"The last class is about to end, so I want to wake you up."

Liu Sheng Xia Ye sat up straight and yawned, indicating that the sleeping effect was good.Fortunately, this class of Class [-] is self-study. If there is a teacher in the class, Liu Shengxia Ye's behavior like this, even if he has excellent grades, he will probably be warned.

"Xia Ye, are you okay?" Gui Yanye asked a little worried.Although Liusheng Xiaye said that he had nothing to do with the teachers of the physical education group, Gui Yanye was still worried whether it was because of participating in the sports meeting that Liusheng Xiaye slept directly at school on the first day after the sports meeting. I took three classes.

"It's nothing, just sleepy occasionally." Of course, there are certain reasons for participating in the sports meeting, but it is the matter of Aragaki Ayase that Yagyu Xiaye cares about.

I can't think of a little memory about Aragaki Ayase, but Aragaki Ayase's feelings for him are not fake, not to mention that Aragaki Ayase's manager also knows him, which means that before coming to Sakakino Academy Yagyu Natsuya might really be Aragaki Ayase's older brother.

And the only one who knows all this is probably his sister Liu Sheng Jiubei who is now in the middle school attached to Lingyang University.

Yagyu Natsuya did not ask Dongcheng to inquire about Ayase Aragaki, because Yagyu Kubei had been involved in the Sawakoshiyuki incident last time.Liu Sheng Xia Ye decided to go to the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University to meet her sister this Saturday, and then sort out her own affairs.

Seeing that Liu Sheng Xia Ye had really recovered, Gui Yanye let go of his worries, and finally asked the question he wanted to ask in the first session of the afternoon.

"Xia Ye, you said before that you ate someone else's lunch, whose is it?"

Liu Shengxia Ye was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Gui Yanye to ask such a question.Seeing that Liu Sheng Xia Ye did not answer for a while, Gui Yanye explained: "Xia Ye, I have no other intentions, I just want to ask..."

"In the class next door, she is currently learning cooking skills in Radish. Today is the first time she came to school to make bento. I happened to meet her, so I tasted it."

"It turned out to be Qing Pu's classmate, so what happened?" Gui Yanye was still more concerned.

"Now Setsuna's cooking skills are completely zero. The bento side dishes I made for the first time are basically dark cooking, but I think it will get better and better in the future."

After hearing Yagyu Xiaye say that Qingpu Setsuna's bento side dishes are dark dishes, Gui Yanye is a little happy, thinking that she can still surpass Qingpu Setsuna in this aspect of cooking.

The reason why Gui Yanye still cares about Kiyoura Setsuna besides the competitor of Xiyuanji World is not entirely because of Yagyu Xiaye, but also the two little lolis Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.

Last night, the two little lolitas were looking forward to the moment when Jing Yi Uzuki came to the house on the weekend, and they also suggested to Gui Yanye whether Qingpu Setsuna could come to the house to help them with their homework on the weekend.Of course, this proposal was rejected by Gui Yanye when it first came out.

It’s fine to let yourself be deflated in Radish, but if you really let Qingpu Setsuna come to the house to tutor Gui Xin and the other three little girls, and he can only cook on the side, Gui Yanye thinks that is his biggest failure.

Now knowing that Qingpu Setsuna's cooking skills are not good, Gui Yanye seems to have found some winning point.

"Then I really look forward to the improvement of Qingpu's culinary skills." Although Gui Yanye said so, it may be true whether he really thinks so in his heart.

And Yagyu Xia Ye didn't say that he would be Qingpu Setsuna's tasting target in the future, because at this time, the clock announcing the end of school rang.


Today, Gui Yanye was supposed to stay on duty, but it seems that at noon, Gui Yanye communicated with other girls in the class, and changed the order of duty with one of them, so he was able to talk to Liu Sheng. Xia Ye goes to pick up Gui Xin and Ito Zhi together.

When the two came to the school, it happened to be the time when the parents of the students came to pick up their children from school.

It's just that today, it wasn't Yuki Ito and Gui Xin who first appeared in front of Yagyu Xiaye, and it wasn't Uzuki Uzuki who was going to come to Gui's home for tutoring, but a girl who looked about the same age as Gui Xin and the others. Standing in front of them, the little girl asked, "Are you Yagyu Xiaye from Sakakino Academy?" The little girl's tone was a bit aggressive, as if she had a grudge against her.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye was a little strange, because he didn't know this little girl at all, and Xiao Xin and Xiao Zhi never said that they had such a classmate who was dissatisfied with her in school.

And even if you know that Yagyu Natsuya is here to pick up Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, but think that Yagyu Natsuya is Sakakano Academy, there are very few people, this little girl must be someone in Sakakano Academy Own revenge.

However, apart from Ito Makoto and Sawayong Taisuke, there is only one other guy who has a grudge against him in Sakakino Academy.

Is it...?

Sure enough, when Liu Shengxia Ye wanted to ask, he heard a familiar voice from the side.

"Gongmei, where are you?"

Hearing this voice, the little girl named Gongmei in front of Yagyu Xiaye waved in the direction of the voice.

"Brother, I am here."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

By the time Gongmei called her brother, Yagyu Xiaye had already confirmed that this little girl was Hanayamain Kyouichi's younger sister.

When I was at Sakakino Academy, if I had to say that I had a grudge with Yanagi Natsuya, the two homosexuals, Taisuke Sawayong and Makoto Ito, would definitely rank first.But the second place must be Kyouichi Hanayamain who walked up to Yagyu Xia Ye and Gui Yanye and blocked his sister behind him.

There were three main conflicts between Yagyu Natsuya and Hanayamain Kyouichi.

The first time was on the school's rooftop. After Kanroji Nanami told Kyoichi Hanayamain that she could only focus on basketball at this stage, Kyouichi Hanayamain wanted to use force but was stopped by Yagyu Natsuya.The second is about his date with that little lolita Uzuki Uzuki, and because of a coincidence, Yagyu Xia Ye warned Kyouichi Hanayamain again.The second time was about Caiyun Academy. Hanayamain Kyouichi went to pester Kato Otome's younger sister Kato about the pitiful matter.

And for the third time, Yagyu Xiaye gave Hanayamain Gong a final warning, if he committed another crime in front of Liusheng Xiaye, then Yagyu Xiaye would show no mercy.

So, when he saw his younger sister standing in front of Yagyu Xiaye and Gui Yanye, he thought it was his younger sister, Kyoumi Hanayamain, who offended Yagyu Xiaye.

"Yagyu-san, my sister is still young, so you shouldn't embarrass her." Now, Kyouichi Hanayamain will no longer use the tone of a senior from Sakakino Academy to speak to Yagyu Xia Ye, because he understands that if he does that, he just It will make Yagyu Xia Ye disgusted.

This guy first came out to protect his sister, which made Yagyu Xia Ye a little appreciative. He wanted to say that he hadn't had anything to do with his sister, but Kyoumi Hanayamain quit.

"Brother, isn't this person a first-year student in your school? You are his senior, why do you treat him in such a humble manner?"

Kyoumi Hanayamain was dissatisfied with her brother Kyouichi Hanayamain's low attitude, because when Kyouichi Hanayamain was chatting with her, he said that there was a freshman in the school who disrespected him, and even warned him several times.

According to some information disclosed by Kyouichi Hanayamain, Kyoumi Hanayamain finally stopped Yagyu Xiaye and Gui Yanye today, wanting to ask about her brother.Who knew that after her brother came over, he would be afraid of Liu Shengxia Ye, a first-year student, and protect her behind him.

Kyouichi Hanayamain saw his younger sister Kyoumi standing up from behind, and when he wanted to pull Kyoumi Hanayamain behind him again, he was stopped by Natsuya Yagyu's voice.

"I'm Yagyu Natsuya, what did you want to say to me just now?" Although Yagyu Natsuya's voice frightened Kyouichi Hanayamain, Kyoumi Hanayamain who had no contact with Yagyu Natsuya was not frightened. It became a bit of a confrontation with Liu Shengxia Ye.

"Respect my brother a bit more in school from now on. He is your senior anyway. If you don't follow suit, I will report to your school."

Kyoumi Hanayamain actually said that she would go to Sakakano Academy to give a small report on Natsuya Yagyu. You must know that the reason why Kyoichi Kazanin was afraid of Natsuya Yagyu was not only the force that Natsuya Yagyu erupted in the second incident, but also What is more is the power behind Yagyu Natsuya in Sakakino Academy.As soon as Kyouko Kayamain understood, it would be very difficult to suppress Liusheng Xiaye just because of his name as Senior Liusheng Xiaye, and maybe he would be expelled because of this.

"Little sister, have you misunderstood something..." Gui Yanye only knew that Kyoumi Huashanin had suddenly appeared and wanted to trouble Yagyu Xia Ye, so she wanted to adjust.

It's just that Gongmei Huashanyuan didn't appreciate it at all, and said directly to Gui Yanye: "I was talking to this person, not you."

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