After Xiyuan Temple World received the award, it stood on the right side of Liu Shengxia Ye, because there was nothing on the right side of Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

In this case, Yagyu Xia Ye was surrounded by two beautiful girls from left to right.

After Xiyuan Temple World stood on Liusheng Xiaye's right, it looked directly at Gui Yanye who was on Liusheng Xiaye's left, and Gui Yanye also looked at Xiyuan Temple World at this time.

The behavior of these two people made Liu Shengxia Ye feel a little inexplicable. The relationship seemed to be very good, but it seemed that they were competing with each other.

Fortunately, because the awards will continue, both Xiyuan Temple World and Gui Yanye did not move too much, and they were waiting for the next winners to come on stage.

"Okay, let's use the warmest applause to congratulate those who have achieved outstanding performance in the sports meeting." The student council president greeted the students below, and the students in the audience really responded to his words.

"After the individual honors are photographed, the group honors will be presented. Prepare yourself." The student council president said to the individual winners.

It's just that the number of individuals who won the first place in this sports meeting is smaller than any previous one, because Liu Shengxiaye alone occupied ten places.After listening to the words of the student council president, the individual winners on the stage who knew each other began to greet each other and stood together, and then waited for the students from the student news department to take pictures.

Liu Sheng Xiaye didn't mean to look for other people, because he didn't know anyone on the stage except Xiyuan Temple World and Gui Yanye.And most importantly, neither Xiyuan Temple World nor Gui Yanye gave Liu Sheng Xia Ye the opportunity to find other people alive and take pictures alone.

The two held Liusheng Xiaye's left and right hands respectively, and then signaled to the students in the news department that they were ready.

After seeing the actions of Xiyuanji World and Gui Yanye, the students of the News Department subconsciously looked at the student council president of Sakakino Academy, because the behavior of Xiyuanji World and Gui Yanye seemed to have crossed the line of.

However, this time, the student council president of Sakakano Academy did not think it was inappropriate, but said: "I am afraid that this is the only opportunity to take a photo with the school's ten-time champion in the entire school days."

Since the student council president of Sakakino Academy is not going to stop him, he also let go of the news department's photography, because such a group photo of a man and two women will definitely make the news department famous because of this shooting.


After the filming of the winners of the individual championships in the sports meeting was completed, Liu Shengxiaye and his group stepped off the stage one after another, and began to wait for the collective awards.

"Xia Ye, how does it feel to get ten medals?" After Xiyuan Temple World came down, he did not go back to the third class of the first year, but came to the fourth year of the first year with Liu Sheng Xia Ye and Gui Yanye. class location.

"I find it troublesome. If I can, I'd rather just give me a medal, and write me a ten-time champion on it." Liu Sheng Xiaye now really thinks that this medal is a bit of a hindrance, and it's inconvenient anyway. .

"You can give half of it to me, and then go home and take it back together." Gui Yanye reminded Liu Shengxia Ye.

"It's not necessary, it's just a bit troublesome. I don't think it's too heavy." Liu Shengxiaye rejected Gui Yanye's proposal, and he still felt that this weight was acceptable.

After seeing the world of Xiyuan Temple coming, Otome Kato and Qihai of Ganluji also walked towards the world of Xiyuan Temple.

"World, congratulations, we also cheered for you just now."

"Thank you." Xiyuanji World said to Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami, and was about to pull Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami away from Yagyu Xiaye and Gui Yanye.

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Thanks for the reward of 300 happy coins from the troubled scholar and 200 happy coins from Aqin, thank you.

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It's just that when the Xiyuanji world was surprised, she didn't pull anyone from Kato Otome and Ganroji Nanami, and what happened afterwards made the Xiyuanji world even more surprised.

"Student Gui, congratulations on winning the honor for the fourth class of the first year." After Ganlu Temple Qihai greeted Xiyuan Temple World, instead of congratulating Liu Shengxiaye for winning the tenth crown, she greeted Gui Yanye.

Not only the world of Xiyuan Temple was surprised, but even Liu Shengxiaye and Gui Yanye were very surprised.

Gui Yanye is very clear about the relationship between Gui Yanye, Ganlu Temple Qihai and Kato Otome.Although because of the sports meeting, Gui Yanye has gained no less popularity than Kato Otome and Ganluji Qihai in the fourth class of the year, but Gui Yanye also knows that the attitudes of Ganluji Qihai and Kato Otome towards her should be different in a short time. It will not change within.

However, now that Ganluji Qihai said this, it meant to ease their relationship.

Seeing Gui Yanye is still a little bit, Xiyuan Temple World is like pulling Gui Yanye.

After being reminded by Xiyuan Temple World, Gui Yanye glanced at Xiyuan Temple World gratefully, and then said to Ganlu Temple Qihai: "Thank you for your congratulations, Ganlu Temple classmate."

"If you are still who you were before, then we will still be who you were before." Kato Otome also expressed her attitude towards Gui Yanye.

The two people most against her, Ganluji Qihai and Kato Otome, have expressed this attitude, and Gui Yanye certainly understands how she will respond.

"Kato-san, don't worry, I will never be the same as before."

However, to Gui Yanye's embarrassment, just after she finished speaking, Kato Otome took Xiyuanji World and Ganluji Qihai away.

"Xia Ye, did I screw up again?" Gui Yanye was a little disappointed, she thought she didn't seize the opportunity just now.

"No, your response is very good." Liu Sheng Xiaye first denied Gui Yanye's self-identity, and then said: "Student Kato and classmate Ganlusi have shown kindness to you, and what you want to become in the future really depends on you." I can only see you."

Now, Liusheng Xiaye's biggest worry is also let go. After that, Gui Yanye, Ganluji Qihai and Kato Otome will develop like this. Just like Liusheng Xiaye said to Gui Yanye just now, he will not interfere. .

After listening to Liu Shengxia Ye's words, Gui Yanye also looked at the three people in Xiyuan Temple World who were standing together not far away.


"Otome, Qihai, I was really surprised by your performance just now." After walking to a place where Yagyu Xiaye and Gui Yanye could not hear, Xiyuan Temple World directly said to her two.

On the third day of the sports meeting, Xiyuan Temple World only reminded the two of them, but today's performance of the two really surprised Xiyuan Temple World.

"World, in fact, we also gained courage from your previous actions on stage."

"My move?" Xiyuan Temple World was a little puzzled.

"Yes, what you did to stand on Xia Ye's right. If it was me and Otome, I wouldn't be standing on Xia Ye's right, because Gui Yanye is standing on Xia Ye's left."

"Why then?"

"Because we don't want to break the current relationship with Xia Ye, maybe what you said is right, if we continue to target Gui Yanye, we will really become strangers to Xia Ye. So, as long as it doesn't happen What we are worried about, it is not impossible to live in peace with Gui Yanye." Kato Otome Saiyuanji World said.

Sure enough, yesterday's reminder still has a little effect.However, when they were on stage, the reason why they stood on the right side of Liu Shengxia Ye was that the world of Xiyuan Temple at that time did not intend to live in peace with Gui Yanye, but wanted to compete in secret.

It's just that the meaning of her actions should only be understood by Gui Yanye, who is a competitor, not even Liu Shengxiaye.

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