"What kind of punishment did Xia Ye give that man?" Yagyu Kubei asked.She was a little curious why Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't kill Ze Yuezhi with one sword, because that was a once and for all method.

However, when asked by Yagyu Kubei, Xixiang hesitated and couldn't speak.

After all, in these years of life experience, Xixiang has never seen the punishment of Yagyu Xia Ye on Ze Yuezhi. Even Dongcheng, who specializes in extorting confessions by torture, probably can't think of such torture. means.

Not too bloody, but too unbearable to tell Yagyu Kubei.

"Young master, please forgive me for not being able to speak."

"Xixiang, I can kill you." Unlike Yagyu Xiaye's confrontational threat, Yagyu Kubei was very calm when he said this, it was as simple as drinking water when he was thirsty.

And Xixiang never doubted that Yagyu Kubei had such strength, but Xixiang still chose not to tell Yagyu Kubei about Yagyu Xiaye's punishment of Ze Yuezhi.

"Young master, even if you kill me, I can't tell you."

Xixiang's insistence made Yagyu Jiubingwei a little curious about what kind of means Yagyu Xiaye used to make Xixiang, who is good at assassination, so scared.

"Tomorrow there will be a competition between you and Xia Ye, do you know how to do it?"

"I'll finish it off."

"No, I don't want you to go to the end, but I want you to shoot with all your strength. Let me see if Xia Ye's talent and strength have weakened after not being at Yagyu's house these years." Yagyu Kubei rejected Xixiang's idea. The idea of ​​taking the initiative to be courteous, but telling him to surpass Liu Shengxia Ye.

And after listening to Yagyu Kubei's words, Xixiang was also stunned.

Even if he didn't put Liusheng Xiaye in his eyes due to some reasons before, Dong Cheng and Bei Ze were loyal to Liu Shengxiaye, the young master.This is not to say that Tojo and Kitazawa will betray Yagyu Kubei, but they will support Yagyu Xia Ye to return to the Yagyu family and then inherit the Yagyu family.

And Xixiang thinks that Yagyu Kubei is stronger than Yagyu Xiaye, so the current Yagyu Xiaye has not been able to inherit the strength of the Yagyu family.

Tomorrow's competition, although he thinks he can win, but because of the attitudes of Tojo, Kitazawa and Yagyu Kubei himself, Xixiang is still willing to be a little more courteous, so he will say something so far.

But now Yagyu Jiubingwei asked him to attack with all his strength. If Yagyu Xia Ye loses by then, then his image in Dongcheng and Kitazawa or in front of Yagyu's family will fall.

This should be different from Yagyu Kubei and Tojo's expectations.

"Don't have any scruples. There will be no family watching the match tomorrow, so even if Xia Ye loses, it will only spread among a limited number of people." Yagyu Kubei saw Xixiang's concerns , That's why I told Xixiang not to worry.

"I understand, young master, I won't let it happen tomorrow."

"Go down!"

After Liusheng Jiubingwei waved Xixiang down, he was still wondering what kind of punishment Liusheng Xiaye had given Ze Yuezhi, so that Xixiang, the four loyal kings who were loyal to her, dared not speak.

Flipping his palm over, he tapped his knuckles on the wooden floor of the dojo three times before stopping.

"Young master, what are your orders?" No one was seen, only a voice came from the darkness.

"Give me the report on the prison building today."

He didn't respond to Yagyu Kubei right away, probably because he was hesitant to give it to Yagyu Kubei.

"Don't you guys have this report?" There was a little anger in Yagyu Kubei's tone. It's fine if you didn't get it from Xixiang. Now even these people want to hide themselves?

"Yes, young master, I will give it to you now." The person in the darkness did not appear, but a record book appeared in front of Yagyu Kubei.

Yagyu Kubei didn't feel surprised, but naturally picked up the notebook in front of him and flipped through it.

Seeing that Yagyu Xiaye asked Dongcheng and Beizawa to go out to find pigs and dogs, especially when there was still a request, Yagyu Kubei was also a little baffled.But when Yagyu Natsuya took the medicine from Kitazawa and poured Ze Yuezhi, and then put the sow weighing more than 300 catties into the cell, Yagyu Kubei closed the record book.

"Seal this kind of records from now on, don't let them see the light!" Yagyu Kubei said as he threw the book back into the dark area.

"My subordinates understand!"

Afterwards, neither Darkness nor Yagyu Kubei made any sound.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Although this place is a strange place for Liu Shengxia Ye, but fortunately it is located in the countryside, so Liu Sheng Xia Ye does not have much resistance.

"Dongcheng, Kitazawa, is this how you take care of my brother?"

Yagyu Xiaye was making breakfast in the kitchen, while Dong Cheng and Bei Ze sat on the stools like young masters, watching Yagyu Xiaye.

The sudden sound made the bodies of the two of them tremble a few times, almost falling to the ground together.Turning his head to look, he found that the person who came in was Yagyu Kubei, the current young master, and quickly explained: "Young master, this is not us..."

"This has nothing to do with Dongcheng and Kitazawa. Sister, you are here, just try the breakfast I made, but you have to wait for a while." After explaining on behalf of Dongcheng and Kitazawa, Yagyu Xiaye invited his sister Yagyu Kubei Eat breakfast.

Originally, he wanted to refuse, but when he smelled the aroma of breakfast, Yagyu Kubei gave up.


"Brother, why don't you just transfer to my school and cook for me." After eating the breakfast of Yagyu Xia Ye, Yagyu Jiuhei was astonished.At this time, Liusheng Jiubingwei's elder sister was a little jealous of that girl Gui Yanye, because now Liu Shengxiaye lived in her house, which meant that girl Guiyanye could often be late for the meals that Liusheng Xiaye cooked.

"Sister, I still want to be free. If I go to your school, I think I will feel uncomfortable." Although Yagyu Kubei knew that he was joking, Yagyu Xia Ye formally refused.

After hearing Yagyu Xiaye's refusal, Yagyu Kubei sighed a little disappointed, pointed to Dongcheng and Kitazawa who were still eating, and said, "Save some for Xixiang, and then you can clean up here."

After finishing speaking, he walked out, and Yagyu Xiaye followed, because he could tell that Yagyu Jiubei had something to say to him.

As soon as Yagyu Kubei and Yagyu Xiaye left, there was an extra person beside the dining table, who was the Xixiang that Yagyu Kubei had just mentioned.At this time, Xixiang already had a bowl in his hand and was about to pick up vegetables.

"Xixiang, it's immoral for you to do this." Dongcheng and Kitazawa were not very surprised that Xixiang could appear like this, but they just condemned Xixiang's behavior of grabbing food.

"You are the ones who should be condemned. You actually started to enjoy this kind of enjoyment yesterday." Because of prejudice against Yagyu Xiaye yesterday, he didn't show up when Yagyu Xiaye was making lunch, and went back to report to Yagyu Kubei in the evening. Here's where things go.

"Eat slowly, we are not full yet."

"piss off."

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