After Nanyue saw this result, he was also greatly relieved, because he was also afraid of the final result, and could only wait for Aragaki Ayase to wake up.The reason why Aragaki Ayase gave Yagyu Xiaye the things about Yagyu Xiaye was that she hoped that Yagyu Xiaye could find a way to break this deadlock.

Although Yagyu Xiaye now knew that he and Aragaki Ayase were siblings for a certain period of time, but judging from his initial attitude, Yagyu Xiaye would not ignore Yagyu Kubei's explanation to Nanyue.

In other words, Yagyu Natsuya will not meet Aragaki Ayase who is sober now.

After putting Aigaki Ayase on the bed, Yagyu Xiaye didn't leave immediately or stopped touching Aragaki Ayase, and was still whispering in Aragaki Ayase's ear. At this time, Nanyue went outside because he was not fit to listen.


In the end, it was Yagyu Xia Ye who opened the door and asked Nanyue, "How long will it be before the people from Ayase's office arrive?"

"I just called, and it will be here in half an hour."

"Okay, then I wrote a letter in Ayase's notebook, and you tell her manager to hand it over to her when she wakes up." Yagyu Xiaye said to Nanyue.

After Yagyu Xia Ye finished speaking, she went back to the room, took out Ayase Aragaki's notebook, turned to the back, and started to write a letter in front of the blank file of "To the most hated brother".

To Ayase.

Ayase, first of all, please forgive my brother for running away from home without authorization.As my parents said, I went on a study tour, so you can't continue to be angry with your parents.Getting along with friends also needs to be done to a certain degree, but I believe that my sister can handle the relationship around her well.


In the middle, I explained a lot intermittently. Yagyu Xia Ye wrote at the end: I will come back after my study tour is completed.The time of the study tour is about two years. When I come back, I hope to see a sister who continues to hate me.

Brother stay.

Yagyu Xia Ye finished writing the message to Aragaki Ayase, and then put the notebook and mobile phone together in the bag. At this time, she also heard the voice of Nanyue talking with a woman outside. It should be that Aragaki Ayase's manager has arrived. .

Even if Aragaki Ayase had fallen into a coma now, Yagyu Xia Ye didn't want this kind of noise to disturb Aragaki Ayase, so he opened the door and went out.

To Liusheng Xiaye's surprise, the woman who had talked fiercely with Nanyue just now, when she saw Liusheng Xiaye, was also very surprised and asked: "Aragaki-kun, are you with Ayase? I thought this guy was trying to blackmail our firm."

This woman actually called herself Aragaki, the same surname as Ayase Aragaki.But now Yanagi Ayase is the older brother of Aragaki Ayase, so it is not a big deal to have the same surname as Aragaki Ayase.

And Yagyu Xia Ye didn't refute, but said: "Ayase has already fallen asleep inside, so don't make too much noise."

"Aragaki-kun, I heard that you ran away from home? Ayase-chan seemed to be affected too. Although she didn't show it during the filming, we could occasionally feel it when she was alone. Unfortunately, we couldn't comfort her at all." Yagyu Natsuya, who should be the manager of Aragaki Ayase's women's team, said.

"It's just that I didn't tell Ayase when I went out. Please don't tell Ayase that I'm here, and my message to Ayase is in her notebook. After Ayase wakes up tomorrow, you can let her see it." "Looking at the fierce exchange of words between Nanyue and this manager, he knew that Nanyue had no chance to clarify what Liu Shengxiaye had explained before, so Liuyu Xiaye said it again to Aragaki Ayase's manager in person.

Author's message:

The new month has started again, and there are still two updates every day, around 12 am and around 12 pm.The author is here to ask for a subscription, a monthly ticket, a reward, and everything.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Aragaki-kun, you want to leave, won't you stay here with me and wait for Ayase-chan to wake up?" Yagyu Natsuya's account seems to have been listened to by Aigase Ayase's manager, but when she was surprised, why the current Yagyu Xiaye made her feel a little different.

Yagyu Xia Ye has now lost her memory with Aragase Ayase, and she is afraid that she will be aware of what she said to Aragaki Ayase's manager, and then tell this guess to Aragaki Ayase. In that case, Aragaki Ayase may not Just worried about him running away from home.

"No need, everything I want to say is in the notebook, I'll go back first." It was almost late at night, and Liu Sheng Xia Ye was also planning to go back.As for the matter of Aragaki Ayase, Yagyu Natsuya hopes that Aragaki Ayase will cheer up after reading his message, just like what he said in the message, after a certain period of time, he will definitely appear again In the life of Aragaki Ayase.

This is a brother's promise to his sister.

However, after leaving, Yagyu Xiaye told Nanyue to pay more attention to protecting Aragaki Ayase in the future, and Nanyue saw that Yagyu Xiaye cared so much about Aragaki Ayase, and asked Liusheng Xiaye whether he should apply to Yagyu Kubei for another one. The female retainer came to protect Aragaki Ayase.

"No need, since my sister entrusted this matter to you, I also believe in your ability." Liu Shengxia Ye's words moved Nanyue a little, although the feeling Liu Shengxia Ye gave him now is very different from ten years ago , but there are always some things that have not changed.

"Young master, I understand."

Of course, these conversations between Yagyu Xiaye and Nanyue were all said when Aragaki Ayase's manager went in to see Aragaki Ayase.

After explaining, Liu Shengxia also left the hotel.

The only thing Yagyu Xia Ye took away was Aragaki Ayase's phone number in the phone.


It was already late when Liu Sheng Xia Ye returned home, but Gui Yanye was still waiting for Liu Sheng Xia Ye to come back in the living room.

"Xia Ye, you're back, have you had dinner yet?" Seeing Liu Sheng Xia Ye's return, Gui Yanye was also a little happy, she thought that Liu Sheng Xia Ye would go out like before, and would not come back that night after going out.

"I haven't had time to eat yet, Yan Ye, why don't you go to bed early?" Because of Ayase Aragaki, Yagyu Xiaye hadn't had dinner all this time. just came back. "Be careful and Xiaozhi, they haven't slept yet, have they?"

"Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi have already fallen asleep in their room, Xia Ye, wait a moment, I'll go get you some hot food now." Gui Yanye walked towards the kitchen after finishing speaking.

Yagyu Xiaye originally wanted to say that he could just eat something casually, but seeing Gui Yanye's so caring, Yagyu Xiaye did not refuse, but sat on the sofa beside him and began to think about things related to Aragaki Ayase.

It's a pity that that memory seems to have been sealed up, no matter how Liu Sheng Xia Ye recalled it, he couldn't recall it.

"Xia Ye, what are you thinking?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye was woken up by Gui Yanye's voice, and found that Gui Yanye was standing in front of the table and looking at him worriedly, and the table had already been packed a lot dishes.

"No, I was just thinking about something." Yagyu Xia Ye shook his head, telling himself not to think about Ayase Aragaki, and then said to Gui Yanye: "Yan Ye, I can't eat so much by myself , why don't you sit down and eat together."

"No, if you continue to eat at this point, you will get fat." I didn't expect Gui Yanye to reject Liu Sheng Xia Ye's proposal to have dinner together, but found that he seemed to have said the wrong thing, and explained: "Xia Ye , I'm not saying that you will get fat if you eat it, but..."

"I know, thank you, Yan Ye." After Liu Sheng Xia Ye thanked Gui Yanye, he began to eat.


"Xia Ye, is there anything I can do to help you? Seeing how confused you were just now, I feel like I'm really useless." After Liu Sheng Xia Ye finished eating, Gui Yanye suddenly turned to Liu Sheng Xia. Ye said.

Gui Yanye's sudden request also surprised Liu Shengxiaye, but you can still ask some questions.

"Yan Ye, you said that you met me in Fuxin Park ten years ago, did you know anyone else besides me at that time?" The only memory Liu Sheng Xia Ye can have now is that he came to After this time, everything after entering Sakakino Academy and the encounter with Gui Yanye can only be a fragment of memory. The specific Yagyu Xiaye is like the incident of Aragaki Ayase, which cannot be remembered at all.

After listening to Liu Sheng Xia Ye's questioning, Gui Yanye first apologized to Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

"Xia Ye, I'm sorry."

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