Of course, Haruyu Marina will not tell Kashima Touka that Yagyu Natsuya will live in her house during the exchange period, and Masato Ono and Nagano Taizo, the bad boy, will probably not come to school for a week.

"After all, we are at the same table." Akizuki Mana found such a reason, and then said to Touka Kashima: "Dong Xiang, if you don't go to the cafeteria, your favorite pork chop rice will be robbed by others again. "

Looking up at the clock in the classroom, I found that five minutes had passed since the school cafeteria sold pork chop rice every day. I immediately took Akizuki Marina's hand and walked out of the classroom, shouting: "Wait for me, my pork chop rice meal."


Liu Shengxiaye didn't go to the student union of Shengfeng College immediately, but went to the school's playground. The previous commotion let Liusheng Xiaye know that Colonel Nishimura and his party were carrying out what he said earlier, running twenty laps and doing one Words of a hundred push-ups.

There are delinquent teenagers in the playground, so the other students did not come out to grab the position. Except for some who did not finish, the rest stood in a shady place.

Seeing Liu Shengxia Ye coming out, he immediately surrounded him automatically, and after standing in his position, he bowed to Liu Sheng Xia Ye and shouted: "Hello, Boss."

Those students who were still in the corridor wanting to see the joke about Liu Sheng Xia Ye, a foreign school dressing up as a school, also quickened their pace of leaving after hearing these unscrupulous boys from their school call Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

"Don't make it the same as in the movie. By the way, where are the people from Xicun?" Liu Shengxiaye didn't see Colonel Xicun among the crowd and the bad boys who were still running or doing push-ups.

"Brother Xicun went to buy drinks, and he will be back soon." Someone answered Yagyu Xiaye's question and pointed out the direction for Senior Colonel Nishimura to go.

When Yagyu Xiaye looked in that direction, he found a familiar person, Qiuyue Zhenaili walking with a guy holding something in his hand.


"Ai Li, I feel that you are very happy today, can you share it with me?" A girl holding a dv camera asked beside Akizuki Marina.

Author's message:

Thanks to Zimei for her eighteen-year-old reward of 1500 happy coins and 2 monthly tickets for support, thanks to Ye Yu Chunfeng for her support of 100 happy coins, and thanks to Nalan Wuyou for her support of 1 monthly ticket.thanks

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"It's nothing, but Shana, you have been following me like this, can you make the music movie you want?"

"Almost, anyway, I just want to take a picture of your cute side, Ellie. If it is when you change clothes or go to your house to shoot, it will definitely speed up my progress." After the question, Sana asked: "Ai Li, how is your relationship with Teacher Qiuyue? Is your good mood today related to Teacher Qiuyue?"

When Sana mentioned Akizuki Takasan, Akizuki Airi, who was still very happy, immediately turned cold, and said to her friend: "Sana, I have never agreed with his surname Akizuki, if possible , I hope he disappears from my sight forever."

"Why, Teacher Qiuyue is obviously very good, and she is also a professor at the university, why..."

"There's no reason. If Sana still cherishes our friendship, it's best not to mention that person in front of me in the future."

Sana also knew that if this topic continued, it would be detrimental to her friendship with Akizuki Airi.

Sana stopped this topic, but someone stopped Sana and Akizuki Airi.

"Airi Akizuki and Sana Kuranaka from class three of the first year?" It was obviously a senior student who stopped Akizuki Airi and her friend Sana from advancing.

"Senior Arima in the second grade." Sana Kuranaka knew the identity of this person immediately, and immediately separated herself from Akizuki Airi, saying, "If Senior Arima is here to find Airi, then I can only I stood by and took a picture of this scene."

"Sana-chan, you are very cute at that." The guy who was called Arima-senpai by Kuranaka Sana first praised Kuranaka Sana, and then said to Akizuki Airi: "Airi, I like you very much Voice, so can I have lunch with you today?"

"Who are you, why do you call me by my name when you come here? Do you think you are..." Before Akizuki Airi could finish her words, she was held back by Sana Cangzhong, who persuaded her: "Eri, Arima-senpai's father is the president of the school's parent council, and to a certain extent, his power and strength are stronger than that of Mr. Akizuki."

Before Sana Cangaka finished speaking, she noticed Akizuki Airi's nervousness, and immediately said, "Actually, you don't have to be afraid, Airi. Senpai Arima is famous for being a gentleman, so you don't have to worry..."

Akizuki Airi reached out and interrupted Sana Kuranaka who wanted to continue talking, and then pulled Sana Kuranaka behind her.

And at this time, Sana Kuranaka realized that it was not only Senior Arima standing in front of her and Akizuki Airi, but also the person next to him who would feel scared when he saw it from afar.

"Vice President Nishimura!?"

As a member of the film club, Sana Kuranaka knew very well about the vice president of the student union, Senior Colonel Nishimura. In terms of identity, she could kill the former Arima-senpai in seconds.Could it be that it wasn't Senior Arima that Akizuki Airi was afraid of, but Vice President Nishimura who came over later at some point?

Akizuki Airi is not really afraid, but now that her good friend Sana Kuranaka is by her side, Akizuki Airi feels a little sorry for her.

Qiuyue Aili didn't forget Colonel Nishimura, but she didn't expect that Colonel Nishimura would actually block their way to the cafeteria here.

"Nishimura, can I have a drink with the drink in your hand? I would like to ask Qiuyue to enjoy a drink before lunch." When Arima saw Senior Colonel Nishimura appearing beside him, he was not surprised, but asked Nishimura The colonel gave him a drink from his bag.And he didn't continue to call Akizuki Airi's name, but called Akizuki Airi as a classmate of Akizuki, in order to make a good impression.

Colonel Nishimura took out a canned drink from his bag and said to Arima, "Nanzo, do you really want a drink?"

"It's not that I want to drink, I just want to invite Qiuyue to drink." Arima Ranzo said to Senior Colonel Nishimura.

Colonel Nishimura looked at Akizuki Airi, smiled at her, then looked at Arima Ranzo and said, "Okay, then I'll give it to you now."

Colonel Nishimura really gave the drink that he took out to Arima Ranzo, but it was not in the hands of Arima Ranzo, but he directly smashed the canned drink on Arima Ranzo's hand with his hand. face.

Arima Ranzo was vigorously swept aside, and the canned drink burst open because of the collision just now.

Arima hid on the ground, covered his face in pain with his hands, and asked puzzledly, "Nishimura, you..."

"Lan Zang, if you don't want to be buried in mass, you'd better not get close to her again in the future." Colonel Nishimura pointed at Qiuyue Aili after finishing speaking.

"What's the situation? Could it be that Vice President Nishimura also likes..."

"Don't worry, there won't be such overreaching people harassing you again in the future, I have to go first." Colonel Nishimura didn't care about Sana Kuranaka's muttering to himself, and said to Akizuki Airi After that, he walked towards the playground.

Senior Colonel Nishimura left, Arima Ranzo on the ground also struggled to stand up, and left likewise without looking at Akizuki Airi and Kuranaka Sana.

"Ai Li, your charm is so great that even Vice President Nishimura is your fan. However, in the past, no one knew this. Could it be that recently..., Ai Li, What are you looking at, Vice President Nishimura has gone far away, if you want to thank you, go after him." Halfway through Kanaka Sana's words, she found Akizuki Airi staring at the place where Colonel Nishimura walked past.

Cangzhong Sana also saw the group that Colonel Nishimura used to be, a group of delinquent teenagers in the school, and almost all the management of the student union of Shengfeng College were in it.

"Vice-chairman Nishimura would actually buy drinks for them in person, what a gentle vice-chairman," said Kanaka Sana.

Hearing her friend Sana's words, Akizuki Airi's heart was unwavering, and she even wanted to laugh.

The delinquent boys in the school of Senior Colonel Nishimura, together with those bad boys on the playground this morning, were sorry for Yagyu Xiaye and their sisters, and now they actually received a gentle evaluation from Cana Naka.

"Perhaps, only in front of him can you have the tenderness you mentioned." Akizuki Airi is different from Kanaka Sana. She not only discovered Colonel Nishimura and those bad boys, but also saw the besieged Yagyu Xiaye among the crowd.

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