Ignoring the big black dog's groans, Liu Shengxiaye walked over and untied the rope that was tied before, and then pulled the big black dog to the cell where Ze Yuezhi was being held.

Dongcheng didn't follow up right away, because he saw two half teeth on the ground, which fell out of the big black dog's mouth just now, and were chopped off by Liu Shengxiaye.

Dongcheng's heart tightened, when did the young master have such strength?However, he untied the rope immediately and led the white-haired sow to the cell where Ze Yuezhi was being held.


"Devil, what do you want?" Ze Yuezhi, who was sitting on the ground, saw that Liu Shengxia Ye and Dong Cheng had returned, and they also brought a big black dog that was still howling and a baby boy Ze Yuezhi shuddered inexplicably.

"You'll understand later." Yagyu Xiaye didn't explain anything to Ze Yuezhi, but was waiting for Kitazawa's arrival.And the big black dog that Liu Shengxia Ye was holding was still whining, but it was lying on the ground very docilely, but he was looking at Ze Yuezhi in the cell with a fierce look in his eyes.

Stared at by the big black dog, Ze Yuezhi lowered his head, as if he could predict that something bad would happen with the big black dog.

Without making Yagyu Xia Ye wait for long, Bei Ze finally came to this cell with some things in his hands.

"Young Master, here comes what you want." When Bei Ze brought the things in his hand into the cell, he seemed to understand something just like Dong Cheng, and looked at the man who was bowing his head. Kitazawa showed no mercy, but relieved his hatred.

"Let me introduce you."

After listening to Yagyu Xiaye's words, Kitazawa divided the canned contents into two parts, pointed to one of which was a yellow capsule, and said, "This part is effective for people, and one capsule can last for two hours. Time limit. The other blue capsule is effective for animals, and lasts a little longer, three hours."

After Bei Ze's introduction, Yagyu Xia Ye said to Bei Ze: "Now feed this guest two pills, let me see if what you said is true?"

Ze Yuezhi had already retreated to the corner of the cell at this time, and wanted to use this pitiful gesture to let Yagyu Xiaye bypass him, but with the order of Yagyu Xiaye, Dongcheng and Kitazawa must take action of.

In the end, Kitazawa took two yellow capsules and walked into the cell where Ze Yuezhi was being held, and walked to Ze Yuezhi in the corner.

When Kitazawa was about to get close to Ze Yuezhi, Ze Yuezhi suddenly exploded, wanting to kill Kitazawa, and then passed through the prison door that hadn't been closed yet.

It's just a pity that Ze Yuezhi's strategy is beautiful, but his strength can't keep up.Kitazawa came after him and easily beat him to the ground.

"Young master's orders have come down, you'd better eat it honestly."

Of course Ze Yuezhi didn't cooperate, he kept his mouth shut and shook his head, not letting Kitazawa's hand holding the medicine approach him.

Kitazawa was so angry that he directly pinched Ze Yuezhi's mouth with his hands to stop him from struggling, then put two yellow capsules into his mouth, patted Ze Yuezhi's throat, One capsule safely entered Ze Yuezhi's esophagus.

After doing all this, Kitazawa walked out of the cell.

"When will it work?"

"Usually about ten minutes!"

Before waiting for ten minutes, Ze Yuezhi started to roll over on the ground in about five minutes, and even put his hand into his crotch, it seemed that the effect of the medicine had begun to take effect.

"Drive this sow in!" Liu Sheng Xia Ye said.

It was basically guessed that Dong Cheng and Bei Ze didn't look surprised, opened the door of the cell again, and then drove the pregnant sow into the cell.

"You are devils, don't come here, get out!" Ze Yuezhi hadn't lost his mind at this time, and he also knew what kind of state he was in now, but he didn't expect that the boy who had a feud with him would be so vicious .When he could still control his body, Ze Yuezhi kicked the sow approaching him with his feet.

It's just a pity that Ze Yuezhi kicked harder and harder, and the sow actually got closer and closer to him.

"Don't come here, pervert!"

All three of Liu Shengxia Ye spoke out, just watching Ze Yuezhi entangled with the sow, and finally after a few minutes, Ze Yuezhi finally lost the strength to kick the sow.

Moreover, the maximum medicinal effect of the capsule occurs at this time.

Ze Yuezhi found the sow again, but this time he didn't kick it with his feet, but lay on the sow's back.

Seeing this, Yagyu Xia Ye didn't say anything, turned around and left the cell, and Dong Cheng and Bei Ze followed closely behind, but the door of their cell was not closed tightly.

After coming out, the three of Liu Shengxia Ye didn't say a word, just quietly waiting for the time to pass.

Author's message:

Thank you for the monthly tickets for Aqin and the house rookie, thank you.I don’t know what you think of this punishment, but if you think it’s okay, there will be a wave of rewards and monthly tickets.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Two hours passed, and the three of Liu Sheng Xia Ye and Dong Cheng were still standing in the courtyard, and the sound of tossing inside finally stopped.

"I don't need it today. You can find someone to clean it up tomorrow, and then feed the blue pill to the big black dog after he recovers a little bit. Kitazawa, since you know how to steal chickens and dogs, you should know how to let him That guy wouldn't hurt anyone in that situation."

"Young master, I can only guarantee that the big black dog will not bite him, and I can't guarantee the rest." Although Bei Ze has a little way to deal with this kind of creature, but if it is a male dog that is stimulated to go into heat, Bei Ze Ze would rather stay away.

"As long as it's not too bad, it's fine to save his life." Yagyu Xia Ye said to Bei Ze.

"I can do that."

Yagyu Xia Ye looked back at the cell where Ze Yuezhi was being held, and found that the door had been locked tightly, so he didn't pay attention to anything, and walked towards the place where he was supposed to rest.

Dongcheng and Kitazawa left temporarily, probably to explain tomorrow's affairs.


Yagyu's head of the family.

Liu Sheng Jiubingwei was swinging his sword in the dojo. After sensing something, he stopped immediately, put the wooden sword in his hand back on the shelf, and said, "How is it? Did Xia Ye kill that man?"

"Report to the young master, no."

"Then did you kill that man?" Hearing that Yagyu Xia Ye still didn't kill Ze Yue Zhi, Liu Sheng Jiubingwei was a little unhappy, after all Ze Yue Zhi made Liu Sheng Xia Ye disappear ten years ago The murderer behind the scenes.

"I didn't succeed because I was stopped by the young master." In the end, Xixiang honestly called out the title of the young master he had learned from Dongcheng and Beizawa, and all his conjectures about Yagyu Xiaye I told Yagyu Kubei.

After hearing Xixiang's conjecture, Yagyu Jiubingwei said: "You mean, Xia Ye knew that you stayed, and also knew that I would give you an order to kill that man."

"That's right, and after the young master punished that man at the end, he left the house for his subordinates to escape."

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