"To deal with opponents, of course we must go all out!" Kashima Yuno said.

"Just what I want!" Kato Otome responded.

After dispelling Kashima Yuno's concerns, Yagyu Natsuya began to look for the figure of Yagyu Kubei, but he couldn't find it.

"In the auditorium, no one came to watch today." Mawei Teng Xiang said to Liu Shengxia Ye, obviously knowing who Liu Sheng Xia Ye was looking for now.Although this competition was officially invited by the school, it can also be said that it was requested by the Women's Basketball Department of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University, so there were no extra onlookers.

"Thank you." After knowing the location of Yagyu Kubei, Yagyu Xiaye turned his head and said to Kato Otome and the others: "I look forward to your performance, I will watch from the audience."

After Yagyu Xia Ye finished speaking, she walked into the gymnasium of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University first, and Mawei Tengxiang followed up with Kato Otome and others.


Sure enough, as Mawei Tengxiang said, there are no extra audiences in today's auditorium.It's just that the gymnasium of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University is so big, much bigger than the gymnasium of Sakakino Academy, it's worthy of being an aristocratic school.

However, Yagyu Xiaye did not encounter any difficulty in finding Yagyu Jiubingwei, because at the VIP seat, Yagyu Xiaye found the person he was looking for.

Yagyu Jiubingwei was there, and there was another man beside her, not the three retainers Yagyu Xiaye had seen, Dongcheng, Kitazawa and Nanyue.

After finding the target, Yagyu Xiaye walked to the position of Yagyu Jiubingwei.

It's just that after approaching Yagyu Kubei, I don't know what Yagyu Kubei was thinking, but he didn't notice Yagyu Xia Ye coming, but the man beside him stopped Yagyu Xia Ye, because he saw Liu Sheng Xia Ye with a sword on his body.

Unlike the three people in Dongcheng, this guy's aura is very weak, but Yagyu Xia Ye doesn't feel weaker than the three people in Dongcheng. On the contrary, this guy feels more dangerous.

This is a man who is used to death or who has caused a lot of death himself.

"Do you want me to draw my sword here?" Liu Shengxia Ye put his right hand on the hilt of the sword.

It's just a pity that Yagyu Xiaye's duel with this guy didn't come true, because Yagyu Kubei woke up.

"Xia Ye is here, Xi Xiang, you step back first, this guy is my stupid younger brother, you may not be his opponent." Yagyu Jiubingwei said to the man who stopped Yagyu Xia Ye.

"Yes, young master!" Hearing that this is the younger brother of Yagyu Jiubingwei, the former young master of the Yagyu family, but the retainer Xixiang didn't intend to salute or say hello like Yagyu Xiaye.Moreover, Yagyu Xiaye could feel that Yagyu Jiubei was very dissatisfied with saying that she couldn't beat him.

Xixiang?The southeast, the north, and the west are all aligned, which means that this feminine man is also a retainer of the Yagyu family, but why does his attitude differ from Dongcheng's and the others.

"Don't think about it, Xixiang is the most special one among the four heavenly kings, and he has the least contact with you. It is normal to treat you like this." Yagyu Kubei first explained the matter of Xixiang After that, he immediately said to Liu Shengxia Ye: "When you see your sister, don't you want to say hello first? Do you still want me to help your body recover its memory?"

Hearing Liu Sheng Jiubingwei's words, even Liu Sheng Xia Ye shuddered.

Because of Makoto Ito's tea, Yagyu Xiaye and Xiyuanji pupa were tossing all night, and they were almost crushed.On the second day, Yagyu Kubei unexpectedly encountered Yagyu Natsuya intercepting Yagyu Natsuya on the way to Sakakino Academy, and seeing Yagyu Natsuya's laziness, Yagyu Kyuhei suddenly became angry, and directly Yagyu Xia Ye was injured and hospitalized.

Now mentioning it again, Liu Shengxia quickly shook his head and said, "Nine...sister, didn't someone just want to greet me first? So I can't blame it all."

After being glared at by Liusheng Jiubingwei, Liusheng Xiaye could only call her sister honestly, and Liusheng Jiubingwei was quite applicable after hearing this, squinting at the sword that Liushengxiaye saw, and said: "So I'm a grown man, and I'm still hanging on this."

"I think it can be used." After Yagyu Xia Ye finished speaking, he glanced at Xixiang beside Liusheng Jiubingwei, and Xixiang also snorted unconvinced.

Liusheng Jiubingwei found it interesting. After the Four Heavenly Kings, Dongcheng and Bei Ze had the best relationship with Liusheng Xiaye. Nanyue also sent a report a few days ago, saying that he and Liusheng Xiaye had met, and they were very happy. Optimistic about Yagyu Summer Night.But now, Xixiang has not been in contact with Liusheng Xiaye for a long time, and Liusheng Xiaye has forgotten what Xixiang is doing because of amnesia, and it is very interesting to confront each other.

"If you're interested, I can let you guys fight after you get home." Yagyu Jiubingwei said to Yagyu Xia Ye.


Okay, just such a plain word made Yagyu Kubei a little excited.What was exciting was not that Yagyu Natsuya agreed to the duel with Xixiang, so that Yagyu Kubei had the opportunity to know his brother's true strength, but because this was Yagyu Kubei who asked Yagyu Natsuya to return to Yagyu's house. Originally, Yagyu Kubei had already It's done, she was rejected by Yagyu Xiaye when she first proposed it, who knew that Yagyu Xiaye agreed very calmly, which surprised Liusheng Jiubei very much.

"Are you really my brother?"

"Do you want to come to a drop of blood to recognize it, maybe..."

"It hurts!" Before Yagyu Xia Ye finished speaking, he was stabbed by Yagyu Kubei.

Seeing Yagyu Xia Ye pretending to be in pain, Yagyu Kubei laughed because this is his younger brother.

"The match is about to start, and some things will be discussed after the match." Yagyu Kubei said to Yagyu Xiaye.

"Sister, why are you so concerned about this game? You don't play basketball." After the farce just now, Liu Shengxia Ye called Liu Sheng Jiubing Wei sister, and there is no jerky feeling at all. Maybe this is between relatives fetters.No matter how we separated before, when we meet again, it will still be the same as before.

"Because this guy Teng Xiang asked me to train them, the purpose is to win the Sakakino Academy led by you in this competition, and I also want to see if my results can beat my younger brother." Yagyu Jiuhei gave There was a reason like Yagyu Xia Ye.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yagyu Kubei actually personally trained members of the women's basketball club of the high school affiliated to Lingyang University. This made Yagyu Xiaye uncontrollably worried for Kato Otome of Sakakino Academy, because he thought that the training of Yagyu's family was not that simple. of.

Perhaps because he already knew what Yagyu Xia Ye was worried about, Yagyu Jiubei explained: "Don't worry too much, I only train their upper limit of physical strength, and the tactics are not in my control."

After listening to Yagyu Kubei's explanation, Yagyu Natsuya also heaved a sigh of relief. If Yagyu Kubei really taught those members of the women's basketball club of Lingyang University Affiliated Middle School some excessive skills, then today's Sakakino Academy The expedition can only end in failure.

And now, after knowing it clearly, Yagyu Xia Ye began to look forward to the duel between Kato Otome and Mawei Tengxiang.


This time the duel did not disappoint Liu Shengxia Ye, on the contrary, it was a bit of a surprise. The overall strength of the women's basketball team in the high school affiliated to Lingyang University has improved too much.

Last time, when Sakakano Academy fought with them, it was completely amateurish, and in the end it almost turned into a street fight, and the members of the women's basketball club of the high school affiliated to Lingyang University failed due to lack of energy.

But this time, the members of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University, after undergoing the training of Yagyu Kubei, their physical fitness is almost the same as that of Kato Otome from Sakakino Academy.

What's more, unlike Miki Zeyong, who is a temporary teacher with the team, there is really a coach on the bench at the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University. Members of the women's basketball team gathered around for a tactical meeting.

On the side of Sakakino Academy, because Miki Sawanaga has no teaching experience at all, she can't help at all, so she can only let Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami adjust themselves.

After Kato Otome, Ganluji Qihai and others finished the internal combat meeting in the last quarter, they were all in a heavy mood. They didn't expect to see each other for a while. The strength of this opponent has improved by such a big quarter, which is completely different from last time. is different.

"Come on!" Yagyu Xiaye shouted at Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami, causing Yagyu Kubei to also focus on Kanroji Nanami and Kato Otome.

Because there were no other spectators today, Yagyu Xiaye's voice could still be heard by everyone in the empty gymnasium. Of course, Kato Otome and Ganroji Nanami also heard it.

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