Yagyu Xiaye also didn't think that Qiuyue Marina would believe what he said, but that's fine, and I didn't bother to explain.

When Akizuki Marina wanted to ask some more questions, Akizuki Huayoko was outside asking Yagyu Natsuya to take a bath.

"Xia Ye, you go, I'll take care of your medicine." Qiuyue Manna saw that Liu Sheng Xia Ye seemed reluctant to part with his medicine, thinking that Liu Sheng Xia Ye was afraid that after he left, Qiuyue who couldn't stand the smell before Ellie would come in and dump his potion.

"Thank you, it's fine to let it cool down normally." After Liu Shengxia Ye finished speaking, he walked out of the kitchen and went back to his room to get his clothes and take a shower.

And Akizuki Airi, who has been teasing fish in the living room, also found that Yagyu Xiaye had left, and sneaked into the kitchen again, and was a little surprised when she saw Akizuki Marina was still there, "Sister, why are you still here? Shouldn't it be?" Did you go back to do your homework?"

"What do you want to come in, I'm here to stop you from doing it." Akizuki Marina said looking at Akizuki Airi.

Indeed, according to the previous schedule, Akizuki Marina should indeed be doing her homework in her room now.But Yagyu Xiaye's sudden move in disrupted the family's previous work and rest schedule.

"I just can't stand the smell. It's definitely not a good thing. If you're sick, go to the doctor." Sure enough, the purpose of Qiuyue Aili's coming to the kitchen was indeed to pour out the soup of Yagyu Xiaye.

"Xia Ye said that this was prepared for him by his family, so it must be something useful."

"If you don't go to the hospital, it will only get worse and worse." Seeing that Akizuki Marina's attitude is very firm, the plan to pour out the Liushengxiaye decoction can't be realized. , Ariel Akizuki walked out of the kitchen.Instead of going to the living room to tease the fish, she went straight back to her own room.


When Yagyu Xiaye came out of the bathroom, she found Qiuyue Aili waiting at the door of the bathroom. Seeing Yagyu Xiaye coming out, Qiuyue Aili handed over a bag and said: "This is something, put it in your own room go."

He took the bag and looked at it, and found that it was the clothes that Qiuyue Aili had brought to him before, but after the bag was changed, Yagyu Xiaye didn't recognize it for a while.

"Why are you still standing there? I want to go in and take a shower!" Before Yagyu Xiaye could say thank you, Akizuki Airi took a step forward, moved Liusheng Xiaye to the other side, opened the door of the bathroom and walked in .

What a master of personality, I don't know what my life will be like this week.

After Yagyu Xiaye took the clothes Qiuyue Aili gave him back to his room, he saw that there was no one in the living room, and then walked towards the kitchen, because his medicinal soup was still in the kitchen.

"Xia Ye, do you need to heat it up a little?" Seeing Yagyu Xia Ye coming in, Akizuki Marina also stood up from the stool in the kitchen and asked.

It took Liu Sheng Xia Ye a long time to take a bath, and the medicinal soup that had been placed before had already cooled down.

"Thank you, Manina. But there's no need, it will be fine at this time." The medical team of Yagyu's family has explained that this herbal medicine should be drunk after it is cold, and the effect will be greater.

Picking up the bowl containing the medicinal soup, Liu Shengxiaye was not polite about the healing medicine and drank it all in one gulp.

However, although Liu Shengxia Ye's will surpassed the smell of medicine, Liu Sheng Xia Ye's body was still wounded.

"Cough...cough..." It didn't work, but because Liu Sheng Xiaye drank a little too fast, that's why he coughed.

"Xia Ye, are you okay, do you want me to call the doctor..."

"No, it's fine." Yagyu Xiaye waved her hand to stop Qiuyue Marina.

The reason why Akizuki Marina was so flustered was not only because of Yagyu Xiaye's cough after drinking the medicine, but also because there was a trace of black medicinal soup flowing from the corner of Yagyu Xiaye's mouth, which looked like the color of blood stasis.

But after Yagyu Xiaye wiped it with her hand, and there was no trace of redness, Qiuyue Manina knew that she was too worried.Akizuki Marina, who knew what Xia Ye wanted to do, handed the handkerchief she carried to Yagyu Xia Ye.

"Thank you." After Liu Shengxia Ye took the handkerchief, he began to wipe the traces on the corners of his mouth. At this time, a faint fragrance entered Liu Sheng Xia Ye's nose from the handkerchief.

"Sorry, I made your handkerchief dirty." Yagyu Natsuya finished wiping, and exchanged the handkerchief to Akizuki Marina.

"Xia Ye, Marina, why are you still in the kitchen?" At this moment, Akizuki Kayoko's voice came from the door of the kitchen. He asked, "What are you doing?"

Caught by her mother, Akizuki Marina took the handkerchief back vigorously and said, "It's nothing, I'm going to take a bath."

After finishing speaking, Akizuki Marina passed Akizuki Huayoko at the kitchen door, and then walked towards her room.

"I choked on the medicine just now, so I used Marina's handkerchief to wipe it off." The other party was Qiuyue Marina's mother, and it was better for Liusheng Xiaye to explain clearly.

"Xia Ye, are you injured? Do you want to go to the hospital?" The three mothers and daughters in this family have similar thoughts, and they think it is reasonable to go to the hospital when they are sick.

"I just need this kind of herbal medicine to adjust it. It's not a serious problem." Yagyu Xiaye took the bowl of soup medicine and walked towards the sink, ready to wash it off, but was stopped by Qiuyue Mana.

"Xia Ye, put it there and I'll wash it. Since you are injured, go to rest early."

"Thank you."


Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't have homework, because he didn't even have any textbooks from Shengfeng College, but he came to this strange city, strange school, strange family, Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't fall asleep.

If there is no problem with Yagyu's family, Yagyu Xiaye might have called back, but before coming here, Yagyu Kubei told him that within a week in the city of Sacred Maple Academy, Yagyu Xia would not be allowed to come here. I called back at night, otherwise some promises might be voided.

"I hope they won't forget me." For a week, Yagyu Xiaye couldn't guarantee what would happen.

But after Liu Sheng Xiaye finished talking to himself, he felt someone walking up and down the corridor outside, and they stayed for a while before continuing to walk.

When Liu Shengxia Ye was surprised, the person outside didn't stop in front of his room door, but stopped in the two adjacent rooms on the left and right.

Author's message:

Thank you for the 900 happy coins of Wuming, 100 happy coins for Salamanda and Little Nemesis, 1500 happy coins for Konghuan Qimeng and a monthly ticket support, and thank you Kankanmiao for a monthly ticket.

Today's guaranteed second update was delivered, and the code word was completed late

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Could it be that someone in this family is sleepwalking?" Liu Shengxia Ye sat up from the bed, listened carefully again, and found that the pattern had not changed.

After Yagyu Xiaye opened the door, there was only a wall lamp on the wall near the bathroom in the corridor outside, but even so, Yagyu Xiaye could see that it was now near the door of Qiuyue Ellie's room, but The one who went in the direction of the bathroom was Akizuki Takazo.

"Teacher Qiuyue, are you alright?" Liu Shengxia Ye asked softly.

Hearing Liu Sheng Xia Ye's words, Qiuyue Xiaosan also turned his head in surprise and said, "It's okay, I just got up to go to the bathroom, Xia Ye, are you going to the bathroom too? Do you want me to let you go first?"

"I can wait a little longer." After Liu Shengxia Ye finished speaking, he mounted it on the wall.

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