Gui Yanye choked, she didn't expect this little guy's temper to be so violent.

This time, Kyouichi Huashanyuan couldn't ignore it anymore, and directly forcibly pulled his sister behind him, then apologized to Gui Yanye and said, "I'm sorry, Gui, my sister didn't mean to offend."

Although the relationship between Gui Yanye and Liu Shengxia Ye has not been recognized by both parties, it is not difficult to see the relationship between them.You know, during the cafeteria incident, it was because Taisuke Zeyong and Makoto Ito molested Gui Yanye together, and then the transfer student Yagyu Xia Ye made the move.

Now that Gongmei Huashanyuan treats Gui Yanye like this, Gongyi Huashanyuan is afraid that Yagyu Xiaye will be angry and attack.

Kyoumi Hanayamain who was pulled behind Kyouichi Hanayamain was still unconvinced, poked her head out from behind Kyouichi Hanayamain, and made a nasty expression at Yagyu Natsuya.

Fortunately, Yagyu Xia Ye's rage that Kyouichi Hanayamain was worried about did not happen.

"Why did my relationship with your brother become like this? You can ask your brother a lot. And you'd better learn to be more polite in the future. After all, a polite child will not suffer anywhere. "Although Yagyu Xia Ye was facing Kyouichi Hanayamain, what he said was indeed to Kyoumi Hanayamain.

After Yagyu Xia Ye finished speaking, he waved in the direction of the school gate and walked over, because he saw two little lolis, Yuki Ito and Gui Xin, came out.

Gui Yanye originally wanted to walk over with Yagyu Xia Ye, but after thinking about it for a while, he stopped, and then looked at Kyoumi Hanayamain with an unnatural expression and said: "Little sister, I can ignore the rudeness just now. But what Xia Ye said is right, if you continue to behave like this in the future, you will suffer a lot."

After finishing what he wanted to say to Kayamain Gongmei, Gui Yanye also followed the pace of Yagyu Xia Ye.

After Yagyu Xiaye and Gui Yanye walked away, Kayamain Kyoumei broke free from her brother Kayamain Kyouichi's hand and asked, "Brother, is there any reason for you?"

Looking back now, when talking with her, Kyouichi Hanayamain had been venting his dissatisfaction with Natsuya Yagyu, but he did not explain the formation of grievances between him and Natsuya Yagyu.

Facing his sister's questioning at this time, Kyouichi Hanayamain didn't know how to answer, but luckily he didn't annoy Yagyu Natsuya this time.

"Gongmei, I'll explain this matter to you after I go back, let's go first."

Because of his height, Kyouichi Hanayamain saw that there were not only the two little lolis Gui Xin and Ito Yuki beside Yagyu Xiaye, but also the little loli Ii Uzuki who almost became his student and her mother.Several people were talking constantly, if Uzuki Uzuki and her mother saw her and told the truth to Kyoumi Hanayamain, Kyouichi Hanayamain would not know how to explain it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kyouichi Hanayamain didn't stay any longer, although his younger sister Kyoumi Hanayamain was still waiting for his explanation, but it wouldn't be too late to explain this after he avoided the limelight.

"Uzuki, what are you looking at?" Gui Xin saw that Jing Yi Uzuki, who was talking to Liusheng Xiaye, was stunned for a moment, and looked at the place where Liusheng Xiaye and Gui Yanye came together, so she asked.

After hearing Gui Xin's words, Liu Sheng Xia Ye also looked in the direction of Jing Yi Uzuki's gaze, and found that the two brothers and sisters Kyouichi Hanayamain had disappeared.

"It's nothing, maybe I just had an illusion." Uzuki Uzuki didn't see the person who left just now, but he felt a little familiar.

"Yushengsang, Miss Gui, I will entrust you to my Uzuki family from now on." The reason why I came here today to gather with Liusheng Xiaye and Gui Yanye is because of Jingyi Uzuki's affairs, and I still use honorific words to Liusheng Xiaye .

This point, no matter how Yagyu Xia Ye tried to correct it, Jing Yi Uzuki's mother just couldn't change it.

"Where, I also want to thank Uzuki for coming to study with Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi." After Jingyi Uzuki came over, Yagyu Xiaye would definitely not watch her teach the three of them alone, so she got along with Yagyu Xiaye The time will increase again, although it is in front of the three little loli, but it doesn't matter.

Yagyu Xiaye can't stop Jingyi Uzuki from coming to Gui's house now, but on this first weekend, Yagyu Xiaye will go to the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University to meet his sister Yagyu Jiubingwei.

After you come back, you can hear about Jingyi Uzuki's performance at home from Gui Yanye. If you pass Yagyu Xiaye's bottom line, it's a big deal for Jingyi Uzuki's mother to take her back.

After saying goodbye to each other, Liu Sheng Xia Ye and Gui Yan Ye went home with their two little girls.


After getting off the tram, Liu Shengxia Ye who was walking in front was hit by someone, and Liu Sheng Xia Ye could feel that this person did it on purpose.

Of course, Liu Shengxia Ye's physical fitness could not be knocked down, but the person who bumped into Liu Sheng Xia Ye took a few steps back and almost fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry, I can buy you milk tea to apologize." The guy who was knocked back by Liu Shengxia Ye was the first to apologize, and the way of apologizing had already been chosen.

Liu Shengxia Ye stopped Gui Yanye and the three daughters behind him, and then looked at this guy who wanted to buy him milk tea to apologize.

He was wearing the uniform of another school. He was not as tall as Yagyu Xiaye, with short hair and black glasses. He looked overweight, and he was probably carrying a game disc.

"Why did you take the initiative to bump into him?" Liu Shengxia Ye didn't directly agree, but instead asked why this guy who was full of energy bumped into him on his own initiative.

And when Liu Shengxia Ye said that the guy in front of her bumped into him on his own initiative, the faces of the three girls behind her suddenly became ugly. They thought it was Liu Shengxia Ye who bumped into this guy accidentally.

After his behavior was seen through by Liu Shengxia Ye, he didn't feel much embarrassment. Instead, he revealed his purpose of bumping into Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

"I just want to get to know you." The boy with eyes said.

"Before you want to get to know me, shouldn't you introduce yourself."

"Excuse me, Aki Tomoya, a second-year student at Shimotoyosaki Gakuen, is currently working off-campus."

Yagyu Xiaye looked at Gui Yanye, wanting to ask her if she knew about the situation of Toyosaki Academy, but Gui Yanye shook his head, expressing that he did not know.

Then this guy is a bit suspicious, he is not an acquaintance, and the only person he wants to know is himself.

"Yan Ye, take care and go back with Xiaozhi and the others. I'll come back after I talk to this guy."

"Will you be the same as yesterday?" Liu Shengxia Ye said the same thing last night, but in the end he came back very late.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye shook his head and said, "Today will be fast, don't worry about me."

Yesterday, it was because I met Aragaki Ayase, who should be his younger sister, and Aragaki Ayase seemed to be very concerned by her sister Yagyu Kubei, so Yagyu Natsuya waited until everything was almost resolved before going home.But today, An Yilun and Yagyu Xiaye did not know each other, and there was no aura of the Yagyu family's retainers around him, so as long as the purpose of this person was confirmed, Yagyu Xiaye could go home.

After getting the guarantee from Yagyu Xia Ye, Gui Yanye took Ito Zhi and Gui Xin back home.

"Let's go, treat me with milk tea as agreed." An Yilun was also very happy when Liu Sheng Xiaye agreed to his request.


"Please." An Yilun also put the milk tea in front of Yagyu Xia Ye. He was clearly a sophomore in high school, but he looked like a junior.

"Don't be so cautious, I'm actually just a first-year student in Sakakano Academy. With your attitude, it seems that our ages are reversed." Yagyu Xiaye first teased the nerdy Ai Lunya, Then he said: "I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Liu Sheng Xia Ye. Now you can tell me what you want to do with me. I'm afraid it's not as simple as just wanting to bump into me and treat me to a cup of milk tea."

An Yilun was still a little surprised when he learned that Yagyu Xia Ye was a freshman in high school, but his attitude of asking for advice did not change.

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