Now Yagyu Xiaye fell asleep, looking very quiet, Marinna didn't intend to disturb Yagyu Xiaye's sweet dreams, and stretched out her hand to the weapon that Yagyu Xiaye leaned on his table, because it prevented her from sitting down.

It's just that when Jinna's hand just touched the slightly cold thing, her wrist was grabbed hard.

"It hurts..." Marina frowned, because she found Yagyu Xiaye who was sleeping next to her when she grabbed her wrist, but now Yagyu Xiaye was still asleep, as if it was just an unconscious movement.

Marina was caught, and other people in the class saw it right away. Some students who secretly liked Marina quit, and slapped directly on the table where Yagyu Xiaye was sleeping, and even slapped Yagyu Xia Ye shouted: "What's the matter with you, you bastard, let go of Qiuyue, didn't you hear her cry of pain just now?"

Although Marina was hurt by Yagyu Xiaye, she didn't want the other students in the class to treat Yagyu Xiaye like just now. When she wanted to say something, she suddenly fell down and sat on her seat, only separated by Yagyu Xia Ye leaned against the weapon on her table.

Liu Shengxia Ye was woken up by the loud noise coming from his ears. After hearing the threatening words in front of him, Liu Sheng Xia Ye stood up from his seat, looked coldly at the guy in front of him, and the toilet just now. Ono inside was wearing the same school uniform, and was looking at him angrily.

"Say it again if you want to die!" Because of Liu Shengxia Ye's injury, he will be very sleepy these days. At this time, due to lack of sleep, Liu Sheng Xia Ye's eyes are bloodshot, coupled with this very unhappy tone , the boy in front of him was so frightened that he took several steps back, bumping into the desk next to him without knowing it.

"I...I go..." This guy was startled by Liu Shengxia Ye, and he couldn't speak well.

However, Liu Shengxia Ye still heard the key words in it, and also felt that the feeling of holding his right hand was different from usual.

Turning his head to the right, he found a long-haired girl sitting next to him. According to the information on the table, this person should be named Qiuyue.And at this time, Liu Shengxia Ye also noticed that his right hand was holding Qiuyue's left wrist, and when Liu Sheng Xia Ye looked at him, he smiled very politely at Liu Sheng Xia Ye, which was regarded as a greeting.

Didn't see any blame in the eyes and expression of the Qiuyue girl, Liu Shengxiaye immediately sent the Qiuyue girl's wrist, and said: "Sorry, if there is any problem, I will talk about it after I get enough sleep first."

After Liu Sheng Xiaye finished speaking, she also saw that Qiuyue girl's sitting posture seemed to be wrong, and immediately realized that it was because of his weapon. She reached out and lifted the weapon to his seat, and then sat down on the table again and fell asleep.

Seeing that Yagyu Xiaye really fell asleep again like this, Manina looked at her red wrist that was grabbed by Yagyu Xiaye, and she became a little emotional.

This person is also true, although you have accepted the apology in your heart, but you don't even say a name?But Manina didn't intend to wake up Yagyu Xiaye anymore, she was just worried about what would happen if the teacher found out later in class?As for the other students in this class, basically no one would take care of Liu Shengxia Ye, who suddenly appeared in their class, and expected to be chased away by the teacher who was waiting for class.

"Jinnai, what's the name of this super handsome person?" Dong Xiang, who followed behind Jinnai, saw everything just now, and her actions were right behind Jinnai, so she immediately asked with her face down on the table Truth Nai.

"I didn't have time to ask just now, and there is no name on the desk." Jin Nai also didn't quite understand what his friend Dong Xiang meant by "handsome". Instead, he was worried that Liu Shengxia Ye's attitude would be disadvantaged in this class.

After listening to Marina's answer, Dong Xiang made an expression of being defeated by Marina, as if to say why Marina failed so much.

However, Shinnai and Dong Xiang had no chance to continue communicating because the bell for class rang.

However, after class, the student surnamed Ohno in the seat in front of Manina and Yagyu Xiaye did not come to class.


When Marina and Dong Xiang admired each other, Yagyu Xiaye, who suddenly appeared in their class, hadn't even woken up in the afternoon class, if not both of them could feel Yagyu Xiaye's even breathing , they might think that Yagyu Xia Ye has already gone to heaven.

And the teachers who came to class in the afternoon didn't seem to notice the person who was suddenly in the class, Yagyu Xiaye, and they didn't even glance at Liusheng Xiaye's position.

When the school bell rang, Marina still felt that she should wake up Yagyu Xiaye, but when she stretched out her hand to Yagyu Xiaye, she suddenly saw Yagyu Xiaye opened her eyes, and Marina quickly retracted in fright. Hand, the previous shadow still exists in my mind.

"School is not over yet." When Liu Sheng Xiaye saw the same long-haired girl as before, he straightened his body after saying this, and then found that everyone in the classroom had almost left, and said, "So it's School is over, thank you for waking me up just now."

After Liu Sheng Xia Ye finished speaking, she was about to get up and leave, but someone stopped her with her hand.

"Please wait."

Looking at the person who stopped him, it seemed that he should be a student of this class. Unlike Yagyu Xiaye's deskmate, this girl had short hair and looked like a sports girl.

"Is there any problem?" When I first came to this school, I only knew that the girl next to me was named Qiuyue, and the name of the girl who stopped him, Liu Shengxia Ye didn't know, because I didn't see which table she came from. left.

"You scratched Marina's wrist before, shouldn't you have a decent apology?"

Marina, isn't this the name he heard in the toilet?Yagyu Xiaye took another look at the surname on the table in front of him. Ohno was right, it was the name given by the girl named Marina in the toilet.

It's just that this girl named Marina hasn't spoken to him yet, so it's not clear that this girl is the girl who was forced to date in the toilet.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I remember that I seem to have apologized." Although he fell asleep for several classes, Yagyu Xia Ye was still deeply impressed by some things that happened before.

"Dong Xiang, this classmate did apologize to me, and I have already accepted it." Qiuyue Marina first told her friend that she had accepted Liu Shengxiaye's apology, and immediately said to Liusheng Xiaye: "Hello , I’m Akizuki Marina from Class 2, and this is my friend Kashima Touka, please don’t mind what I said just now.”

After hearing Akizuki Marina's words, Yagyu Xiaye finally confirmed that his deskmate was the girl she met in the toilet before, but at that time, Akizuki Marina should still be blocked in the toilet, so Yagyu Xiaye didn't see the girl what kind.

"Natsuya Yagyu, a second grader at Sakakino Academy, I'm really sorry for what happened before, I don't know why it happened like that."

"No, it's my fault that I shouldn't touch Yagyu-san's things. By the way, Sakakino Academy, is Yagyu-san a student from another school, or a sophomore?"

Akizuki Marina's words made Yagyu Xiaye understand why he grabbed her wrist before, it was all because of the sword.

"Well, it is indeed a student from another school. I came to Shengfeng College as an exchange student for a week. I don't know what happened, but I was arranged in this class. By the way, school is over now, can you let me go? Gotta find out where I should be staying for a week."

"Sorry." While speaking, Akizuki Marina stood up from her seat and walked to the aisle, giving way to Yagyu Xia Ye.

"Thank you." After Yagyu Xia Ye thanked her, she walked out and was about to leave when she was stopped by Akizuki Marina's friend Kashima Touka again, and said, "It's okay if you deceive the pure Marina like this, unless you put your Show me the materials of the data exchange students, or what you said just now, I can only use it as a means for you to get closer to the truth."

"Student Liu Sheng, Dong Xiang has no other intentions..."

"It's okay, this shows that your friend is very close to you." Yagyu Xiaye admired Kashima Touka's attitude very much, so he took out the information that Dongcheng had given him before, pointed to the stamp stamped in the principal's office and said: "You are students of this school, you should be familiar with this."

Both Kashima Touka and Akizuki Marina carefully read the materials that Yagyu Xiaye presented, and also saw a seal they were familiar with.

"Very good, you have passed the test now, then my mission is complete. At least judging from the reaction of Marina, you are not a bad person." After reading the materials, Touka Kashima sorted it out and returned it to Yagyu Xia Ye said, "The new exchange students and Zhennai, I'll go back first, see you at school tomorrow."

Seeing Kashima Touka disappear into the classroom like this, Yagyu Xiaye still didn't realize that this guy's thoughts were so jumpy.

"Student Liu Sheng, Dong Xiang has such a character, I hope you don't mind."

"Sister, haven't you left yet?" When Yagyu Xiaye was about to respond to Akizuki Marina, a voice appeared at the door of the classroom, and it was yelling at the place where Yagyu Xiaye was.

According to the prestige, a girl with golden double ponytails appeared at the door of the classroom. The same school uniform means that she is also a student of this school, but the size of the school uniform is obviously different, so it may be a student of the junior high school in the teaching building next door.And after the girl with double ponytails appeared, Yagyu Xiaye heard a lot of comments and voices of envy. It seems that this girl with double ponytails who appeared suddenly should be very popular in the school, and has something to do with Akizuki Marina beside him.

Unlike other lower grade students, this student with twin tails did not have the attitude that a lower grade student should have, and walked directly into Akizuki Marina's classroom.

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