"If Liuyu needs help, I can help." Qiuyue Mina is also not sure whether her parents know that Liusheng Xiaye will live in their house. If she really doesn't know, then she can only think of Liushengxia As Ye Ye said, he needed to find a new boarding place by himself.

"Student Yagyu, please come in." Akizuki Marina invited Yagyu Xiaye into the house.

"I am back."

"excuse me."

To Akizuki Marina's surprise, a pair of men's shoes were found at the entrance. Could it be that Akizuki Airi prepared them for Yagyu Xia Ye?Because Akizuki Marina understands very well that it is impossible for Akizuki Airi’s younger sister to give their stepfather home to replace the shoes. Neither is very good.

After Yanagi Natsuya and Akizuki Marina changed their shoes, Akizuki Ari came out with a young woman, but this young woman made Yagyu Xiaye feel a little familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen her before.

"Hello, I'm Akizuki Huayoko, the mother of Marina and Airi. I heard about you from Airi just now. I did agree to live in a foreign school, but I didn't expect you to meet me on the first day. Come with Airi and Marina." Akizuki Airi and Akizuki Marina's mother said to Yagyu Natsuya.

And after Yagyu Xiaye knew the name of Qiu Yuehua Daiko, he also remembered when he had met Qiu Yuehua Daiko.

After Xiyuanji Kageko and others went abroad, Yagyu Xiaye went to Radish to help, and when he returned home, he saw a man propose to a woman, and the proposed woman's name was exactly the same as Akizuki Kayoko.And the man named Xiaosan also mentioned the names of Marina and Airi, and he really didn't expect that after he came to this city, he would live in this family.

"Thank you very much, I will not bother you in the future. By the way, Auntie, is your lover Qiuyue Xiaosan?"

"Liusheng-kun, do you know my husband?" After listening to Liusheng Xiaye's question, Qiuyuehua Daiko was the most surprised person. She believed that the two daughters would not tell Liusheng Xiaye about the situation of Qiuyue Xiaosan. I know, but now that Liu Shengxia Ye asked, it meant that Liu Sheng Xia Ye knew about Qiuyue Xiaosan's situation.

Akizuki Marina was also very surprised. At the door just now, she only said that there are parents at home, but she didn't say the name of Akizuki Xiaosan.And Akizuki Airi snorted at Yagyu Xiaye very dissatisfied when she heard Yagyu Natsuya mention Akizuki Takasan's name, then opened the door of a room and went in.

"When I was in Sakakino County, I heard a marriage proposal, so I asked about it." It seems that Akizuki Xiaosan really made a successful proposal at that time.

"So it happened at that time. Xiaosan-kun was the chemistry teacher of Manina and Eri's school. He hasn't come back today. If he comes back later, he will introduce you to Yagyu-kun."

"Auntie, you'd better call me Xia Ye, it won't sound like it will be divided. You can also call me Qiuyue classmate, it will make me calm down." Liu Sheng Xia Ye introduced to Qiu Yuehua Daizi Said.

"That's good, Manina, take Xia Ye to see the room he lives in. It's the one I cleaned up last night." Qiu Yuehua didn't hold back, and started calling Liu Sheng Xia Ye's name directly, and let him Akizuki Marina took Yagyu Natsuya to his room.

Last night, Akizuki Marina heard the sound of Akizuki Huayoko tidying up the room. She always thought that some guests would come, but she never thought that it would be for the exchange student Yagyu Natsuya.

"Okay, Xiaye, you can call me Marina too." After agreeing to Akizuki Hanayoko's request, Akizuki Marina also asked Yagyu Xiaye to call her by her name.


But before going to Yanagi Natsuya's room, Akizuki Mana went to her room to put away her schoolbag, and then pushed open the door of a room next to her. The room of Emotional Yagyu Natsuya was next door to Akizuki Mana.

"Xia Ye, this is your room. It's just that our house doesn't have internet access right now. If you want, you can open a temporary one." Knowing that Yagyu Xia Ye used the phone's navigation function, Akizuki Marina still I thought Yagyu Xia Ye was an Internet enthusiast.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have the Internet, I'm not a teenager with an Internet addiction." Liu Shengxia looked at the room where he would sleep for a week. It was about the same size as the one in Gui Yanye's house, except that a desk and a large wardrobe were missing.If you only live for a week, of course there is no problem.

"The bathroom is at the end of the corridor, but Xia Ye, you'd better go and buy some clothes, because dad's clothes don't suit you." Akizuki Marina also began to introduce the layout of the house, and also suggested Yagyu Xia Ye to buy. clothing.And at this moment, the door next door to Yagyu Xiaye opened, and Qiuyue Aili came out from inside.

His room is in the middle of the two sisters of Akizuki. On the left is the room of the sister Akizuki Marina, and on the right is the room of Akizuki Airi.

Akizuki Airi who opened the door had already changed out of the school uniform of Shengfeng Academy. Now she was wearing a short-sleeved upper body and a pair of shorts just below her thighs. Perhaps it was Yagyu Xiaye's illusion. After changing her clothes There seems to be a little difference between Akizuki Airi in school uniform and Akizuki Airi in school uniform.It's just that I still have very little contact with Akizuki Airi, so I don't know exactly what kind of change it is.

"Sister, is the stalker going to live here?" Airi Akizuki asked, pointing to the room where Yagyu Natsuya and Akizuki Marina were.

"Yes, Ellie, this is what my mother packed up for Xia Ye last night. Also, Xia Ye will be a guest at home from now on, don't call Xia Ye a stalker, do you understand?" Qiuyue Marina reminded Qiuyue Ai Li.

However, Akizuki Airi did not listen to Akizuki Marina's words, but looked at Yagyu Natsuya and said, "Are you going to buy clothes now?" Although she was asking Yagyu Natsuya, Yagyu Natsuya could feel it. Come out, Qiuyue Aili wanted him to say that he was out shopping for clothes at this time, so Yagyu Xia Ye did not hesitate.

"Yes, I don't know Ellie, do you have any good places to recommend." Since Marina's name has already been called, Yagyu Xiaye still feels a little awkward to call and use the last name to talk to Akizuki Ellie.

Author's message:

Thank you for the 1 monthly ticket of Tianxing Fantasy and the 100 happy coins of Chixia Baiying, thank you.It's the end of the month, students who still have a monthly pass in their hands, don't waste it, please smash it here.Kneeling for a reward and remaining votes for support

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"If you bring enough money, I have a few places I can take you to." Hearing Yagyu Xiaye call her name, Qiuyue Aili said calmly: "But I have to change my clothes first." .”

After Akizuki Airi finished speaking, she walked into her own room, while Akizuki Marina was thinking about it.

"Marina, what have you been saying since just now?" Because Akizuki Marina's voice was a bit low, Xia Ye Liusheng couldn't hear what she was saying clearly.

"No, Ellie's situation is wrong. You know, even if Dad calls her name, she will be unhappy for a long time, but Xia Ye, you suddenly appeared today, and you have had conflicts with Ellie before. Accepting your calling her name so calmly."

After listening to Marina's words, Yagyu Natsuya finally analyzed that Akizuki Airi was very dissatisfied with Akizuki Takazo entering their family, but because her mother Akizuki Hanako and sister Akizuki Marina both agreed with Akizuki Takazo, so she didn't either. Force against.

"Although I don't know the reason, but I can know that there should be no hindrance for me to live here."

Before Yanagi Natsuya was most worried about Akizuki Airi's problem, but Akizuki Eri after returning home seemed to be different from Akizuki Eri outside. The obstacle of moving in had already called Akizuki Eri's name in Yagyu Natsuya Then disappeared.

"Well, it's really great to be able to do this." Akizuki Marina is also very happy. After all, Yagyu Xiaye is the one who helped her in Shengfeng Academy. I feel bad about it.

"I've changed, sister, do you want to go out with me?" Qiuyue Aili came out of her room again. Although she said she changed her clothes, she just added a pink coat to her previous clothes. .

When asked by Akizuki Airi, Akizuki Marina refused and said: "I won't go, I'm going to help my mother cook dinner. Aili, you can take Xia Ye to buy some clothes, but remember to come back before dinner. "

"I see, I'll be back soon." After Akizuki Eri answered Akizuki Marina, she walked outside alone without calling Yagyu Xiaye.

"Then I'll go shopping for clothes first."

"come back earlier."


When Liu Sheng Xia Ye walked out of the house, Qiuyue Aili was already standing on the road, and when she saw Liu Sheng Xia Ye coming out, she immediately said: "Why are you a stalker so inactive at this time, you are dawdling about when .”

See, even though he didn't have the name Liu Sheng Xia Ye at home, he didn't put words like stalker and pervert on Liu Sheng Xia Ye either.However, as soon as she went outside, the former Qiuyue Aili felt back again.

"Ai Li, what you say seems like I'm stalking you alone. Although your twin ponytails and blond hair are cute attributes, you really don't suit me." Now that you have been given the name of a stalker Yagyu Xiaye didn't intend to be polite with Qiuyue Ellie outside.

"You guy, how dare you belittle me like this." After hearing what Yagyu Xiaye said, Qiuyue Aili was a little angry, because Yagyu Xiaye's attitude of not caring about her at all.You must know that when you were in school, not only in the junior high school, but even in the high school, she had fans.

And now Yagyu Xiaye's words of completely denying her made Qiuyue Aili very uncomfortable, pointing to Yagyu Xiaye and said: "Believe it or not, I will make my meal embarrass you in school tomorrow."

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