And Jingi Uzuki also looked at Yagyu Xia Ye at this time, because when he was in school, he often heard Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, Liu Sheng Xia Ye would tell some strange stories, some of them were just listening to Gui Xin and Ito Zhi Jing Yi Uzuki also likes the retelling fragments very much.

Author's message:

I don’t have any data today, so I would like to thank myself for continuously updating for so many days, so I am asking for a reward and a monthly pass here.

Chapter two hundred and thirty seventh

"Let's not listen to the story of the big talker."

"Yeah, high school students have no plans like us, so stop listening."

It was the story of Yi Lunya that the two little lolis, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, rejected. At the first hearing, it was quite curious, but after a few days, the two little lolis went to An Yilunya, and this person was already very disappointed. up.

When Yagyu Xiaye was thinking about what story to tell, Gui Xin and Ito Yuki's two little girls had already climbed onto Yagyu Xiaye's bed, and even called Ii Uzuki to go up with them.At the beginning, Jingi Uzuki was still unwilling, but after seeing Yagyu Xia Ye scolding the two little lolitas, she also took off her shoes and climbed up.

"Then I'll tell you a ghost story today."

As soon as Liu Shengxia Ye's words fell, he saw the three little lolis hugging each other's bodies at the same time. They were obviously frightened by Liu Sheng Xia Ye, because they had never told a ghost story before.

"I don't want to hear ghost stories"

"very scary!"

Because Jing Yi Uzuki was in the middle, she became the object of hugging by Gui Xin and Ito Zhi. Although Jing Yi Uzuki was pretending to be calm, she still said to Yagyu Xiaye: "Can I change it?"

"It's not the ghost story you imagined, but other types." Liu Sheng Xia Ye planned to tell the story of Liaozhai to the three little girls.

Anyway, I don’t understand it, as long as I think it’s very powerful.

After receiving Liusheng Xiaye's comfort and explanation, the three little lolis calmed down and began to look forward to Liusheng Xiaye's story.

"It is said that there is an old monster in the back mountain of Lanruo Temple..."

The first thing I want to tell is the story of Nie Xiaoqian, of course it is because Liu Shengxia Ye remembers it better.

Although this is not a ghost story, when the three little girls were listening to this story, they still hugged each other and lay on the bed, listening quietly, without even expressing their opinions or asking some questions.

"...In the end, only the scholar was left alone, traveling far away alone." The ending of the story, Liu Shengxia Ye, was slightly changed.

"What a pity!" The three little girls didn't know whether it was a pity that the scholar didn't end up with Nie Xiaoqian, a fairy, or a pity that a good story was over.

"Big Brother, we still want to listen to this kind of story." Gui Xin immediately said to Liu Shengxia Ye.

Liu Sheng Xiaye didn't plan to continue talking, because if he continued, maybe the three little girls would fall asleep in his room again tonight, and in the end he would go to Guixin and Yuki Ito's small room.

"Bang~bang~" There was a knock on the door, and Liu Shengxia Ye was secretly happy, while the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, looked a little disappointed, because they knew what would happen after the knock on the door.

Sure enough, after Liu Shengxia opened the door to let Gui Yanye in, Gui Yanye immediately asked them to go to their room to sleep.

"No, I still want to hear the story of big brother Xia Ye." Gui Xin wanted to play tricks.

"There's still something to do tomorrow night, so be careful and play it safe." Gui Yanye ignored Gui Xin's shamelessness.

Immediately after Gui Yanye came in, Jing Yi Uzuki broke away from the embrace of Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, and was the first to get off the bed.And she did not receive Gui Yanye's strange gaze, but received Gui Yanye's apology.

"Sorry, Uzuki, because of lack of preparation, you can only sleep with Xiaoxin or me tonight." Jingyi Uzuki's plan to arrive one day earlier did make Gui Yanye unprepared.

"There's no need for other preparations, I'll just sleep with Xiaoxiao and the others." I visited Xiaoxin's room, and it's not that their room can't sleep the three of them.Moreover, although Gui Yanye is Jing Yi Uzuki's tutor in the future, Jing Yi Uzuki still won't get used to sleeping with Gui Yanye.

Gui Yanye moved Liu Sheng Xia Ye out, so there was no room for maneuver when he left Liu Sheng Xia Ye's room tonight, so Gui Xin and Ito Zhi two little girls also got out of bed one after another.

"We're going to sleep together!" After listening to Uzuki's words, Gui Xin and Yuki Ito also expressed their own opinions.

The three of them had the same opinion, Gui Yanye didn't force Jing Yi Uzuki to sleep with her, but left Yagyu Xia Ye's room with the three little lolitas.

"Good night, summer night!"

"Good night, big brother!"

"Good night, Brother Xia Ye!"

"Good night!" Liu Sheng Xia Ye closed the door.


When Liu Shengxia was making breakfast the next day, Gui Yanye got up early to help, but to their surprise, Jing Yi Uzuki woke up too.

"Uzuki, did you sleep well? You don't have to wake up so early." Gui Yanye greeted Jingyi Uzuki.

"Well, good morning, Sister Yan Ye. I'm just used to it. Are you making breakfast?" When passing by the kitchen, Jing Yi Uzuki saw both Liu Sheng Xia Ye and Gui Yan Ye in the kitchen, so he asked road.

"That's right, the breakfast prepared for you, you go wash up first, those who get up early will have benefits." Yagyu Xiaye answered Jingyi Uzuki's question.

After washing up, Jingi Uzuki finally understood what the welfare Yagyu Xiaye was talking about was the breakfast that Yagyu Xiaye and Gui Yanye cooked together.

"Taste it first, I have to get ready to go." Yagyu Xia Ye put a western cake in front of Jing Yi Uzuki, and said after looking at the time.

"Xia Ye, be careful." Gui Yanye sent Liu Sheng Xia Ye to the door, and noticed the long sword hanging on Liu Sheng Xia Ye's waist.


It was the station entrance last time. When Yagyu Xiaye arrived five minutes earlier, he found that Nanami Kato and others from Ganluji had already arrived, and Miki Sawanaga was also among them.

"Yayuu-san, are you planning to go out on weekends? But if you go out like this, you may encounter the police." Yagyu Xia Ye knew that Miki Zeyong was the team teacher of the women's basketball team at Sakakino Academy, but Zeyong Mei Ji didn't know that Liu Sheng Xia Ye was going to the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University with them, so she thought she and Liu Sheng Xia Ye met here by chance.

"Liuyu, you are here."

"Teacher Zeyong, Liu Sheng is going to follow us to the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University, I forgot to tell you."

One of Kanroji Nanami and Kato Otome came to say hello to Yagyu Natsuya, while the other went to explain Yagyu Natsuya's problem to Sawaga Miki.

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