheng Xia Ye if he needed something to drink.

Coincidentally, Liu Sheng Xiaye had something to discuss with Gui Yanye, so he said that it was fine to drink.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye turned on the TV in the living room, while Gui Yanye went to get something to drink.

In the end, Gui Yanye brought a bottle of fruit juice and poured a glass for herself and Liu Shengxiaye.

"Thank you." Liu Sheng Xia Ye took a sip of the juice, and then said to Gui Yanye: "Yan Ye, be careful and Xiao Zhi tomorrow, what are you going to do?"

"What should I do?" Gui Yanye was taken aback by Liu Shengxia Ye's question, and then remembered that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be sports days at school, and there is no one at home who can take care of Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.

"I can ask for leave tomorrow to stay and take care of Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi. Anyway, my next competition is the day after tomorrow. If it doesn't work, I will also abstain from the competition the day after tomorrow, just like my classmates from Xiyuan Temple today." Gui Yanye said her solution to this problem.

However, Yagyu Xia Ye shook his head and denied it.

"Yan Ye, your relationship in the class is improving. If you suddenly ask for leave or give up the game at this time, maybe your relationship in the class will be worse than before. This is what you fought hard for I don’t want everything you’ve done before to come to naught.”

What Liu Shengxia said made Gui Yanye silent, because she also knew about this problem.

It's just that Gui Xin and Ito Zhi have no one to take care of them at home, which also worries Gui Yanye.

"If you can, you can try my method." Liu Shengxia Ye said when Gui Yanye was thinking.

"What way?" Gui Yanye asked a little eagerly, she hoped that Liu Shengxia Ye could find a way to solve the two problems at the same time.

"That's Radish. Tomorrow morning, I can send Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi to Radish, and let the acting store manager there take care of them. We will pick them up after school in the afternoon."

"But Xia Ye, you also have a competition, and compared to me, the people in the class have higher expectations of you." Gui Yanye really didn't think about sending Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi to Radish, especially Where is the world of Xiyuan Temple?However, except that this method can solve two problems at once, there is no other way to get the best of both worlds.

"Don't worry, my games tomorrow will be in the afternoon, and I can respond well to their expectations of me."

Liu Sheng Xia Ye has already thought of a solution to the problem in this way, and Gui Yanye has no need to refuse, because apart from worrying that Liu Sheng Xia Ye will spend more time with Xiyuan Temple World in Radish, Gui Xin also With Zhi Ito in Radish, Gui Yanye can still feel at ease.

Author's message:

Thanks to Yeyouyueying and Eastbound but Westward Journey for their reward of 100 happy coins each, and thanks to ReQuiem for their reward of 1500 happy coins. (This reward is regarded as owed for an update first, and I will work hard to code words and add an update tomorrow.)

520 today, the author is single and can only eat dog food silently.

So ask for a subscription, a reward, and everything here.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Then follow Xia Ye's method. If Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi go to Radish, I will be more at ease." In the end, Gui Yanye agreed with Liu Shengxia Ye's method, because she really couldn't think of any other way. Kill two birds with one stone.

"Well, you are quite tired today, go to rest early, I think you may be welcomed even more tomorrow." After Xia Ye finished drinking the drink in the cup, he took away the rest of the drink in the bottle Put it back in the refrigerator, and then went straight back to his room.


Gui Yanye hasn't even said good night yet, and Liu Sheng Xiaye has already gone far.Gui Yanye was a little discouraged like this, did Liu Shengxia Ye really have no feelings for her at all?Why is she still so unresponsive to this situation?

Thinking of the bold move tonight, Gui Yanye is now a little thankful that Liu Shengxia Ye reacted like this.

If Liu Shengxia Ye had reacted otherwise, Gui Yanye would not know how to refuse by then.

"It's okay, Yan Ye, you have plenty of time." After cheering himself up, Gui Yanye also said good night in the direction of Liu Shengxia Ye's room, and then returned to his room.


The breakfast was made by Liu Sheng Xia Ye, and when it was ready, Gui Yanye also called Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.

Gui Xin and Ito Zhi were very excited when they found out that the breakfast was made by Yagyu Xia Ye himself. They wanted to eat something before washing their hands, but Gui Yanye refused.

While eating, Gui Yanye said to the two little lolitas: "Be careful, Xiaozhi, because of me and the summer night school sports meeting, I can't take care of you at home, so I want to send you to Radish during the day." Go, we'll pick you up there in the afternoon."

"Can you just let me and Xiaozhi stay at home?" Gui Xin didn't want to go to Radish, because she could feel the affection of the world of Xiyuan Temple for Liusheng Xiaye, and she was afraid that when Liusheng Xiaye went to Radish to pick her up, she would be killed by Xiyuan. Temple world attracts.

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