After Cana Naka left, Yagyu Natsuya pushed open the door of the biology department office. Unlike Cana Nakaka's carefulness, Yagyu Natsuba did it very naturally, as if a biology class representative came here Report the same thing.

Since he had already seen everything outside the door, Yagyu Xia Ye no longer needed to confirm the location like Cana Naka Sana, but walked directly to the place where Cana Naka Sana had stayed before.

On the desk, the most eye-catching thing is the biological book that is placed horizontally, but Liu Shengxiaye is not concerned about this biological book.Picking up the biology book, I saw the paper left by Sana Kuranaka and touched the memory card wrapped inside.

Yagyu Xiaye took the things that Cana Nakaka left behind and put them in his pocket, then the biology book in his hand was casually dropped on the desk.

And at this time, Yagyu Xiaye was also on the partition, and saw the teacher's name on this position.

Qiuyue Xiaosan.

Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi's stepfather, who made things difficult for Yagyu Natsuya during the last class in the morning.

And what does Akizuki Airi's friend Sana Kuranaka mean by putting a memory card with photos and videos of Akizuki Airi on his desk?Could it be that there are other things that Qiuyue Xiaosan cares about in the memory card?

But it's better to leave this office first. Liu Shengxia Ye walked out of the office very naturally, and greeted a certain teacher who had returned in the corridor.


Yagyu Xia Ye decided to look at the contents of the memory card first, but he was not inside the school, so he went outside the school.

Fortunately, Cangzhong Sana's memory card can be used on any kind of mobile phone, so it means that the mobile phone can see the contents inside.

Yagyu Xiaye pulled out his original memory card, and then disassembled the memory card brought out from the biological group, but Yagyu Xiaye didn't put the memory card in his mobile phone immediately. Because he was attracted by the content on the paper.

"Sorry, Teacher Qiuyue, I can only take these photos and videos about Ellie. I don't know what's going on, Ellie rarely lets me take pictures and videos these days. If it's not for Ellie's mood today If things get better, I might not even be able to shoot the last video. But I will wait for Ellie to relax my vigilance, and then I will also ask Qiuyue-sensei to keep your promise to date me after watching it."

It turned out that the contents of this memory card were all taken by Akizuki Takazo for Akizuki Airi's friend Sana Kuranaka. Knowing this, Yagyu Natsuya's dislike for Akizuki Takazo took it to a higher level.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Folded the paper, put it back into the pocket of the school uniform, and put the memory card on the video recorder in the warehouse in his hand.

There were no extra folders inside, so Yagyu Xiaye could easily find the contents inside.

The first thing that appeared was the photo of Akizuki Airi, which was taken by Sana Kuranaka when she was on the stairs recently, and the photo taken by Senior Colonel Nishimura at noon in the corridor, and there is Akizuki Airi their classroom.

Yagyu Xia Ye went through all the photos, and found nothing explicit. Sana Kuranaka took the photos very well.

However, when Yagyu Xia Ye clicked on the video folder, he didn't think so.


"Sana, I'm changing into my tracksuit, don't take pictures." When she appeared in the screen, Akizuki Airi had almost stripped off her school uniform and was putting on her school tracksuit.

"Airi, just let me take a picture. Anyway, I'm the only one who sees this kind of thing. It doesn't matter if you let go." Kanaka Sana's voice urged Akizuki Airi to let go a little more, but she was rejected Qiuyue Aili in the video was rejected.

"If the filming continues, I will be angry."

At this time, the camera slowly moved from Qiuyue Airi's lower body to her face, and it was obvious that Qiuyue Airi's blushing cheeks could be seen.

"I see, turn it off immediately."

The screen went black, and first a video ended.


"Sana, why do you have to take pictures when you eat?"

"Because I want to shoot all of Ellie's life at school, so that the music movie featuring you, Ellie, can be completed sooner." The focus of the lens moved to Akizuki Ellie's face, the most important thing is the position of the mouth, " Ellie, there is a grain of rice near your lips, if you don't mind, I can kiss it off for you."

After Akizuki Airi stuck out her pink tongue and licked the rice grains around her mouth, her voice came out.

"Sana, you are so perverted, turn it off quickly."


"Is it necessary to take pictures when changing shoes?"

"Of course, that's what I need."


"Don't take pictures during class."

"Ari who wrote the lyrics is the best."


Yagyu Natsuya watched almost all the videos in the memory card, all of which were shot by Sana Kuranaka, mainly Akizuki Airi, and no other people were mixed in at all.

And from the paper just now, Yagyu Natsuya knew that Kuranaka Sana did not shoot Akizuki Airi entirely because of her music video, as she said in the video.The scale of some videos is completely out of the student's video range. What Yagyu Xiaye can think of is the kind of excessive video, which was shot by Akizuki Kozo Sana at the request of Kuranaka.

The specific purpose of Yagyu Natsuya is not known now, but Yagyu Natsuya does know the reward Akizuki Takazo gave to Kanaka Sana, that is, after getting the video of Kuranaka Sana, he agreed to go on a date with Kuranaka Sana.

When the phone prompt was lit and there was not much left, Yagyu Xia Ye also turned off the phone, but did not pull out the memory card now.

When I looked at the school gate, it was almost time for Marina Akizuki to be on duty, so Yagyu Xia Ye also walked towards Qiuyue's house.

I didn't wait for the two sisters Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi at the school gate, because Kashima Touka was on duty with Akizuki Marina, so he would definitely leave the school together.

Although Yagyu Xia Ye was not afraid of Kashima Touka, but the curious Kashima Touka was too difficult to deal with and didn't want to answer her questions at all.


Of course, Yagyu Xia Ye did not rush to Qiuyue's house at full speed, because he was not familiar with the road in this area, so he could only wait slowly for Qiuyue Aili and Qiuyue Marina to catch up with him.

Instead of making Yagyu Xia Ye wait for a long time, Qiu Yu Marina's voice stopped Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

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