"Yagyu-kun, please teach me how to choose!"

"Huh? Choice? I don't even know what problems you have encountered now, so how can I help you make a choice. Even if you are asking for advice, this is too embarrassing." Liu Sheng Xia Ye looked at this speechlessly and wanted to ask for advice. His An Yilun also.

"Then Liu Sheng-kun, please listen to my story for a while." After listening to Liu Shengxia Ye's words, An Yilun also knew that it was a bit too forceful to be like this from the beginning.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye took a sip of milk tea and signaled An Yilun to continue.



After listening to An Yilunye's narration, Yagyu Xiaye also drank the cup of milk tea that An Yilunye invited, and immediately stood up after listening to it, ready to leave.

"Liusheng-kun, you haven't helped me make a choice." An Yilun also prevented Liusheng Xiaye from leaving.

"Why do you think I can help you?" After being blocked, Liu Shengxia Ye didn't want to leave, but wondered why An Yilun had so much confidence in him.

And An Yilun didn't hide it, and said to Liu Sheng Xiaye: "Because of this incident, I left the place where I had been working part-time. I came here after school to change my mood. Occasionally I saw you with different girls. And there seems to be no contradiction at all, and you don't choose to be difficult."

Author's message:

感谢图画 的1500欢乐币打赏和2张月票支持,感谢小小克星和吊絲一枚的各100欢乐币打赏,感谢书客2619039032和ReQuiem的各1张月票支持。

ps: Due to the demolition, the broadband was cut off, so some book reviews could not be replied in time.I wish the senior high school students good grades in the exam, and I wish you a happy Zongzi Festival in advance.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Are you monitoring my life?" After hearing An Yilunye's words, Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked coldly.

Yagyu Jiubingwei's monitoring of his own life is reasonable, but now this sudden appearance of An Yilun seems to be secretly investigating him, which makes Yagyu Xia Ye inexplicably unhappy.

"No, I just came here not long ago, and I have been working part-time in this area. As for what happened after you left this area, I don't know anything." It seemed that I felt Liu Shengxia Ye's unkindness , An Yilun also immediately explained.

An Yilunye's explanation convinced Liu Shengxiaye a little bit. The reason why he was angry just now was that besides feeling that he was not free, he was afraid of bringing danger to Gui Yanye and others.

"So, I would like to ask Liu Sheng-jun to help me out." An Yilun also asked again.

Now Liusheng Xiaye sat down again, An Yilun also wanted to refill Liusheng Xiaye with a cup of milk tea, but Liusheng Xiaye refused.

"What is your positioning of the heroine Kato Megumi?"

"We are now making the heroine of this game." An Yilun also answered very normally.

"What about Ying Lili?"

"My childhood sweetheart?" This time, An Yilun was also a little uncertain, because compared to Ying Lili, there was another person who was rated as the top of her childhood sweetheart.

"Where's Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu?"

"I don't know." The answer was quick, but it was the same as no answer.

After hearing An Yilun's answer, Liu Shengxia Ye stood up again, and just like last time, An Yilun also stood up to prevent Liu Shengxia Ye from leaving.

"I also want me to teach you how to choose."

"Yes." An Yilun's tone became a little unsteady, and he moved away from Liu Shengxia Ye's body.

"Actually, you already know how to choose, when you said you didn't know." Liu Sheng Xiaye paused for a while after walking past An Yilun, and then said: "If you don't make a choice at this time If you choose, you may not even have the chance to choose in the future, I wish you good luck. And you should stop staring at my life here, it will make me very uncomfortable."

An Yilun did not respond to Liu Shengxia Ye's words, and just quietly waited for Liu Shengxia Ye to leave.

An Yilun came to his senses when the waiter at the milk tea shop came to ask if the trash on the table could be removed, and then bowed deeply in the direction where Liu Shengxia Ye disappeared.

"Thank you, Yagyu-kun!"

At the same time, An Yilun also understood what choice he had to make now, and sure enough, senior sister was the most important thing to him.


Two days in a row, something unexpected happened when I went home. Yesterday it was my sister Aragaki Ayase, but today this sudden winner in life came to consult me ​​about my love choice.

Although in the end, it also pointed out a way for the young An Yilun, but whether he can succeed in the end depends on himself.

Moreover, Liu Shengxia Ye is indeed a little envious of An Yilun now, at least he still has a choice.Although Yagyu Xiaye's life is going well now, and Yagyu Jiubingwei treats him relatively easily, but Yagyu Xiaye also knows that in certain matters, Yagyu Xiaye cannot be made to mess around.

For example, last week Yagyu Kubei issued a warning like this.

Maybe, when you get something, you will lose something, but Liu Shengxia Ye decided that when you have it, you should cherish it.


After Liu Sheng Xia Ye returned home, he found that the two little lolis were not doing their homework, and they were sitting together in the entrance, waiting for Liu Sheng Xia Ye to come back.

As soon as the door was opened and before taking off their shoes, the two little lolis threw themselves into Liu Shengxia Ye's arms.

"Big brother, you're back." It turned out that the two little girls were afraid that Liu Shengxia would come back after they slept like yesterday, so they had been waiting for him at the entrance.

When Liu Sheng Xia Ye was comforting the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, Gui Yan Ye also came out with a spoon in his hand.When he found out that it was Yagyu Xia Ye who came back, he also showed a gentle smile, and then said to Gui Xin and Ito Zhi: "Be careful, Xiao Zhi, let Xia Ye go, and then you can go to your homework."

"It's okay, I'll let them do their homework, Yan Ye, you'd better go back to the kitchen." Looking at Gui Yanye's state, he came out before turning off the fire in the kitchen, so it's easy have an accident.

After being reminded by Liu Sheng Xia Ye, Gui Yan and Ye Ci came to his senses, and hurried to the kitchen, but said all the way: "Xia Ye, wait a little bit, the food is almost ready."

After Gui Yanye left, Ito Yuki and Gui Xin, the two little lolitas, slowly sent Liu Shengxia Ye, but they did show their current attitude.

"Big brother, we don't want to do homework now, you can watch TV with us."

"Yeah, it's a big deal to ask big brother to give us tutoring at night, and it's okay to go to school to do it tomorrow."

"No." Liu Shengxia Ye's refusal made the two little lolis nervous immediately, thinking that Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't want to give them tutoring. "Today's work is over today. If you have been lazy for the first time, there will be a second time. I will give you homework after dinner, and then you will do today's homework."

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