When Yagyu Xiaye was about to lean back on the table and fall asleep again, he found someone appeared in his line of sight.

"Do you have anything to do?" Liu Shengxia Ye sat up straight, leaning on the chair and asked.

What suddenly appeared was the three students who flattered Akizuki Takazo and belittled Yagyu Natsuya after Akizuki Takazo made things difficult for Yagyu Natsuya in the last class.

Seeing Liu Shengxia Ye straighten up, the three of them took a step back in unison, as if Liu Shengxia Ye was a terrifying existence.The three gulped at the same time, and one of them said, "Yagyu-san, I'm sorry, we went too far last class."

"Please forgive our mistake."

"I can even accept all punishments."

The attitude of the three apologizing is relatively good.It doesn't matter if it's not good, because the relationship between Yagyu Xia Ye and the bad boys headed by Senior Colonel Nishimura is there.And behind Senior Colonel Nishimura is Taizo Nagano, the youngest son of the vice-principal of Sacred Maple Academy, and they came to the conclusion that Yagyu Xiaye was not someone they could offend.

However, if they knew that Yagyu Xiaye had just cleaned up Nagano Taizo, who was once relied on by Senior Colonel Nishimura, this morning, would they think that Yagyu Xiaye was the one they really shouldn't offend?

"If it's okay, please step aside, I still have to sleep." Liu Shengxia Ye said directly.

This made the three guys who came to apologize a little confused, because Liu Shengxiaye's attitude seemed to forgive them, but it didn't seem like he forgave them.

"Liu Shengtong..."

"If you continue to stay here, you will make me angry." Liu Shengxia Ye waved at the three of them.

At this moment, the three of them understood that Liu Shengxia Ye really didn't take the matter of the last class to heart.And the reason why the guy who yelled at Liu Shengxia Ye in the last class was beaten should be the intention of those bad boys themselves.

"Thank you, Yagyu-san!" The three of them bowed to Yagyu Xiaye to express their gratitude. After returning to their seats, they immediately lay down on the table, as if they had exhausted their strength when facing Yagyu Xiaye.


When Yagyu Xiaye was going to sleep, Akizuki Mana and Kashima Touka had already arrived at their seats, and Kashima Touka hadn't sat down yet, so he immediately asked, "Yagyu, I'm in the cafeteria with Shina It was found inside that you were eating with that delinquent boy named Xicun, are you familiar with them? And are you really the boss of those delinquent boys?"

Kashima Touka's long list of questions made Yagyu Xiaye no longer want to sleep.

"Is someone like you really not a member of the Sacred Maple College News Agency?" Yagyu Natsuha did not answer Kashima Touka's question, but asked instead.

"I don't want to join a club that is managed by bad boys. Those questions before are just to satisfy my personal curiosity, and even if I want to join the school's club, I must choose the food department of the school. of."

"Why didn't you enter the food department? Is it because you are not good at cooking?"

"Ms. Ben's culinary skills can be compared with the chefs of those star-rated hotels outside, but I wanted Marina to join the club with me, but Marina didn't agree, so I didn't join the club either." Kashima Touka said reason.

"I don't want to join that kind of club, it doesn't help me at all." Qiuyue Marina also gave her explanation at this time, then looked at Liu Sheng Xia Ye and asked: "Xia Ye, you and that Nishimura?"

"It's okay, I just happened to meet and went to the cafeteria for a meal." If you tell Akizuki Marina about the matter with Colonel Nishimura at this time, then Akizuki Marina will definitely have an opinion, so it's better to hide it for a while.

"Yagyu-san, why didn't you answer when I asked you this question, but why did you answer when Marina asked?" Kashima Touka asked a little dissatisfied.

"Because you are just satisfying your curiosity, while Marina is caring about me." Yagyu Xiaye gave the reason.

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Yagyu Xiaye's reason made Kashima Touka a little helpless, because what he said was a good friend, and Kashima Touka didn't know how to refute it.

After receiving the answer from Yagyu Xia Ye, Akizuki Marina didn't ask any more questions, because he believed that Yagyu Xia Ye would handle everything well.And Liu Sheng Xiaye saw that Kashima Dongxiang was still not convinced and wanted to continue asking, so he said: "Kashima student, if you have half the self-consciousness of Zhennai, I might have told you a long time ago to satisfy your curiosity." heart."

"You are completely ignoring my existence, but forget it, anyway, I already know." Kashima Touka thinks that Yagyu Natsuya and Akizuki Marina are showing off.

Akizuki Marina did not refute Kashima Touka's words, because she knew that if she refuted, then Kashima Touka would definitely confirm her guess more and more.Yagyu Xiaye also ignored Kashima Touka's plan and lay down on his seat.

Yagyu Xiaye and Qiuyue Marina ignored her, and Kashima Touka also sat back in her seat a little angrily.


The first session in the afternoon was the class of the head teacher of Class 2, Year [-]. At the beginning, I asked Liu Shengxia Ye to go to the podium to collect the textbooks Liu Sheng Xia Ye needed for this week.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye did not fall asleep in the first class, so Liu Sheng Xia Ye also cooperated with the head teacher's arrangement.

In the course of the subsequent lectures, the head teacher of Class 2 of [-] years, like yesterday's teachers, began to ignore or ignore the existence of Liusheng Xiaye, and did not make things difficult for Liusheng Xiaye like he did in the last class in the morning.

"Yagyu, you should have a strong sense of presence. Why is your name not always called in get out of class?" Kashima Touka asked curiously after class.

You know, during the last class, she was picked up by the head teacher three times, and Yagyu Xiaye's deskmate Qiuyue Marina was also picked up twice.

According to the usual practice, it is also possible that Liu Shengxia Ye, who is so close to them, will be drawn.But after that, the class teacher's drawing direction changed again, and Xia Ye Liusheng escaped a section.

"Of course it's because I listened carefully and understood everything the teacher said." Liu Sheng Xia Ye replied as a matter of course.

This answer made Kashima Dongxiang roll his eyes at Liusheng Xiaye, and then said: "Liusheng, I discovered another advantage of you, that is, you have a thick skin. You are sleeping on a tree, but you dare to say If you have thoroughly understood what the teacher said in class, wouldn't it automatically enter your mind?"

Kashima Touka did not lie, because Yagyu Xiaye was indeed sleeping in the last class.

"Xia Ye, it might be luck this time, but it's not a solution if you sleep every class like this. If you encounter a teacher who asks you to get up to answer questions again, it's impossible for those bad boys to come in every time." Qiuyue Marinna also expressed her worried attitude.

The last class in the morning, Akizuki Takazo's biology class.

In order to hit Yagyu Xiaye, Qiuyue Xiaosan asked Liusheng Xiaye to stand up and answer the knowledge points he hadn't heard in the last class.And when Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't answer immediately, the delinquent teenagers headed by Senior Colonel Nishimura suddenly entered the classroom of Class 2, Grade [-], and rescued Liu Sheng Xia Ye.And after Colonel Nishimura and others left, when Yagyu Xiaye wanted to continue answering questions, he was stopped by Qiuyue Xiaosan.

The students didn't think that Yagyu Xiaye had the ability to answer that question. To know some biological knowledge of Takazo Akizuki, only those who had taken his class could answer it.

"I see. At worst, I won't sleep in this afternoon's class." Yagyu Xiaye also knew that Akizuki Marina was worried about him, so she decided not to sleep in the afternoon, but whether to attend class or not is another matter.

The reason why he fell asleep in the morning was because of several classes. In addition to the effect of the medicine last night, there was also the exercise that he started this morning, which made Yagyu Xiaye have to rest.

"That's good. If Xia Ye changes a little and then goes back, it will be of no use." Akizuki Marina thought that Yagyu Xia Ye was in the same state when she was in Sakakino Academy, so she said this.

Regarding this, Liu Shengxia Ye just smiled, and then took out the textbook for the next class.


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