After all, it was Yagyu Xia Ye who made the sudden noise and entered the toilet.Although the two of them, Liu Shengxia Ye, didn't know each other, but this kind of twisted melon, even Liu Shengxia Ye, who was not the person involved, would find it unsweet.

Yagyu Xiaye's entry stunned Ono, who had threatened to threaten him just now, while Marina, who was locked in the toilet by him, did not make a sound at this time.

"There is no urinal, could it be that this is a women's toilet, but you are here, could it be that you are a shemale?" Of course Liu Shengxia Ye knew that this was a women's toilet, but he just wanted to disgust this boy.

Sure enough, when Yagyu Xia Ye called him a shemale, the boy immediately blushed and argued, "This is the women's toilet. The reason why I'm here is because our class is cleaning. I'm just here to help. It's you This guy broke into the women's restroom for no reason, believe it or not, I'll sue you to the student union, so that you won't get any credits for this year."

"Tsk...tsk..., if you don't agree with me, you have to sue. You are either an elementary school student with an IQ or a female personality. You are indeed not a shemale. Why don't you turn around now and make sure." Liu Sheng Xiaye teased again This man, and his eyes still look like he doubts that he is a transvestite.

"You bastard, you are not a student of our school, you dare to talk nonsense here, I will contact the school security right now, but before that, I have to teach you a lesson." The guy finally sobered up and found that Liu Shengxia Ye was wearing It is not the school uniform of Shengfeng College, but the school uniform of other schools.And after he finished speaking, he put away the mop that was stuck on the toilet door, and threw it towards Yagyu Xiaye.

"Be careful..." Feeling that the obstacle was removed, and hearing Ohno's words to teach the guy who broke in suddenly, Marina in the toilet instinctively called out to be careful, and opened the toilet door immediately. It was opened.

However, after opening the door, Marinai did not see the third person in the toilet, but saw a leaving voice at the toilet door. There seemed to be something strange hanging around his waist, like a sword in a TV series. .

Ohno-kun, who asked her to date before, is now kneeling on the ground with his knees on the ground, and in front of him is a mop that has been broken into two sections.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Now it is estimated that even if Marina asked him any questions, he would not be able to answer them, because Marina could clearly see the cold sweat coming out of Ohno's face one by one, and then dripping on the floor of the women's toilet.

Ignoring the boy who almost forced her to date him, Marina walked out of the girls' bathroom, and when she went up the stairs to the corridor on the third floor, she found that there was no one in the corridor.

But the voice of leaving just now, the forward direction is the direction of going up the stairs. Could it be that he continued to go up the upper grade building?When Marina was about to set off towards the field of the third grade, she was stopped by someone.

"Marina, Ohno-kun said just now that he was going to help in the women's bathroom. Did you encounter any trouble?" The person who stopped Marina was her friend, and she also knew that Ohno wanted to pursue Marina, so she asked Marina like this.

Marina is of course very happy to get the concern from her friends, but what she cares about now is the person who appeared in the women's restroom just now, because that guy Masato Ono went to the women's restroom. There is no other place where Marina is hurt.

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern. By the way, Dong Xiang, you are responsible for the sanitation of the corridor, so have you seen a person wearing other clothes appear just now?" Zhen Nai asked her friend.

"What do you mean by other clothes? We are responsible for the hygiene of the corridor, but there are no people like you said. Marina, did you fall in love with the seniors while cleaning? You seemed to be Do you want to go up?" After answering Jinna's question, Dong Xiang also leaned on Jinna's body, passed her hands directly under Jinna's armpit, and touched the thing that even a girl was very jealous of through the school uniform .

"I'm so envious. I don't know who will be lucky enough to be their master in the future."

"Ah..." was suddenly attacked by a friend. Although she was also a girl, Zhennai still called out in a low voice. She reached out and took Dong Xiang's hands away and said, "Dong Xiang, stop messing around. The reason why I wanted to Go upstairs, just want to confirm, because I don't even know what that person looks like."

On this point, Marie did not lie.Because when the person she was looking for was talking to Masato Ono, Masato Ono held her against the door with a mop and locked her in the toilet.

After Marina regained her freedom, she didn't see the front, only a back view.

"It's over, the good girl has fallen, and I'm also a little curious about what the man you fell in love with at first sight looks like. But now I'll help you to disturb the hygiene of the toilet. I think you haven't finished it yet. .”

Reminded by my friend Dong Xiang, it was only when I came to the truth that I remembered that the hygiene of the toilet was really not disturbed.And if you go to the women's toilet with Dong Xiang now, if you find Masato Ono in the women's toilet, it will only make Masato Ono ugly.

"Dong Xiang, what about your corridor?"

"Of course it's all done, let's go."

"Thank you, who let me be your friend, but after you find the guy you fell in love with at first sight, you have to introduce me."

"I've said it all, I didn't fall in love with him at first sight."

"Who knows." Dong Xiang didn't listen to Zhennai's explanation at all.


After cutting off the mop in Ohno's hand, Yagyu Xiaye left the women's room, because Yagyu Xiaye had already seen fear and resignation from Ohno's eyes, and there was no point in staying there.

However, when Liu Shengxia came to Class 2 of [-] years, he found that there was no one in the class.

I looked at the place where the class card was hung. It said that there was nothing wrong with class 2 years, so it meant that students in this class might be a physical education class.

Yagyu Xia Ye wanted to find a seat to catch up on sleep, but in this class, it seemed that every table had a student's last name on it.

But since he arranged himself in this class, there must be extra seats, so Liu Shengxiaye had to search row by row, and finally found one in the third row from the bottom on the far left by the window without a surname on it. As, and there is no textbook in it.

I took a look at the seat next to me. The word Qiuyue was posted on it, so the person in this seat should have the surname Qiuyue.And from the front row, Yagyu Xiaye saw the surname Ohno, could it be the boy he met in the women's restroom.

But it doesn't matter how you think about this kind of thing now, because I wanted to delay time, I deliberately injured myself in the game against Xixiang.Afterwards, although the medical team of Liusheng's family took care of it, and guaranteed that if Liusheng Xiaye's injury was treated according to their method, it would only take three days to heal.It's just that this injury still left a sequelae, which is very sleepy.

So, even if the guy in the front seat is really the guy he met in the toilet, we can talk about it later.

Yagyu Xiaye just lay down on the seat that was supposed to be for him and began to sleep.


After returning to the classroom after cleaning, the students in Class 2 of Year [-] all discovered the disharmony in the classroom at the same time, that is, there is a person sleeping in the position where there should be no one.

While the students were discussing, Jinnai and Dong Xiang, two students belonging to Class 2, also returned to the classroom and discovered this situation.

"No way, someone really dares to take the position next to you!" Dong Xiang's tone was full of admiration.

You must know that since Mr. Qiuyue became the chemistry teacher of this class, the students sitting next to Marina either surrendered actively or passively by him, and then all left the position next to Marina.

Now, although it is not the time for class, such a guy is blatantly provoking Teacher Qiuyue.

However, when Dong Xiang was surprised, after she finished speaking, Marinai walked directly to her seat.

Dong Xiang immediately looked at the sleeping boy next to Marina, and found that the school uniform he was wearing was completely different from the school uniform worn by the boys in their class. In addition to the strange conversation between Marina and her in the corridor, Dong Xiang Xiang was surprised and covered her mouth with her hand.

The boy she didn't know before actually appeared in the seat next to her. Could it be that it wasn't just love at first sight of Marie, but a mutual understanding between the two?

Author's message:

Thank you for the 100 Happy Coin reward from Little Nemesis, thank you.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Marina was very surprised to be able to meet the person who helped her in the women's restroom just now in the class and was sitting on the edge of her seat.

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