"This is another kind of balance, isn't it? Setsuna is okay with you in Radish now?" Yagyu Xiaye didn't continue to talk about whether Qingpu Setsuna could win the championship, but started to ask about Qingpu Setsuna's life in Radish.

Now Kiyoura Setsuna has agreed to study abroad after the school festival, so nothing can happen to interfere with this decision.

"Very good, it's much better than living alone. It would be even better if Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi come to Radish every week." Qingpu Setsuna was very happy about Yagyu Xiaye's concern, but she was really I hope Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls, can go to Radish often, so that her weekend life will not be too lonely.

However, when Yagyu Xiaye was not ready to respond to Qingpu Setsuna's question about Ito Yuki and Gui Xin, Gui Yanye did speak.

"Be careful and Xiaozhi's education on the weekend. I think Xia Ye and I can finish it. We won't bother Qingpu. Yesterday and the day before yesterday were just accidents."

After hearing Gui Yanye's words, Liu Shengxia Ye knew that she had not completely let go of the argument with Qingpu Setsuna in Radish.

"It's similar to what Yan Ye said. If Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi are okay, they probably won't go to Radish again, unless the two of them ask for it."

Originally, after listening to Liu Shengxiaye's first half sentence similar to Gui Yanye, Qingpu Setsuna was still a little disappointed, but the latter words made Qingpu Setsuna's eyes brighten, because Yagyu Xiaye was implying that she could be with Ito Yuki and Gui Yanye. He worked hard on the two little lolitas.

After receiving Liusheng Xiaye's hint, Qing Pusha also calmed down, and walked towards the school's gymnasium together with Liusheng Xiaye and Gui Yanye.


After arriving at the school's gymnasium, Qingpu Setsuna separated from Yagyu Xiaye and Gui Yanye, because they were still divided according to classes.

But even so, the third class of the year and the fourth class of the year are still next to each other.

Normally, this kind of thing is presided over by the president of the student council, but it may be because Yagyu Natsuya's deeds of winning the ten championships are so shocking, so this time the principal of Sakakino Academy personally came out to preside over it.

After a long draft of nonsense, the principal of Sakakino Academy announced that the awards ceremony for the sports meet had begun.

Of course, the principal will not present the award in person, and this task naturally falls on the president of the student union.

The student council president was also very shocked when he held the list of winners in his hand, because the number of times a certain person's name appeared was too frequent.Fortunately, the student council president is also a person who has experienced the test, and the entire awarding process was not delayed because of this matter.

"The awards will start now, first of all the awards for personal honor."

"The winner of the men's [-]-meter sprint competition is Yagyu Xiaye from Class [-] of the first year. Everyone applauds and congratulates." The first name that the student council president said was Liuyu Xiaye, and everyone gave Liuyu Xiaye warm applause. In the fourth class of the year, there was cheering again during the competition, but this time the slogan became "Ten Champions".

The fact that Yagyu Xia Ye has now won ten championships is already well-known in the entire Sakakino Academy, so their applause was so enthusiastic just now, because the strong should be treated like this.

Liu Shengxia Ye also walked towards the podium while saying his name.

"Yagyu, you did a great job. You will be the legend of Sakakino Academy." After the student council president handed the medal to Yagyu Xiaye, he also valued this junior, Yagyu Xiaye.

"Thank you." Yagyu Xia Ye planned to step down after receiving the medal, but was stopped by the student council president and said, "Wait a minute, the winners of individual honors have to take a group photo together, and you have other medal requirements, so Stand aside first..."

Before the president of the student council finished speaking, the spectators below began to express their opinions.

"You should receive all ten medals together."

"Yes, that's the way to count as the top ten champions."

"Class four a year is number one." This is the slogan issued by class four a year.

The sudden outbreak of the plot made the student council president not know what to do, because the order of awarding was carried out project by project.Fortunately, after the principal of Sakakino Academy gave the student council president a wink, the student council president immediately said to everyone in the audience: "Since everyone is so enthusiastic, let's present the remaining awards to Mr. Yagyu together."

The words of the student council president received a lot of cheers, and the voice of the ten-time champion was not limited to the fourth class of the first year.

After the voice became a little quieter, the student council president looked at the notebook and said, "The winner of the [-]-meter sprint race is Liu Yu from Class [-] of the first year."

"Ten Crowns"

"the second"

These two different voices appeared in the audience, but then slowly turned into the second one, Yagyu Xiaye's champion count.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"The third!"

"the fourth!"


Afterwards, the student council president didn't mention one of Liusheng Xiaye's awards, and the people below were shouting that this was the number of Liusheng Xiaye's award.

"Ten Crown King!"

On the stage, an award was moved, and Liu Shengxia Ye stood alone on it, holding a medal in his hand.

Fortunately, although today can be said to be Yagyu Xia Ye's home stadium, the president of the student union did not neglect the other winners, and immediately began to read the names of other winners.

However, it was very different from the cheers that Liu Shengxia Ye received. What these people received was only symbolic applause, and they would feel a little embarrassed standing beside Liu Sheng Xia Ye.Because they only have one medal in their hands, while Yagyu Xia Ye has ten medals in his hands.

However, when the student council president read the next name, the audience shouted again.Although it was not as loud as Liu Shengxiaye, the ten-time champion, it was much louder than the voices of the few award recipients who came up to accept the awards just behind Liusheng Xiaye.

"The champion of women's timed rope skipping is Gui Yanye from Class [-] of the first year."

The students who cheered Gui Yanye the most in the audience were the students of the fourth class of the first year, especially those who belonged to the cheering team during the sports meeting, who shouted their voices wantonly.However, not everyone in the fourth class of the year is cheering for Gui Yanye. For example, Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami, and the girls who have a good relationship with these two people are not cheering for Gui Yanye. Cheers for winning.

After Gui Yanye came to the stage to accept the award, he stood on the left hand side of Liu Shengxia Ye with the medal.The reason why there is such a position next to Liu Sheng Xia Ye is because the previous few people thought that there was still a gap between them and Liu Sheng Xia Ye, so they took the initiative to distance themselves from Liu Sheng Xia Ye, which just matched Gui Yan leaf.

After Gui Yanye, another person who caused cheers came to the stage.

"The individual champion of the women's table tennis competition is a classmate from Xiyuan Temple World Class Three."

This time, the students of class three who cheered for Xiyuan Temple World, when their opponents cheered for Gui Yanye just now, they had already held their breath and waited for the name of Xiyuan Temple World to be pronounced. Time, they finally broke out.

Moreover, Kato Otome, Kanroji Nanami and others who did not cheer for Gui Yanye before cheered for Saiyuanji World.Regarding the "rebellious" behavior of Kanroji Nanami and Kato Otome and others, the people in the fourth class of the year still didn't care about it, because they knew that this group of people had a very good relationship with the next-door class, Saiyuanji World.

There are several award-winning students who can have such enthusiastic voices at an awards ceremony, which can only show that they are very popular in their respective classes, and their results in this sports meeting have also been recognized by them.

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