-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It's just that, now it seems that the nature of the siege at this time is completely different from the nature of this morning.

Yagyu Xiaye was the center of that group, and at the same time, Qiuyue Aili also met the eyes of Liusheng Xiaye looking over.She didn't say hello to Yagyu Xiaye, because she knew that her good friend Cangzhong Sana would not let go of this opportunity to find out the news around her, so she just nodded to Liusheng Xiaye, and then dragged Cangzhong Sana towards The school cafeteria went.

"Ai Li, I can go by myself, are you sure you don't want to ask Vice President Nishimura's attitude?"

"no need."


After Senior Colonel Nishimura finished distributing the drinks in the bag, he also saw the place where Yagyu Xia Ye looked away, and said, "Just now I met a person who wanted to pester that blond girl this morning, but I drove him away. Don't warn me again."

"No need, I believe in your ability to handle affairs, and what do you guys mean? Is it just because I defeated you with my own ability, do you all want to recognize me as the boss?" Senior Colonel Nishimura made a move before , Liu Sheng Xia Ye also saw clearly, but what Liu Sheng Xia Ye wanted to know was the real intention of these bad boys like Senior Colonel Nishimura.

"Of course part of it is because of your personal strength, the boss, but the most important thing is that you gave up punishment on us this morning, and let us understand that you are a person worthy of our follow." Senior Colonel Nishimura explained.

Did Akizuki Marina's persuasion work?You know, even if all of these bad boys have something to do with the school's top management, if Liu Shengxiaye made up his mind, none of them would be able to escape.However, Qiuyue Marina pleaded for these people, so Liu Shengxia Ye stopped at the right time.

And it was the cause planted by Qiuyu Marina, that's why Colonel Nishimura beat the guy who should be pestering Qiuyue Airi just now.

"Then what do you mean by letting me go to the student union?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked.

"Of course it is a member who is familiar with our student union. We plan to elect you, the boss, as the president of the student union. The last president elected by the students feels like we will dismiss her."

After hearing Senior Colonel Nishimura's reasons, Yagyu Xiaye waved his hand and said, "The reason why I didn't punish you in the morning is because my tablemate pleaded. Also, I'm just an exchange student sent by our school, and The date is also only about a week away, so you don't have to follow me."

"Where is your school, Boss? How about we transfer to Boss's school together, so that we can continue to follow in your footsteps." Senior Colonel Nishimura came up with an idea by himself.

Colonel Nishimura's idea was also recognized by many people, and they all began to ask about Yagyu Xiaye's school, and some people began to think about the future life there.

"Forget it, the nature of my school is completely different from this school. Your life attitude in this school may not work there." Yagyu Xia Ye once again rejected these people and followed him to Sakakino Academy Then he said: "If you really plan to follow me, then replace me and protect some people after leaving this school."

"Boss, you want to protect the Qiuyue sisters? But if they are interested in you, you can transfer them to your school."

"Transferring schools is out of the question."

You know, Yagyu Natsuya’s incident at Sakakino Academy has already aroused Yagyu Kubei’s warning. If Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi are brought back after this exchange, his leisurely three years in high school will be ruined. I don't know if there are any.

"Boss, what should we do then?"

"First of all, you don't need to change the image of your bad boys, but you must come to school on time. Although you can't follow me all the time, you can at least call me a boss. I don't want you to graduate from school and leave your parents. He will become a real delinquent boy." Liu Sheng Xia Ye expressed his request to Senior Colonel Nishimura and others.

And these people fell silent after listening, because they haven't considered the future so far.

"Did you hear what the boss said?" Colonel Nishimura first came to his senses, knowing that Liu Shengxiaye's confession was for their future, so he asked loudly those who were still silent.

"I heard that, we will study hard starting tomorrow." After being woken up by Senior Colonel Nishimura's yelling, these people also assuredly said.

"After I leave for a week, your main energy still needs to be on your studies, but you should take care of Sister Qiuyue's peace at school. But, here, I have to put down a harsh word. If someone's Yin Fengyang If he violated' or 'knowingly committed', then his consequences will not be the same as Nagano Taizo and Ohno Masato this morning."

After Liu Shengxia's words fell, everyone except Senior Colonel Nishimura shuddered.

For them, the punishment Nagano Taizo and Ono Masato suffered today is already a bit unbearable for them. If it really exceeds that level, I wonder if they will choose to die.

"As for the president of the student union, you don't have to think about it, because I will only stay in this school for a week. I'd better not break the balance of the student union." After Liu Sheng Xia Ye warned, he also rejected these bad things again. The teenagers want his plan to become the student body president.

"We know, and we will definitely carry out these two tasks in the future. Boss, after that week, what should Masato Ono and Taizo Nagano do when they come back? Masato Ono doesn't have to worry, but the background behind Taizo Nagano But unlike us, he is the youngest son of the vice principal of our school, and he is very doting on him." Senior Colonel Nishimura told Nagano Taizo's background.

It turned out to be the youngest son of the vice principal of the school, no wonder he said in the morning that he has the ability to endanger the position of Qiuyue Xiaosan.

However, regardless of whether Nagano Taizo is the principal's son or the vice-principal's son, Yagyu Xiaye doesn't care.

"I'll take care of their affairs. You can concentrate on your own affairs. If you have nothing to do, don't just sit on the playground. I'm going to the cafeteria to eat." Yagyu Xiaye said to these unscrupulous boys .

Because Qiuyue's family or should say Shengfeng Academy did not have a tradition of bringing bento to school, so Yagyu's summer night lunch could only be settled in the cafeteria.

Author's message:

Thank you for the reward of 1500 happy coins for controlling loli, and thank you for the reward of 200 happy coins for Little Nemesis.We would like to thank Zhaixi Xinxiu, HNYRT, Liu Aotian~, Little Nemesis and Chixia Baiying for their monthly support, and Zimei and Maple for their two monthly tickets.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Boss, let me go with you. You can go to the classroom of the student union to clean up first." Senior Colonel Nishimura explained to the rest of the delinquent boys.

Because he wanted Yanagi Xiaye to take over the position of president of the student union, Senior Colonel Nishimura asked someone to go to the classroom of the student union to decorate it. Now Liusheng Xiaye does not go to the classroom of the student union, so he can only tear up those arrangements. .

The reason why Senior Colonel Nishimura followed Liu Shengxia Ye to the cafeteria was mainly because he was worried that Liu Sheng Xia Ye was not used to life at Sacred Maple College.In the morning, I already knew that Liusheng Xiaye came to Shengfeng College suddenly yesterday. After entering Liusheng Xiaye's class before the lunch break, I also found that there were no books in Liusheng Xiaye's drawer or on the table. Yes, he is a complete "newcomer" at Saint Maple Academy.

For Senior Colonel Nishimura's follow, Liu Shengxia Ye did not refuse, all Liu Shengxia Ye walked to the school cafeteria under the leadership of Senior Colonel Nishimura, and the rest of the unscrupulous teenagers on the playground also scattered around. I went to where the student council classroom was.


In the school cafeteria, Yagyu Xiaye also saw the combination of Akizuki Marina and Kashima Touka, as well as Akizuki Airi and her friend who is still holding a DV recorder.It's just that Liu Sheng Xiaye didn't go to their place and eat with them, but under the guidance of Senior Colonel Nishimura, he found a place and settled down casually.

The school uniform of Yagyu Xiaye is different from the school uniform of Sacred Maple College, so there are still some curious eyes looking at Yagyu Xiaye in the cafeteria, but no one dares to come forward to ask, because Senior Colonel Nishimura is sitting in Liusheng Xiaye. opposite of night.

"Next time I'll come over to eat alone. Walking with you feels like I've got all the realization on my body, which makes me a little uncomfortable." After walking out of the cafeteria, Yagyu Xiaye said to Colonel Nishimura.

In fact, Senior Colonel Nishimura was also a little depressed during this meal, because in the past, if anyone dared to stare at him like that, he would have already exploded.But today, because of Yagyu Xiaye, Senior Colonel Nishimura endured it, but if it continues like this in the future, Senior Colonel Nishimura doesn't know how long he can last.

"I see, boss."


When Liusheng Xiaye entered Class 2 of [-] years, the atmosphere in the class that was relatively warm just now began to cool down, and they all looked at Liusheng Xiaye together.

It's just that Liu Shengxia Ye didn't pay any attention to the eyes of these guys, and returned to his position skillfully.

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