"Yagyu-san, who are you?" It was Kato Otome who came to greet Liuyu Xiaye. After greeting Liuyu Xiaye, she also found something like a weapon hanging on Liuyu Xiaye's waist.

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The last time the women's basketball club of Sakakino Academy went to play at the high school attached to Lingyang University, they experienced some bad things. The guards at the high school attached to Lingyang University didn't allow them to enter the school at all.If it wasn't for Liu Shengxia Ye's final show of power and directly beat up the two guards, their expedition could only end in failure.

However, this time the competition was an invitation sent by the school official, so there would definitely not be the situation where they were not allowed to enter the school gate last time.

Now Yagyu Xia Ye is still carrying something like this weapon, Kato Otome thinks it is redundant, and it is possible that she will be questioned by the police just like Miki Sawayong said just now.

"It's okay, it's not what you think, today I'm not going to fight." Yagyu Xiaye knew what Kato Otome was worried about, so he explained.

Even if there was no official notification from the school, Liu Shengxiaye knew that no one in the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University would dare to come out to stop him today. up.

"Then it's best to keep a low profile along the way, or else you will encounter... the police, even I can't tell." Miki Zeyong has already listened to Ganlu Temple Qihai's explanation, and she also knows the last time they went to Lingyang University affiliated The conflict that happened at the school gate in middle school, if that kind of thing happened today with a weapon in Yagyu Xia Ye, it might be very troublesome.

"It doesn't matter. Let's go when everyone is here." Yagyu Xiaye said to Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami.

After checking the number of people again, the group took the tram to the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University.


Although it is not the first time to come to the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University, but this time the members of the women's basketball club of Sakakino Academy are deeply touched, because this time they are the one who was invited, and the other party took the initiative.

However, when approaching the school gate, some members still walked behind Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami, and they were still afraid that the same thing as last time would happen.

Liu Shengxiaye and his party were indeed stopped by the guards at the school gate, but it was not that they were not allowed to enter the school, but to verify their identities.

When he knew that it was the women's basketball team of Sakakino Academy, the face of one of the guards suddenly changed, because he was one of the guards who stopped Kato Otome and others last time.His other partner was transferred away, but he continued to stick here.

"Takahashi-kun, I didn't expect you to still be here." During another negotiation with Miki Zeyong, Yagyu Xiaye looked at the guard who had appeared here last time, and asked, "What did you think last time?" Mr. Xiaolin who wants to teach me a lesson is gone, I feel that this trip is a bit boring."

After Yagyu Xiaye's words fell, no matter the two parties who were negotiating, Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami, or the members behind them all fell silent. They didn't know why Liusheng Xiaye would take the initiative to provoke the guard of the high school affiliated to Lingyang University .

Being approached by Yagyu Xiaye, Takahashi swallowed a mouthful of saliva in fear, then bowed and apologized to Yagyu Xiaye, "I'm sorry, Yagyu-kun, I'm really sorry about what happened last time."

Everyone's expressions were very surprised, even Takahashi's colleagues were the same.

He came to the job of the guard in a daze. He heard that his senior had offended someone who shouldn't be offended and was transferred away. Could it be that the person who should not be offended was the high school student who accompanied the team?Thinking of this, he became even more enthusiastic towards Miki Zeyong and the others, and said to Miki Zeyong: "Ms. Zeyong is coming to our school for the first time. After the verification, I will take you to the gym personally."

"No need, as for the gymnasium, we have been there last time and know the way." Liu Sheng Xia Ye rejected the guard's hospitality, and then said to Gao Qiao: "I hope to meet you again when I come next time. "


Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami also said at this time that they could find the location of the gymnasium by themselves, and the guard had no choice but to give up.

After Yagyu Xiaye and his party left, Takahashi's colleague asked, "Takahashi, the high school student just now felt so arrogant, but what is the identity of that guy?"

In the eyes of Takahashi's colleagues, Takahashi is someone who has a certain relationship with the school's management, but if he is afraid of Yagyu Natsuya, a high school student, it means that Yagyu Natsuya must have a more terrifying background.

The identity of Yagyu Xiaye?Takahashi smiled wryly and said to his colleague, "There are some things that you should not know."


Liu Sheng Xiaye didn't mention what happened just now, so no one asked questions, and the group came to the gymnasium.

Unlike the last time, this time the members of the women's basketball club of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University were waiting outside the gymnasium for the arrival of Kato Otome and the others.

"Welcome!" The leader of the women's basketball club of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University was Teng Xiang, who was wearing ponytails last time, and she came to welcome Kato Otome and her party.

The other party is so enthusiastic, of course Kato Otome and the others will not deliberately become aloof, and greet each other enthusiastically.

When almost all the main people knew each other, Mawei Tengxiang yelled towards the main position of her department: "Yuno, come out."

Hearing Mawei Tengxiang's words, a girl with pink hair came to her side.

Kato Otome and the others were in a daze. If you want to know about the introduction, it was just a while ago. They also know that this pink-haired girl is called Kashima Yuno, and she is the main member of the women's basketball team of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University.

"Yagyu-kun, I did something wrong last time, I hope you can forgive me." Kashima Yuno bowed and apologized.

The others were surprised, they received two apologies at about the same time, not to mention that Kashima Yuno is the child of the school management, which is different from the apology from the gatekeeper Takahashi.

And Yagyu Xiaye also understood after hearing Kashima Yuno's apology.After returning from the last game, after being separated from Kato Otome and the others, the attack he encountered might have been arranged by Kashima Yuno or an instruction given by Kashima Yuno.

Now, whether it is Tengxiang or Kashima Yuno, they should have known his true identity from Yagyu Kubei, so they apologized before the game started.

From a few limited conversations with Yagyu Kubei, Yagyu Xiaye knew that she was stationed in the women's basketball team of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University. As for what she did there, Yagyu Xiaye didn't know.

"I didn't suffer any injuries, so let's just expose it. I hope this will not affect your future games."

Author's message:

Thank you for the reward of 1400 happy coins and 14 monthly tickets for supporting Lolita, thank you very much.This month, I will add a new chapter for you.Thanks to Maple for the reward of 100 happy coins, thanks to Little Nemesis for the reward of 200 happy coins, thank you Liu Aotian~ for the reward of 300 happy coins, I owe you a change last month, and I will pay it back this month with Lolicon.Thank you for the support of 1 monthly ticket for Salamanda and Burning Bingzhi, and 2 monthly tickets for Salted Fish A, thank you.

Chapter two hundred and thirty nine

The last time someone wanted to attack him on the road, it was when Yagyu Jiubingwei suddenly appeared and severely injured Yagyu Xiaye.

Now that Kashima Yuno has apologized, the matter has been uncovered as Yagyu Natsuya said, and it was solved so smoothly here at Yagyu Natsuya, which was beyond Mawei Tengxiang and Kashima Yuno's expectations.

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