
Yagyu Xiaye and Xiyuanji World came to the backyard, but they didn't see Gui Yanye who came in before, let alone the duo of Qingpu Setsuna and Lori who hadn't seen since coming to Radish.

So Yagyu Natsuya and Saiyuanji World went to the room where Nijo Wakaba used to work, but now Nijo Wakaba's office, and they heard the voices of Gui Yanye and Qingpu Setsuna when they were outside the door .

"Student Qingpu's problem-solving ideas are really special, especially suitable for children."

"Student Gui's method is very simple, he is worthy of being a top student in Class [-] of the year."

After hearing Gui Yanye and Qingpu Setsuna's words, Liu Shengxia night was holding his forehead outside, and now Gui Yanye was probably discussing the analysis of elementary school students' questions with Qingpu Setsuna again.

"Can't you get an answer quickly?"

"There is no problem, but Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi's understanding at this age is not understandable."


"Student Gui actually has such a side." After hearing the argument between Gui Yanye and Qingpu Setsuna in the Xiyuan Temple World outside the gate, he also said a little funny.

Because when she was in school, Gui Yanye was basically silent. Although her grades were among the best in the fourth class of the year, not many people were willing to communicate with her.Therefore, no one can understand what kind of person Gui Yanye is. Gui Yanye, who is arguing with Qingpu Setsuna now, is the attitude and life that an ordinary high school girl should have.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yagyu Xiaye also did not expect that Gui Yanye, who came to Radish today, would argue with Qingpu Setsuna about these things. It is very likely that after coming here, he was stimulated to a certain extent.

And now the debate inside seems to be a bit unstoppable, and both Gui Yanye and Qingpu Setsuna seem to have the intention of asking Gui Xin and Ito Zhi to help referee, Yagyu Xiaye doesn't want this kind of thing to happen, so Pushed the door open from the outside, and said, "Yan Ye, Shu Mo, forget about the argument between you, don't get Xiaoxin and Xiao Zhi involved."

Seeing Yagyu Xiaye and Xiyuanji World when they came in, Kiyoura Setsuna and Gui Yanye stopped arguing, while the two little girls, Ito Shiki and Gui Xin, rushed directly to Yagyu Xiaye.

After lying in Liusheng Xiaye's arms for a while, he raised his head to greet the world of Xiyuan Temple.

The relationship between Shizuo Ito and Saiyuanji World has always been good, and although Guixin is a little jealous of Saiyuanji World's attitude towards Yagyu Xiaye, after what happened with Nijo Wakaba yesterday, the two little lolis understood, If they were not polite when they should be polite, they would be hated by Yagyu Xiaye.

What's more, if Liu Shengxia Ye didn't come in suddenly, maybe they would really be involved in the dispute between Qingpu Setsuna and Gui Yanye.

"World, Yagyu-san, you are here." Kiyoura Setsuna said hello to Yagyu Xiaye and Xiyuanji World.

"Xia Ye, let's take care and Xiao Zhi home now." Seeing Liu Sheng Xia Ye's expression, Gui Yanye knew that Liu Sheng Xia Ye and Xiyuan Temple World must have heard a lot outside the door, and for himself and herself Gui Yanye is a little bit upset about Qingpu's momentary debate, and wants to leave this place quickly.

After hearing Gui Yanye's words, the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, also begged Liu Sheng Xia Ye to go home quickly.

"Setsuna, I will trouble you today." After expressing his gratitude to Qingpu Setsuna, Liu Sheng Xia Ye said: "I will find an opportunity to thank you later, but now I have to take them home first."

"You're welcome. If you really want to express your gratitude, it's enough to treat me to a meal that you cooked yourself." Qingpu Setsuna said something that surprised Yagyu Xiaye.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye looked at the two little lolis, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, but the two little lolis raised their heads proudly, as if they had made great contributions to Liu Sheng Xia Ye's cooking promotion.

"Well, if you have a chance, goodbye, Setsuna, the world." Liu Sheng Xia Ye left with Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little lolis, and Gui Yanye followed behind him.


"Setsuna, it's really wonderful that you proposed the method of thanking you, but how did you know that summer night cooking is delicious?" Regarding the method proposed by Qingpu Setsuna, the world of Xiyuan Temple really thinks it is wonderful, because Up to now, the world of Xiyuan Temple has only eaten the bento that Yagyu Xia Ye brought to school. As for the treatment of cooking a meal for her, the world of Xiyuan Temple has never enjoyed it.

The last time in Xiyuanji World was not counted, because Xiyuanji World could feel it. At that time, only one or two were her favorites, and the rest were eaten by Xiyuanji pupae, Katsura Manami, and Kiyoura Mai. .

"It was Xinxin and Xiaozhi who brought Radish's bento today. I only tasted a little bit, but it was delicious. Xinxin and Xiaozhi said that it was made in summer night, and it was specially made for them to bring to Radish." Qing Pu Setsuna didn't hide the source of this, but immediately after he finished speaking, he felt something was wrong, and he came to his senses and asked: "World, if you ask this way, have you ever eaten the food cooked by Xia Ye?"

Of course, the world of Xiyuan Temple did not hide it, and told about the matter that the pupa of Xiyuan Temple asked Liu Sheng to cook in the summer night.As for the fact that there are only one or two dishes that suit her taste, Xiyuanji World still complains a bit.

"In that world, you are much happier than me, because I only ate a little." Kiyoura Setsuna expressed envy for the fortune in the world of Saiyuanji, and at the same time, he was only a little late today. The bento made by Li was a bit regretful, that's why she asked Yagyu Xiaye to make a meal herself to express her gratitude.

"But don't be disappointed in Setsuna, because Xia Ye will basically do what he promised." Xiyuan Temple World first comforted Qingpu Setsuna, who was a bit lost, before using a slightly envious tone Said: "When you say happiness, I don't recognize it. If you want me to say it, the happiest ones should be classmate Gui and Xiao Zhi, because they will be late for the summer night cooking almost every day."

"If you snatch Xia Ye away from classmate Gui in the world, I can stay in Radish forever, and there is a chance that I will be late for Xia Ye's cooking." Qingpu Setsuna also heard the tone in Xiyuan Temple World's tone Envious, actually started to give ghost ideas to the world of Xiyuan Temple.

However, Seionji World's answer surprised Qingpu Setsuna a bit.

"I also thought about it, and even wanted to call my mother and ask her to ask Xia Ye to continue to work part-time at Radish." Xiyuan Temple World glanced at Qingpu Setsuna with a very surprised expression, and then looked at Yagyu Xia Ye. Without closing the door, he continued to say to Qingpu Setsuna: "But I didn't choose to do that in the end, because I was afraid that if I did that, the relationship between me and Xia Ye would not improve, and even the current relationship might not be able to be maintained. "

"Perhaps you are right." After hearing what Saiyuanji World said, Kiyoura Setsuna said seriously.

Qingpu Setsuna didn't have much contact with Yagyu Xiaye, but through the conversation between Guixin and Ito Zhi, Qingpu Setsuna still knew something, especially after her skillful questioning.

If the world of Xiyuan Temple really did what she thought just now, then the relationship between Yagyu Xiaye and her might really become stiff, and it would simply become a relationship between a part-time job and an employer.Obviously, this kind of relationship is not what Xiyuan Temple World wanted, so in the end Xiyuan Temple World didn't implement her idea.

"World, if Xia Ye really invites me to cook, I will definitely take you there." Kiyoura Setsuna said to Xiyuan Temple World.

Hearing Qing Pu Seta's words, Xiyuan Temple World laughed and said: "You don't need to say, I will go with you when the time comes, and the meal of thanks must not be handled casually, so now you should Think about what kind of dishes you should let Xia Ye cook, it's best to eat what you like."

Author's message:

Thanks to Shuke 2827855641 for the reward of 100 happy coins.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Isn't that good?" What Qingpu Setsuna thought was that at that time, Yagyu Xiaye could just cook a few of his favorite dishes, but now the world of Xiyuanji wanted to make it more difficult for Yagyu Xiaye.After all, it was impossible for Yagyu Xiaye to know what Qingpu Setsuna's favorite dish was, and that caused the situation that Qingpu Setsuna's favorite dish, Yagyu Xiaye, would not be cooked.

"No, even if Xia Ye doesn't know how to cook now, as long as you tell him the dishes you like, Xia Ye will definitely learn." For Liu Sheng Xia Ye's ability, Xiyuan Temple World chose to believe it.

Moreover, Yagyu Xiaye had also promised Qingpu Setsuna, which meant that Yagyu Xiaye would not break his promise.

"Then tell Xia Ye after you go to school."

"Just tell Xia Ye now, there is more time to prepare."

Qingpu Setsuna originally planned to refuse, but Xiyuanji World had already taken out all the banknotes, and also called up Yagyu Xiaye's text message window.

So Qingpu instantly compromised.

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