However, before reaching the school gate, Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye stopped in their tracks because they encountered the world of Xiyuan Temple.

"Student Gui, you have a very good relationship with Xia Ye." Xiyuan Temple World looked at Gui Yanye and Liu Shengxia Ye and said.

Author's message:

Thanks to Yae Sakura Fubuki for the reward of 100 happy coins, thank you for the reward of 100 happy coins and 4 monthly tickets for supporting Lolita, thank you.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It was a bit unexpected for Gui Yanye to meet Xiyuan Temple World, and now there seems to be other meanings in the words of Xiyuan Temple World.

Seeing that Gui Yanye hadn't understood what she said, Xiyuan Temple World lowered her gaze a little bit, and looked at Gui Yanye and Liu Shengxiaye's waist.

Being stared at by Xiyuan Temple World like this, Gui Yanye seemed to have discovered something. When he lowered his head to look, he immediately understood why Xiyuan Temple World didn't just have that tone of voice, but also had a weird expression.

That's because Gui Yanye's hand is still holding Liu Shengxia Ye's hand, and Gui Yanye didn't feel anything during the confusion just now.But now being stared at by the world of Xiyuan Temple, Gui Yanye did not have the idea of ​​beating the world of Xiyuan Temple lightly, but immediately broke away from Liu Shengxiaye's hand.

Regarding Gui Yanye's reaction, Liu Shengxiaye didn't feel anything, neither regret nor loss.It was just that Xiyuanji World appeared here at this time, which surprised him a bit, so he asked, "World, aren't you with Nanami and Otome?" Hikaru found out that Saiyuan Temple World and Kato Otome were together, but now there is only Saiyuan Temple World alone.

"They have all gone home now, and I'm here because I want to wait for you and classmate Gui?"

"Wait for me and Xia Ye, why?" When Gui Yanye heard that Xiyuan Temple World came here specially to wait for her and Liu Sheng Xia Ye, she thought it was Xi Yuan Temple World who wanted to interfere with her getting along with Liu Sheng Xia Ye time.

"Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi are in Radish, and you are going to pick them up after school, doesn't that mean we can go home together? This is a rare experience." Xiyuan Temple World said that she is here Waiting for Gui Yanye and Liu Shengxiaye's reasons.

After hearing the reason of Xiyuan Temple World, Gui Yanye was stunned for a moment, because she was a little unresponsive.

Because Guixin and Itozhi were placed in Radish yesterday, but when I went to pick up Guixin and Itozhi from school yesterday, it was only her and Yagyu Xiaye.It's just that after thinking about it seriously, I remembered that I didn't see Xiyuanji World, Kato Otome, and Ganluji Nanami in school yesterday, so it would be impossible for today's situation to happen. Go to Radish together to pick up two little lolis, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.

Moreover, it is not easy for Gui Yanye to refuse now, unless she does not pick up Gui Xin and Ito Zhi today.

You know, even if Gui Yanye does not agree to the three of them going home together, the destination of her and Yagyu Xiaye after school is the same as the home of Xiyuan Temple World, so this does not prevent Xiyuan Temple World from returning home with her. Go to Radish with Yagyu Summer Night.

"Then let's go back together." Liu Shengxia saw that Gui Yanye had no intention of refusing, so he took the initiative to invite Xiyuan Temple World.

"Xia Ye, congratulations on winning the tenth championship. It must be a record that will never be broken in the academy." After receiving the invitation from Liu Sheng Xia Ye at this time, Xiyuan Temple World began to congratulate Liu Sheng Xia Ye on his impressive achievement. After getting the results, he said, "Not only did he win the competition, but his skills in flirting with girls have also improved a lot."

What I said later must be the matter of Liu Shengxia Ye holding Gui Yanye's hand just now.

"It's just that the scene is a bit out of control, and we promised Xinxin and Xiaozhi to pick them up early, so it's a last resort." Gui Yanye didn't explain, but Liu Shengxiaye still needed to come out and explain.

As for Liu Shengxia Ye's explanation, Xiyuan Temple World didn't know if it listened or not, but Xiyuan Temple World didn't respond to Liu Sheng Xia Ye's words, but looked at Gui Yanye and smiled.


This was still a trip home that Yagyu Xia Ye felt extremely depressing. Although there were two beautiful girls around him who could attract the attention of others, it seemed that it had nothing to do with him now.

After getting on the tram home, Xiyuan Temple World asked to sit with Gui Yanye. Although Liu Sheng Xia Ye was sitting beside them, it seemed that they were ignored by the two beautiful girls, completely self-serving. chatted.

Liu Shengxia Ye, who was ignored, could only rely on the back, and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Seeing Liusheng Xiaye's actions, Xiyuan Temple World and Gui Yanye stopped talking, and then looked at Liusheng Xiaye together.

Afterwards, Xiyuan Temple World gave Gui Yanye a wink, asking if it was too much to treat Liu Shengxia Ye like this, but Gui Yanye shook his head, saying that there was no problem, because Liu Shengxia Ye would not be hit by it people.

However, even so, there was no conversation with Gui Yanye after Xiyuan Temple World, and they just sat quietly beside Liu Shengxia Ye.


Yagyu Xia Ye was woken up by the Xiyuan Temple World. Seeing Liu Sheng Xia Ye opened his eyes, the Xiyuan Temple World said: "Xia Ye, we have arrived."

When Gui Yanye saw Liu Sheng Xia Ye's sleepy eyes, he began to wonder if the two little girls, Ito Yuki and Gui Xin, were too noisy last night, so that Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't have a good rest. Tell them a story tonight.

Rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand, Liu Shengxia woke up a lot, and this station is not the terminal, so the stop time is limited.

"Here we are, let's get off the bus. It feels much more comfortable to sleep." Liu Sheng Xia Ye got off the tram first, and Gui Yanye and Xiyuan Temple World followed behind him.

After Liusheng Xiaye, Gui Yanye and Xiyuan Temple World got off the car, they walked towards Radish's position, but they saw a familiar person on the opposite road.

"It's Teacher Sawayong, and those two gay guys." Miki Zeyong appeared across the road, and behind her was a pair of gay guys, Taisuke Sawayong and Makoto Ito.

Gui Yanye was a little surprised to hear Xiyuanji World say this. Although she was disgusted with the matter between Ito Makoto and Sawayong Taisuke, she was asked to tell it in front of Saiyuanji World and Yagyu Xia Ye. Gui Yanye still can't do the gay words.

However, even if Yagyu Xiaye and the others noticed Zeyong Miki and the others, the three of them seemed to be moving forward with a purpose, and they didn't notice the three of Yagyu Xiaye who were across the road at all.

"Are you still not giving up, and looking for a cure or a way to suppress it?" Yagyu Xia Ye looked at the three of Zeyong Miki who had disappeared around the corner across the road, and said softly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It was expected by Yagyu Xiaye that Miki Sawanaga was so concerned about Makoto Ito and Taisuke Zeyong, but after the first day of the sports meeting, Miki Sawanaga should have known this Common treatments are useless.

Now unless it is to separate Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto, but the genes of Goji have sprouted in the bodies of the two of them, so even if they are separated from each other, they will definitely find someone to replace each other quickly.

Miki Zeyong wanted to keep this result under her control, so she asked for leave today and didn't go to school to host the school sports meeting, and took Makoto Ito and Taisuke Zeyong to look for treatment everywhere.

"Not far away, I heard that there is a shop of ancient medicinal materials. Many patients with strange shapes go there, but I don't think it will work." Xiyuan Temple was also the one who saw the disappearance of the three of them. The world, and the world of Xiyuan Temple knew the surrounding situation a little better than Yagyu Xia Ye and Gui Yanye, so they said the purpose of Zeyong Miki's trip.

"I agree with you in the world. I think Teacher Zeyong will understand only after experiencing failures." The sister-brother relationship between Miki Zeyong and Taisuke Zeyong is not untouched by Yagyu Xiaye, but the reason why Taisuke Zeyong came In today's situation, everything can only be said to be his own fault.

"Xia Ye, it's time for us to pick up Xinxin and Xiaozhi." Gui Yanye didn't want to discuss too much about the matter between Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto, because it was a bit disgusting, so I reminded Yagyu Xia Ye not to Waste of time.

After receiving Gui Yanye's reminder, Yagyu Xiaye no longer cared about the matters of Zeyong Miki and the others, and led the way to Radish.Because of his part-time job and the fact that he only went to school with Xiyuanji World this morning, Yagyu Xiaye did not make any mistakes in leading the way, and finally caught up with Radish at the busiest time.

Unlike yesterday, when I came in today, I saw Erjo Wakaba busy, and the Erjo sisters I met yesterday were also in front of the bar at this time, as for the two little lolis brought by Kiyoura Setsuna, they are not there now. Front.

"Yan Ye, you go to the back to see Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi, I'll go over." Liu Shengxiaye saw some absent-mindedness in the eyes of the busy Erjo Wakaba, and the Erjo sisters were not as active today as they were yesterday.

Judging from yesterday's attitude, even if Yagyu Xiaye rejected them yesterday, no matter what, they should come to say hello to the half-master of Radish, Xiyuan Temple World.

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