"Sister, I've been waiting for you downstairs for a long time and I haven't seen you coming downstairs, so let's see what's wrong with you." When I got to Akizuki Marina's position, I found the girl standing next to Akizuki Marina Yagyu Xiaye was the culprit who caused her sister to not reconcile with her for such a long time, she directly stood in front of Akizuki Marina, and said to Liusheng Xiaye: "Who are you, why are you stopping my sister? She left?" Because Yagyu Natsuya didn't wear the school uniform of Shengfeng Academy, Akizuki Marina's younger sister thought that Yagyu Natsuya was someone outside the school, and came into the school to harass her sister Akizuki Marina.

"Ai Li, it's not what you think. Yagyu didn't let me leave, it's just that I was late today." After hearing her sister's questioning of Yagyu Xiaye, Akizuki Marina hurriedly explained to her sister, because she Afraid that Liu Sheng Xia Ye would suddenly get angry.Akizuki Marina still remembers the thing that scared the classmates in front of her before.

After listening to Akizuki Marina's explanation, the girl named Ai Li let go of her hostility towards Yagyu Natsuya, but she did not relax her guard because she also saw the weapon Yagyu Natsuya was holding at this time.

"I'm sorry, Yagyu-san. This is my sister Akizuki Airi. What she said just now was only in a hurry. You don't have any hostility towards Yagyu-san." After Akizuki Marina explained to Yagyu Natsuya, she also introduced her sister, the blonde The little girl with twin tails is called Akizuki Airi.

However, after hearing Akizuki Marina's explanation, Yagyu Xiaye did not respond immediately, but just looked at Sister Akizuki like this.

"What are you looking at? What disgusting eyes."

Akizuki Marina pulled Akizuki Airi who was swearing at Yagyu Xiaye, and then asked: "Yagyu-san, may I ask..."

"One brown, one golden, are they really sisters?" It turned out that Liu Shengxiaye was thinking about whether the Qiuyue sisters were really sisters, after all, the difference in hair color was too great.

The Qiuyue sisters also didn't expect that Liu Shengxiaye was thinking about this question. Qiuyue Aili snorted and left, obviously not wanting to answer Liusheng Xiaye's question, and when she was at the door of the classroom, she asked her again Sister Akizuki Marina hastened to go back.

"I didn't ask on purpose, it's just a little strange." Liu Shengxia Ye also realized that what he just said seemed to be a sore spot in Qiuyue sister's heart.

"It's nothing, because Ellie's father and I are French, it's just that we have been abandoned now." After explaining a little bit, and saying goodbye to Yagyu Xiaye, Akizuki Marina walked out of the classroom, probably going to Chased after her sister Akizuki Airi.

Author's message:

Thank you for the 300 Happy Coin reward from Little Nemesis, thank you.Thanks lacusyuy for the 1 monthly pass.

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It turned out that the father of the two sisters was French, so it was no wonder that the sister Qiuyue Aili had blond hair.Looking at Akizuki Marina who had already left, Yagyu Xiaye felt that she owed the two sisters an apology, but it was possible that she would have to wait until tomorrow when she came to school.

Because Liusheng Xiaye is a new exchange student, it is impossible to stay on duty today, so Liusheng Xiaye also left the classroom of Class 2, and then walked out of Shengfeng College.

I didn't see Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi along the way, and it seems that they have left the school.


Liu Shengxia Ye is currently holding the address given by Dongcheng before, and is entering the target search destination into the mobile phone.

Because what was arranged for him was not an apartment for one person, but a boarding house for someone else, and apart from giving the address, there was no information about the boarding person.

I am not familiar with this city, Yagyu Xiaye, so I can only use my mobile phone to navigate to my final destination.After memorizing the route by heart, Liu Shengxia Ye put the phone back.

Liu Shengxia Ye followed the route navigated, and when he was about to reach the destination, he unexpectedly found the two sisters, Qiuyue.

It was Akizuki Airi who had been procrastinating on the road, and Akizuki Marina wanted to make Akizuki Airi leave quickly, but it didn't seem to have much effect.

"Classmate Qiuyue." Yagyu Xiaye finally stopped Qiuyue Marina.

After hearing the sound, both sisters Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi turned their heads. Akizuki Marina's eyes were filled with surprise and a hint of surprise, while Akizuki Airi immediately shouted at Yagyu Natsuya: "Pervert, follow me!" Crazy!" And, unlike in Class 2, Akizuki Airi hid behind Akizuki Marina at this time.

Having encountered Qiuyue Aili's treatment again, Yagyu Xiaye also felt a little innocent. When he took this route, he never thought that he would meet Qiuyue sisters on the road.

"Ai Li, you are so impolite." Akizuki Marina first reprimanded Akizuki Ai Li in a low voice, and then said to Yagyu Xiaye: "Yayuu-san, you will appear here like this."

"I'm an exchange student at Sacred Maple College, and the date is one week, so the school found me a homestay. But I'm not familiar with this city at all, so I can only find the destination through mobile phone navigation, Qiuyue, you guys Are they also people who live near here?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked casually after explaining.

Because from what Qiuyue sisters said just now, Liu Shengxiaye also heard that the place where the two sisters live should not be far from here.

"We do live not far from the front, but Ellie is procrastinating and refuses to go home. If Yagyu-san doesn't mind, can you show me your address, I am quite familiar with this area. "Akizuki Marina wanted to give some help to the foreign exchange student Yagyu Xiaye, and it was a little reward for him.

"Of course, thank you for your help." After Yagyu Xiaye finished speaking, he handed the paper with the boarding address to Qiuyue Aili.Because the place where he boarded is within this area.

After Akizuki Marina took the paper that Yagyu Natsuya handed over, Akizuki Airi also got out from behind, wanting to see where this guy Yagyu Natsuya would be staying in this area, but when he read the detailed address on the paper, After that, the two sisters Qiuyue were stunned.

"You..." Akizuki Airi was stopped by her sister Akizuki Marina before she could finish her sentence.

"Yagyu-san, have you really never been here before?" Akizuki Marina asked.

"This is the first time I've come to this city. If you're familiar with it, you don't need to turn on the navigation at all." After Liu Shengxia Ye finished speaking, he took out his phone and showed off his search skills.And on the navigation route, the road they are on now is on the top.

Akizuki Marina believed that it was really the first time that Yagyu Xiaye came to this city, and after handing back the paper in her hand to Yagyu Xiaye, she said, "Student Liusheng, I can take you to this address."

"Thank you so much for that. I really hate looking for things in strange places." Even with navigation, Yagyu Xiaye still believed in Akizuki Marina who had lived in this area for a long time.It's just that when Yagyu Xiaye was surprised, Qiuyue Aili was very angry with her sister's decision, and obviously didn't support it.

"Eri, you can go home now." Akizuki Marina said to Akizuki Ari.

If Akizuki Marina really wants to take Yagyu Natsuya to the address on the paper, Akizuki Airi really has no reason to delay, because the Akizuki sisters have a great relationship with that address.

"Hmph!" In the end, Akizuki Airi could only express her dissatisfaction with Yagyu Xiaye.


The two sisters, Akizuki Marina, brought Yagyu Xiaye to a building. The owner's surname was not written on the outside, but judging from the house number, this is where Yagyu Xiaye lived.

"Student Liusheng, the place where you want to stay has arrived." Qiuyue Marina stopped and said to Liusheng Xiaye.

"Thank you, Qiuyue, where do you live, and later..."

"Hehe." Before Yagyu Xiaye finished speaking, Akizuki Airi who was next to Akizuki Marina started to hehe, then walked to the door of this house, took out the key from her bag, and skillfully opened the door of the house.

"I am back."

If Liu Shengxia Ye still can't understand at this time, then he is really a fool.But how can there be such a coincidence, the girl who helped the girl in the women's room of Shengfeng College today, her home is actually the place where Yagyu Xiaye boarded for a week, no wonder Qiuyue Aili's attitude before and just now was so strange .

"I'm sorry I didn't tell Yagyu-san just now, the address on your paper is indeed the home of Ellie and I, but neither Ellie nor I have heard of anyone staying at our home, so I want to bring you back Let me verify it at home, father and mother should know." Akizuki Marina said apologetically to Yagyu.

"If Qiuyue's parents don't know about this, I will find another way. After all, Qiuyue, your sister doesn't seem to welcome me very much." What Liu Sheng Xia Ye said was true, he didn't know what happened to Liu Sheng's family. Damn, the members of his host family didn't know he was coming here.And Akizuki Marina talked about her parents, didn't they say that their French father abandoned their sisters when they were in school?Why is there a father at this time?

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