But they are very quiet now, as if they are avoiding the mystery, their eyes are always fixed on the mobile phone Erjo Wakaba put in front of them.

Gui Yanye also noticed the strangeness of Liu Shengxia Ye, but she instructed her that she couldn't help Liu Sheng Xia Ye, so she just crossed the lobby and walked into Radish's backyard as Liu Sheng Xia Ye said.

"Summer night..."

"Don't worry, I'll deal with any problems." Before Xiyuan Temple World could finish speaking, Liu Shengxia Ye interrupted her.

And with this promise from Liusheng Xiaye, Xiyuan Temple World didn't say anything more, and followed Liusheng Xiaye to the position of the two sisters.

Even if Liusheng Xiaye and Xiyuan Temple World walked over, the two sisters didn't feel it, and their eyes were still on the phone.

"Yiye, Erye, what are you doing?" Yagyu Xiaye pulled two stools, Xiyuan Temple World sat on one, and asked the Ertiao sisters next to him.Because even if he was a little familiar with the two sisters, Xiyuan Temple World still couldn't immediately tell which of the two sisters was the older sister and who was the younger sister, so he directly said their names.

After being called by their names, and it was still very close, the Ertiao sisters were startled.After looking away from the phone, I found that it was Xiyuan Temple World and Yagyu Xiaye, and the tension of the two sisters before was also relaxed a little.

"Sister World, Big Brother Xia Ye." The two sisters greeted Xiyuan Temple World and Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

The world of Xiyuan Temple felt a little strange. It was nothing for Erjo sisters to greet him, but what happened to call Liusheng Xiaye Xia Ye's big brother now? Could it be that what happened to Liusheng Xiaye and Erjo sisters when she didn't know? thing?

In fact, Yagyu Xia Ye is also a bit strange, because the Ertiao sisters are a bit different from yesterday.

"Yiye, what are you doing? Why are you so nervous? Did you fail the exam? You are afraid of being criticized by your mother." However, now that the Ertiao sisters can change their attitude towards him, Yagyu Xiaye still feels that it is beneficial.

Yiye, who was called by Yagyu Xiaye with the correct name, was a little happy, but after listening to Yagyu Xiaye's question, she immediately fell silent again, and Ertiao Futaba next to her answered Yagyu Xiaye. "It's not about learning, it's just..."

"Yiye, Erye, stop talking, and now you don't have to stay here." Erjo Wakaba immediately stopped the Ertiao sisters at the bar, trying to get the Ertiao sisters to leave here.

"No, we can't let mother suffer alone." The Ertiao sisters stood firm, and what they said made Liu Shengxia Ye raise his eyebrows. Could it be related to that person?

"Erye, can you show me your phone." Yagyu Xia Ye said to Erjo Wakaba.

After hearing what Yagyu Xiaye said, Erjo Wakaba wanted to take the phone back, but Erjo Erye, who moved quickly, took it and handed it to Yagyu Xiaye.

"Yaugyu-kun, no, you can't..." Erjo Wakaba wanted to stop him, but Yagyu Xiaye had already turned on the phone that Erjo Erye handed over.

Yagyu Xiaye's behavior of forcibly looking at Erjo Wakaba's phone made Xiyuanji World feel a little inappropriate. When trying to persuade Liusheng Xiaye to return the phone to Erjo Wakaba, unexpectedly Liu She said: "I just helped to solve a problem, a problem like the one you encountered at the beginning."

This sentence made Xiyuan Temple World stop persuading, just like the troubles I encountered back then, could it be?

After looking through Erjo Wakaba's address book, Yagyu Xiaye finally confirmed one thing, that is, what happened to Erjo's mother and daughter today was all due to the influence of a number in the phone.

Basically, there will be that phone call in about half a month, and after the rejection, there will be a threatening text message.

Author's message:

Thanks to Qiuchu Luqiu for the reward of 100 happy coins, and thanks to Liu Aotian~ for a monthly ticket.

It's the end of the month, and the author is here to ask for the monthly tickets that you still have in your hands. I really care about it.

Tomorrow is a new Monday, another day of rushing to the street, so please subscribe!Please subscribe!Please subscribe!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In addition to threats, the content of the text message also contained a bank card number. It seemed that the destination was Erjo Wakaba's money.

And the owner of the number is Ze Yuezhi, as Yagyu Xia Ye expected.

Although I haven't seen Ze Yuezhi again yet, Yagyu Xia Ye remembers a lot about Ze Yuezhi's information, including the mobile phone number he could still use before.The reason why there is no record about this incident may be that the superiors in Dongcheng felt that there was no need for Yagyu Xiaye at all.

After reading these, Yagyu Xiaye deleted the number that did not save the name, and then deleted the threatening text messages in the mailbox, and finally handed the phone directly to Erjo Wakaba and said: "Erjo Manager, if If you trust me, please cheer up and manage Radish from now on. As for the phone number, that number never existed."

After Erjo Wakaba took the phone, she also searched for the call records and text messages, but couldn't find them all.

And at this time, Nijo Wakaba remembered what she said when Xiyuanji pupa asked her to manage Radish.

"If it's that little man Yagyu's request, you can choose to trust him unconditionally, because he never disappoints."

At that time, Erjo Wakaba didn't understand this sentence, and thought that Yagyu Xiaye was Xiyuan Temple and Pupa's newest friend, but after coming here, she knew the information of Yagyu Xiaye, and thought that Yagyu Xiaye was with Xiyuan Temple is pupa's daughter Xiyuan Temple world love.

However, now it seems that neither of these guesses is correct, and she still doesn't understand why Xiyuanji pupa said that.

However, Erjo Wakaba can choose to believe what Yagyu Xiaye said.It's not because Erjo Wakaba already trusts Yagyu Xiaye unconditionally like Saizonoji Pupa, but Erjo Wakaba trusts Saiyuanji Pupa as a good friend.

Putting the mobile phone back into the pocket of the uniform, Erjo Wakaba assured Yagyu Natsuya: "Yagyu-kun, I don't think you need to worry about coming here to work part-time again, because I will take care of everything here." After a few contacts, Erjo Ruoye knew that although Yagyu Xia Ye didn't hate this place, after she came here to manage it, she was still a little afraid that she would not manage well and then came here to work part-time.

And now that Nijo Wakaba has made such a promise, it means that she will try her best to manage Radish.

"That's good. Now I'm finally relieved." After getting Erjo Wakaba's guarantee, Yagyu Xiaye was also very happy, because Erjo Wakaba's ability is here. After she came to Radish to manage, Yagyu Xiaye It is true that I have never come here to work part-time.

However, if this incident is not resolved properly, Erjo Wakaba will be distracted from managing Radish, and may even experience dereliction of duty in management.At that time, it might not be far before Yagyu Xiaye returns to Radish to work part-time.

After choosing to believe in Xiyuan Temple Pupa or Yagyu Xiaye, Erjo Wakaba really calmed down, and said to the Erjo sisters: "Ichiba, Erye, you are fine now, you go play inside."

However, facing mother Erjo Wakaba's consolation, Erjo Ichiyo and Erjo Erye still didn't plan to leave.

The conversation between Yagyu Xiaye and their mother, the Erjo sisters are not very clear, although they also want to believe Yagyu Xiaye or their mother Erjo Wakaba, but it is better to confirm it by themselves.

Therefore, they still have to wait here, that terrible phone call will never come again, and they will choose to believe it.

The scene of deep love between mother and daughter, Yagyu Xiaye, is still a little inappropriate, so after saying goodbye to Erjo Wakaba, Yagyu Xiaye got up and walked to the backyard, and the world of Xiyuan Temple followed behind Yagyu Xiaye.

"Xia Ye, won't you come to Radish again?" Asked Xiyuan Temple World next to Yagyu Xia Ye.

"World, when did I say I won't come to Radish, why didn't I know?" After hearing Xiyuanji World's words, Yagyu Xiaye felt a little strange, because he didn't say he couldn't come to Radish.

"But didn't you just say you couldn't come to Radish for a part-time job? Doesn't that mean the same as not coming to Radish?" Xiyuan Temple World explained.

It turned out that Xiyuan Temple World had entered into this crooked place. Yagyu Xia Ye was a little bit dumbfounded, and said to Xiyuan Temple World: "That doesn't mean I won't come to Radish anymore. If the store manager Erjo really manages well Yes, I didn't come here for a part-time job, but came here simply because I wanted to, without any purpose."

Liu Shengxia Ye's explanation can be accepted by the world of Xiyuan Temple. As long as Liu Sheng Xia Ye comes to Radish in the future, then Gui Yanye's progress will not be afraid of surpassing himself.

Moreover, after the return of mother Xiyuan Temple Pupa, Xiyuan Temple World plans to learn from her, maybe she can learn some skills that she has not mastered yet.

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