
When he got out of the car with Gui Yanye and the other three, Liu Shengxiaye received a message. When he opened it, he saw that it was from the world of Xiyuan Temple. The first part of the content was all the names of the dishes, and the last one was from the world of Xiyuan Temple. Remark.

"The above are all Setsuna's favorite food. Since Setsuna doesn't have your number, I sent it on behalf of you. Please come on, Xia Ye-kun, Setsuna and I are looking forward to your thank you banquet." He also called Liu Shengxia playfully. Night is Xia Yejun.

There are many names of dishes sent by Xiyuan Temple World, and some of them are not learned by Yagyu Xia Ye, but it is still possible to select some dishes that have been cooked and can be prepared to serve Kiyoura Seta.Therefore, the Xiyuan Temple World gave him the time to learn how to cook, and he could ignore the promise to adjust the time of the thank you banquet.

"Brother, let's go grocery shopping first. My sister also ate some for today's lunch. We are all hungry now." After leaving the station, two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, immediately asked to go grocery shopping.

Sure enough, the root cause of Qingpu Setsuna asking Yagyu Xia Ye to cook for her is Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.

Liu Sheng Xiaye originally wanted to agree to Gui Xin and Ito Zhi's request, but after scanning a spot, he said to Gui Yanye: "Yan Ye, take Xiaoxin and Xiao Zhi to go shopping for vegetables first, if I don't When you come back, you can cook dinner for them first, I have something to take care of."

"Xia Ye, what is dangerous, do you want to..."

Gui Yanye originally said whether to call the police, because Liu Shengxia Ye's words were a little scary, because he said that he could not come back.

"It's okay, it's just that the time may take a little longer." Looking at Gui Xin and Ito Yuki who also looked worried, Yagyu Xia Ye also hurriedly said comfortingly.

After receiving Liu Sheng Xia Ye's guarantee, Gui Yanye also said: "I will take Xiao Xin and Xiao Zhi home, and I will cook dinner, but you have to come back early Xia Ye."

"I'll be back after the matter is settled." Liu Shengxia Ye turned and left after speaking to Gui Yan and Ye Sannv.


"Will the people of Liusheng's family do this kind of plundering?" In a dark road, Liusheng Xiaye stood at the exit, and there was a hotel not far from the exit.

Originally, when someone mentioned Liu Sheng's house, the person being targeted by Liu Sheng Xia Ye was still a little nervous, but after seeing the person standing in front of him clearly, he blurted out, "Young master, why are you here?" ?”

This time it was Liu Shengxia Ye's turn to be confused, because he didn't know the guy in front of him at all, but since he could call himself the young master, he must be someone who knew him.

After leaving the station, Yagyu Xiaye saw this guy carrying a long-haired girl on his back, and he was acting sneaky.Originally, when Liu Shengxia Ye saw this kind of thing, he would at most call the police and provide some favorable information.But when Liu Shengxiaye felt something familiar on this guy, Liu Shengxiaye planned to take action himself.

This kind of thing, Yagyu Xiaye felt it in Dongcheng and Beize, and Dongcheng and Beizawa also said that in the Yagyu family, as long as they were the retainers of the Yagyu family, they would basically exist.

That's why Liu Shengxia Ye went to the exit of the road to block this guy, but Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't know this person at all.

"Young Master, I'm Nanyue." The guy who called himself Nanyue immediately explained after seeing Liusheng Xiaye's bewildered expression, but remembered what his companion had told him about Liusheng Xiaye, so he continued: "Mr. Lord, like Dongcheng and Kitazawa, I am a retainer of the Yagyu family, and we were by your side when young master was young."

After hearing Nanyue mention the names of Dongcheng and Beize, Liusheng Xiaye also believed in the identity of this guy, but he still pointed to the girl on Nanyue's back and asked: "Since he is a retainer of the Liusheng family, why do you want to give up?" If you let my sister know about doing such a thing, you should know the consequences."

Even when Dongcheng and Kitazawa detained Ze Yuezhi, a notorious pair of scumbags, they were under a certain amount of pressure, so Nanyue was already committing crimes against the wind.

It's just that Nan Yue's explanation made Liu Shengxia Ye a little confused. Nan Yue said to Liu Sheng Xia Ye: "Young master, this is what the current young master asked me to do. I have been by this girl's side all this time. , in order to prevent her from getting close to you, young master?"

Yagyu Kubei actually prevented this girl from approaching him. Could it be that this girl could threaten his strength or hinder Yagyu Xiaye's decision?

"Who is this girl?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked Nan Yue.

However, Nanyue was a little hesitant at this time, not because he didn't want to answer Liusheng Xiaye's question, but because he didn't dare to answer, possibly because of Liusheng Jiubingwei's warning.

After repeated questioning by Liu Shengxia Ye, Nanyue still did not answer, but only motioned Liu Sheng Xia Ye to take off the girl on his back, and then said: "Young master, you can recall it yourself, I didn't say anything. "

Liu Sheng Xiaye pulled the girl off Nanyue's back, and found that it was just a girl, and not a high school girl.

Does this girl have any unusual relationship with me?

And the long-haired girl's reaction made Liu Shengxia Ye feel a little familiar. The girl who seemed to have fainted on Nan Yue's back, after being picked up by Liu Sheng Xia Ye, inexplicably regained her strength, and directly hugged her Yagyu summer night.

"Brother, I miss you so much!"

Author's message:

Thank you for the reward of 100 happy coins, and thank you for the support of a monthly ticket for the professional shadow priest, thank you.

The update is late today because the company network is blown up.

Finally, ask for subscription, collection, monthly pass, and all support.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

This is not the whisper of this long-haired girl in her sleep, but a cry that can hit the heart of Liu Shengxia Ye, as if this title has existed for a long time.

Unlike Gui Xin and Ito Yuki who are full of nostalgia, except for the ubiquitous longing in the tone of this long-haired girl, Yagyu Xiaye can no longer feel anything else.

The brother she was talking about might be herself.After Liu Shengxia Ye held the girl in his arms firmly, he also had such a guess in his heart, but Liu Sheng Xia Ye couldn't remember the memory of this girl at all.

"Have you notified her parents?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked Nan Yue.

"Not at all." Seeing that Liu Shengxia Ye's life looked a little ugly, Nan Yue quickly explained: "Young Master told me, try not to cause major accidents around her. If her parents are notified, they will definitely be alarmed." From the police, we notified the little girl's office."

"Office?" This little girl who is obviously not a high school student actually has an office, which made Liu Sheng Xiaye a little strange. Could it be that this little guy is a child star?

"Yes, because she is a model for a magazine. Unlike a freelance model, she has an agency. And through the agency, we can minimize the situation." Nan Yue explained to Liu Shengxia Ye why not Instead of notifying the little girl's parents, she chose to notify the little girl's office.

"What are you going to do if I don't show up?"

"Take her to that hotel and settle down first, and then wait for people from her office to come." Nan Yue pointed to the hotel behind Liu Shengxia Ye.

Liu Shengxia Ye also looked at the girl in his arms at this time, and found that there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, Liu Sheng Xia Ye couldn't help but also laughed, and then let Nan Yue take the lead to the hotel.


Nanyue adopted a special method and asked the hotel owner to prepare a room for Liu Shengxiaye, and Liusheng Xiaye hugged the girl in his arms tightly in the room.

When he was about to put the girl on the bed, Liu Shengxia Ye realized that he couldn't let go of the girl's hand holding her, and after walking such a long way, the girl didn't even intend to wake up, Liu Sheng Xia Ye looked at it coldly He turned to Nanyue and asked, "Can you explain what you did?"

This was the first time after ten years, when facing Liusheng Xiaye, the former young master of the Liusheng family, Nanyue was still a little nervous.

Unlike ten years ago, Yagyu Xiaye was not very sensible ten years ago, so as long as he had fun at that time, it would be fine.But now when facing Liusheng Xiaye, Nanyue quickly became very unfamiliar. Although he was [-]% sure that this was the young master ten years ago, the current Liushengxiaye was like a stranger to Nanyue.

What's more, knowing from Dongcheng and Kitazawa how Liu Shengxiaye dealt with the perverted daughter in his area, the cold sweat of Nanyue who was targeted by Liusheng Xiaye broke out in an instant.

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