And Qiuyue Xiaosan didn't talk to Yagyu Xiaye any more, and walked directly to the bathroom.

Without waiting too long, after a short while, Qiuyue Xiaosan came out of the bathroom, and when he returned to the opposite bedroom, he said to Liu Sheng Xia Ye, "Good night."

"Good night." After Liu Shengxia Ye finished speaking to him, she also walked to the bathroom.


Coming out of the bathroom, Yagyu Xiaye did not see Qiuyue Xiaosan again, and after confirming that there were no footsteps anywhere, Yagyu Xiaye returned to his room.

But as soon as he sat on the bed, Liu Shengxia felt something was wrong, because the quilt that he lifted up when he got up before was actually covered, and there was an obvious bulge inside, there must be someone inside.

Yagyu Xiaye's hand to uncover the quilt did not encounter resistance. After the quilt was lifted, Akizuki Airi in pajamas appeared inside.

"Ai Li, you..." Qiuyue Ai Li actually slipped into his room while he was going to the bathroom, and Yagyu Xia Ye finally discovered something different at this time.During the daytime, under the cover of the school uniform, Akizuki Airi had difficulty finding any attention-getters except for her cute attributes like blond hair and twin ponytails.

But Qiuyue Aili in her pajamas showed a different figure, and she looked exactly like two people during the day.

"Pervert, what are you looking at, aren't you sleeping yet?" After the quilt was uncovered, Qiuyue Aili didn't feel embarrassed, but calmly asked Yagyu Xiaye to sleep.

Putting the quilt on Qiuyue Airi again, Yagyu Xiaye said: "Airi, why are you in my room? And if the situation is now known by Marina and your mother, then it must be If you have any conflicts, go back to your room quickly."

"Don't go back." This time, Qiuyue Aili took the initiative to uncover the quilt covering her body to the chest position, allowing people to see a slight gully, and said: "I just escaped from that frightening space." Come out, I will not go back. I have to say that you, the client, do have a trick, and you rescued me on the first day."

"The first day? Rescue? Ellie, you mean that what happened tonight wasn't just one time?" Yagyu Xiaye heard two key words from Qiuyue Ellie's mouth.

"It seems that you really didn't go to the bathroom on purpose. That pervert would hang around in front of my door every night. Fortunately, I locked the door." There is a trace of fear.

Is this why Akizuki Airi hates Akizuki Kozo?And Akizuki Airi just thinks that Akizuki Takasan is just wandering in front of her door every night, but Yagyu Xiaye knows that Akizuki Takasan is not only in front of Akizuki Eri's door, but also Akizuki Mana's door.Could this be the reason for Akizuki Marina's sudden silence in the kitchen today?

However, what Yagyu Natsuya observed today did not tell Akizuki Eri now, because according to Akizuki Eri's character, if she knew the truth, she would definitely run from Yagyu Natsuya's room to Akizuki Marina's room next door of.

"I don't think he will do this again after today, after all, I have to get up to go to the bathroom almost every day." Yagyu Xiaye comforted Qiuyue Aili: "So, go back to your room now , there is no danger."

"If you don't go back, if you don't sleep, I won't care about you anyway." After Qiuyue Aili finished speaking, she turned her body to one side, leaving only one junior facing Yagyu Xiaye.Qiuyue Aili, who just rolled over, said silently in her heart: Thank you, Xia Ye.

Akizuki Airi was playing helpless, Yagyu Xiaye also had no choice, it was impossible to sleep in the living room or go to Qiuyue Aili's room now.

When she felt that Yagyu Xiaye was lying on the bed again, Qiuyue Aili showed a smile on her lips, and then slowly fell asleep like this.


"Pervert, get up quickly." Liu Sheng Xiaye felt someone patting his face, after opening his eyes, he found Qiuyue Aili sitting cross-legged on the bedside, looking down at him who was asleep.

Some of the golden hair fell on Yagyu Xiaye's face from Akizuki Airi's front shoulders, making Yagyu Xiaye feel itchy, and thinking that Akizuki Airi was still in his room, he immediately lay down , stepped back a bit.

"Ai Li, why are you still in my room?"

"So now let you get up and cover me back to the room." Qiuyue Aili said with a face of course. "Go out and observe first. If you don't see them, just knock on your door three times, and I will sneak out."

After listening to Qiuyue Aili's words, Yagyu Xia Ye was also very helpless, because this was the only way now.

Yagyu Xiaye had no choice but to get up and open the door, but fortunately it was still early, neither Akizuki Hanayoko nor Akizuki Marina had woken up.After reaching out and knocking lightly on the door three times, Qiuyue Aili came out of the room, and Yagyu Xiaye blocked his door so that Qiuyue Aili could go back to her room.

Hearing the sound of Akizuki Airi's door closing, Yagyu Natsuya also breathed a sigh of relief, but when Yagyu Natsuya wanted to open the door and return to her room, Akizuki Mana's door suddenly opened.

"Xia Ye, can't you sleep? I woke up at this time." Akizuki Marina was also a little surprised to see Yagyu Xia Ye standing in front of the door.

"Ah..." Yagyu Xiaye was also surprised. Fortunately, Akizuki Airi had already returned to her room at this time. Otherwise, if Akizuki Marina found out, Yagyu Xiaye didn't know how to explain it. "I just got up to go to the bathroom, but I can get up now, is it so early for Manina?"

"Same as Summer Night."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Akizuki Marina finished speaking, she felt that this attitude seemed a bit too intimate, so she quickly walked towards the toilet, and when she passed Yagyu Xia Ye, she said softly, "Thank you, Xia Ye." Then she said Across Yagyu summer night.

It's a bit inexplicable to be said thank you by Akizuki Marina. Could it be because of what happened yesterday.But there was a chance to say thank you yesterday for what happened yesterday, and it is unlikely to be delayed until today.

But as long as the fact that Qiuyue Aili spent the night in his room last night is not exposed, that would be the best.


Breakfast was made by Akizuki Marina, because Akizuki Hanayoko is an office worker, and after Akizuki Xiaosan came to this house, Akizuki Airi took her sister Akizuki Marina to go to school separately from him, and it is the same today.

"Aren't you going to school with a lunch box?" Yagyu Xiaye asked after seeing that neither Akizuki Marina nor Akizuki Airi had any lunch boxes, according to his habit at Gui Yanye's house.

"Our school doesn't have a habit of bringing bento to the school. All of them are settled in the school cafeteria and the school's canteen." Akizuki Marina explained to Yagyu Natsuya.

"Could it be that you want to be late for every meal made by my sister? You can do it too." Akizuki Airi thinks that there are other reasons why Yagyu Natsuya asked about the bento.

Yagyu Xiaye didn't argue with Qiuyue Aili, anyway, it was only a week, so let's eat school lunch.After coming to Qiuyue's house, Liu Shengxiaye had no intention of exposing her culinary skills, so it's actually not bad to live a life with open mouth.

After having breakfast, the three of them headed to Saint Maple College together.


However, on the way, the three of Liu Shengxiaye seemed to be in trouble.

A group of sleazy people blocked a sparsely populated road, and the boy standing in the middle was the boy who tried to force Akizuki Marina to associate with him in the toilet of Shengfeng College yesterday. His name seemed to be Masato Ono.

"Ono-kun, what do you mean?" Akizuki Marina stood in front of Akizuki Airi and asked Masato Ono.

However, Masato Ono's target today was not Marina Akizuki, probably because of fear, Masato Ono did not dare to look directly at Xiaye Yagyu.After confirming that it was Yagyu Xiaye from the corner of his eye, he turned to the fiery red-haired guy beside him and said, "Senior Nagano, this is the guy who not only sneaked up on me in school yesterday, but also said he wanted to find a chance to teach the senior a lesson. "

What Masato Ohno said was not the truth, but the Nagano senior he recruited planned to help him with this favor, and the reward was the Qiuyue sister who was beside Yagyu Xia Ye.

Although he had also heard that Akizuki Airi was the idol of the school's junior high school, he didn't know that she actually had an older sister. After seeing the scene of the two sisters spending time together, he was very excited.

"Boy, I haven't seen you in school before, don't you know my reputation as Yasuzo Nagano?"

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