"My lord, I didn't do anything. I just knocked her out with a special method when I saw her going to do something dangerous." Nan Yue had no choice but to immediately explain Liu Shengxia Ye's question. .You know, the relationship between this girl and Yagyu Xiaye is very unusual. If Yagyu Xiaye is really suspected, let alone Yagyu Xiaye, it is estimated that Dongcheng and Kitazawa will fight in front of Yagyu Xiaye. What he shot, even if they had worked together before.

"Can you wake her up?" Liu Shengxiaye still chose to believe Nanyue's words, because from the mouths of Dongcheng and Beize, he had never heard of any retainer who dared to betray and be disloyal.

Perhaps it is possible that those treacherous and disloyal retainers have disappeared forever.

Liu Shengxia Ye's request made Nanyue a little embarrassed. Seeing Liu Shengxiaye's face turned ugly again, Nanyue explained: "Young master, this is a coercive means we have. It can be untied, but for There is still an impact on her body. It is best to wait for her to wake up on her own, which will basically have no impact on her."

"Are you saying that I can only be hugged and wait for her to wake up like this? Isn't that against what you want to do?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked.

The thing Liusheng Jiubingwei gave to Nanyue was not to let this girl get close to Liusheng Xiaye. If Liusheng Xiaye could only leave after the girl woke up, then he would definitely meet Liusheng Xiaye, then Liusheng Jiu The arrangement of soldiers and guards fell through.

Looking at Nanyue's sad face, Liu Shengxiaye couldn't continue to persecute him, and said to him: "The bag you have been carrying is hers, please show me."

Nan Yue hesitated for a moment, but still handed the bag to Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

Unable to let the girl in his arms let go and fall asleep, Liu Shengxia Ye could only continue to hold the girl and sit on the bed, but fortunately, Liu Sheng Xia Ye's hands were still able to move.

After receiving the package from Nanyue, Liu Shengxiaye did not find any evidence that could prove how close he was with the girl.

Because there is only a mobile phone and a notebook inside.

Turning on the phone, I found that the screen saver was actually a photo of him and the girl, and the location of the photo seemed to be in the living room of a certain house.Looking at the standby screen saver, the girl who was a full head behind him, in order to achieve the goal of being parallel to him, actually made Liu Shengxia kneel down in the middle of the night, and when taking pictures, she secretly stretched her feet behind her and stepped on Liu Shengxia night.

When he wanted to open the phone, he found that he needed to enter the password, so Liu Shengxia Ye could only give up and set his sights on the two notebooks.

Judging from the degree of grinding of this notebook, it should still be useful for a long time, but judging from the number 09, there should be eight other notebooks before this notebook.It's just that the other eight books were not carried by the girl, only the latest ninth book.

Turning to the first page, the owner's name appeared.

Ayase Ayaki.


My brother got a perfect score in the math test. Originally, I wanted to congratulate him, but in the end I said that my brother's score was nothing more than that.

Why do I treat my brother like this?


I encountered a problem in mathematics and wanted to ask my brother for help, but because of the previous words, I have never had the courage.In the end, my brother saw my difficulties and offered to help me, but instead of thanking him, I said that my brother was meddling in his own business.

I am son, do you hate brother?


It has been a long time since I met Kirino, and I also know that Kirino is a free model, and I am very envious of Kirino's lifestyle, but I know that my family does not allow me to do this.And Kirino also has an older brother, unlike my older brother, Kirino's older brother never cared about Kirino.

I envy Kirino.

Author's message:

At the end of this month, the author Jun is here to thank all the friends who subscribed and supported this book this month.Tomorrow is another day, a new month, the author Jun is here to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets, rewards, and everything in advance.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


My brother quarreled with my parents about my wanting to be a model. In the end, my parents compromised and agreed to my request, but they don’t seem to treat my brother the same as before. Is it my illusion?When I was going to thank my brother, I said something against my will, saying that I hated the brother who made my parents angry the most.My brother didn't respond to me, just looked at me for a long time without words, I felt like I was going to lose a lot.


People from the firm that my brother found for me came to the house and talked with my parents about my affairs for a long time, and my parents were quite satisfied, but I didn't see my brother.


I haven't seen my brother for a week. When I asked my parents, they also said that my brother went on a study tour, but are there still people who need study tours?


It has been two weeks since my brother disappeared from my life. I used to be a model like Kirino, and now I should be very happy without my brother's restraint. Why can't I be happy at all?


I wanted to go out and look for my brother, but I couldn't find anything.

From here on, Ayase Aragaki's diary was discontinued. Although there were occasional updates later on, one sentence was often repeated, that is, no brother was found.

Yagyu Natsuya didn't know why he was at Aragaki Ayase's house and became Aragaki Ayase's older brother, but after reading these words, Yagyu Natsuya suddenly felt responsible and couldn't let this sister go on like this.

Yagyu Xia Ye felt that the last few pages of the notebook were strange, turned to the back, and saw a beginning.

To the most annoying brother.

There are only these few words, and there is no text behind it at all.However, the word hate has been crossed out. As for what word to replace, I am afraid Ayase Aragaki has not thought about it.

What's more, Liu Shengxiaye discovered that these pages of paper were not flat, but wrinkled.It looks like it has been soaked in water, but judging from the cleanliness of the first few chapters of the notebook, Ayase Aragaki will not let this happen.

Unless, this is not caused by rain at all, but Aragaki Ayase's tears.

"Perhaps, I'm not a competent brother." Liu Shengxia Ye put down the notebook in his hand and said softly.

On the side, Nanyue didn't dare to have any opinion on Liu Shengxia Ye's self-evaluation, because he could feel Liu Sheng Xia Ye's current self-blame.But there are some things that Liu Shengxia Ye can't control, especially Liu Sheng Xia Ye is the young master of Liu Sheng's family.

Yagyu Xia Ye moved his stiff body a little, then stretched out his palm and put it on Ayase Aragaki's head in his arms, patted gently and said, "Ayase, forgive brother."

Perhaps it was Yagyu Xiaye's apology, or perhaps it was Yagyu Xiaye's intimate touch that made Aragaki Ayase slowly let go of Yagyu Xiaye.

While continuing to caress Aragaki Ayase, Yagyu Xia Ye gently removed Aragaki Ayase from her body, and finally succeeded.

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