"Xia Ye, wait for us."

Yagyu Xiaye stopped in her tracks, and looked back, it was Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi walking together.If it wasn't for staying at Qiuyue's house last night, when they met these two people on the road, they would probably only think that they were two good companions, not that they were sisters.But after knowing the truth, there will be an inexplicable sense of excitement when seeing the difference between the two sisters.

"Stalker, which way are you going?" After catching up with Liu Shengxia Ye, Qiuyue Aili pointed to the road behind Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

"Is there any problem? I remember that when I came here this morning, I came out from this road." Although he didn't turn on the navigation, Liu Shengxiaye knew a little bit about the route home.

"If you want to go back to school again, my sister and I won't stop you."

"Xia Ye, the road you wanted to take just now is indeed the way back to school, we are going home is the one on the right." Akizuki Marina is not going to correct the problem of Akizuki Airi's address to Yagyu Xia Ye, anyway, Yagyu Xia Ye didn't care, and Qiuyue Aili didn't mean to let them mess around.

Sister Qiuyue said so, knowing that he must have almost made a mistake just now, but after carefully looking at the road behind him and the road on the right, Liu Sheng Xiaye said dissatisfiedly: "These two roads are completely different. It’s exactly the same, so it’s inevitable for me to admit my mistake.”

"There is a tree at the previous intersection on the right, but there is no tree on the road you just walked." Qiuyue Aili pointed out the difference between the two roads.

Liu Shengxia Ye looked at it, and it was exactly as Qiuyue Aili said, but Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked unconvinced: "What if that tree is cut down?"

"The road without the gutter is the way home." Akizuki Marina answered Yagyu Xiaye this time.

Looking at the road on the right again, there really is no drainage ditch. It turns out that the two roads that are so similar on the surface have so many differences, which made Liu Sheng Xiaye instantly dissatisfied.

"Don't you have a mobile phone for navigation? Why don't you use it today?"

"It's out of power." Liu Shengxia Ye only said that it was out of power, without explaining why it was out of power.

"It seems that you will not be able to live without technology. You people in big cities are so delicate." Qiuyue Aili said mockingly.

"Life without technology is definitely not a problem, it's just not convenient. And I'm not from a big city, so it's normal to have shortcomings." Yagyu Xiaye retorted.

"Okay, Xia Ye, Ellie, you two should stop arguing. If you don't go home, it might be dark." Qiuyue Marina quickly stood up to persuade the two of you.

Author's message:

Thank you for the support of Aiyukino's BLOO, No More Songs Worth Singing, Tiannv Muying, and Thomas Jindong, and thank Shidao for the support of 1 monthly tickets.thanks

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Today, because Akizuki Marina is on duty, I left school a little later than yesterday, and if Yagyu Natsuya and Akizuki Airi really stood here arguing non-stop, then it is really true before dark today. Don't even think about going home.

With Akizuki Marina's persuasion, Akizuki Ari and Yagyu Natsuya also let go of their argument, and started to follow Akizuki Marina on the right way home.

"What's the matter with you and the person who stopped us this morning? I saw you surrounded in the middle of the playground today." Akizuki Airi, who walked behind Akizuki Marina with Yagyu Natsuya, asked.

"Shouldn't you be worried that I will be troubled by them again?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked back.

"You are being troubled by them. I think they should be the most worried. You really wiped out my existence this morning. And even though you are surrounded by them, but you look at it like that. They are all in harmony with each other, and they are completely leadership-type bad boys." Qiuyue Aili put the title of bad boy on Yagyu Xiaye's head, and added a leader-type adjective in front of it.

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just that they wanted to clear up the misunderstanding this morning, and I, who is kind, did not refuse."

"Disgusting self description, but you better be careful, they don't have a very good reputation at school."

"I know, I just need their bad reputation." Liu Shengxiaye didn't want to explain anything about Senior Colonel Xicun and other bad boys.

"Sure enough, it's the style of a bad boy." After commenting on Yanagi Natsuya again, Akizuki Airi stopped walking behind with Yagyu Natsuya, but walked to the front quickly, and stretched out her arms to hold Akizuki Marina's. arm.

"Ellie, what are you doing?"

"I want to make someone envious." When Akizuki Airi answered Akizuki Marina's question, she turned her head and didn't notice Yagyu Xiaye looking at their sisters.

What a guy who doesn't understand style, and last night was the same.


"I'm back." Liusheng Xiaye and Qiuyue sisters went home together, and after Qiuyue Aili didn't see Qiuyue Xiaosan's shoes at the entrance, she threw her schoolbag directly to Liusheng Xiaye and said, "I want Went to see yesterday's fish."

"Ai Li is really..." Akizuki Marina wanted to teach Akizuki Ai Li the attitude of treating Yagyu Natsuya like a servant, "Xia Ye, let me take Ai Li's schoolbag."

"Then I'll trouble you." Yagyu Xia Ye also felt that it was not easy to deal with Qiuyue Airi's schoolbag. It was not very good to send it directly to Qiuyue Airi's room, and it was even worse to bring it back to his room.Now that Qiuyue Marina is willing to share this trouble, Yagyu Xia Ye is still very grateful.

"It's all Ellie's trouble."

When Yagyu Natsuya and Akizuki Marina were returning to their room, passing the kitchen, Akizuki Kayoko poked his head out and said, "Marina, Xia Ye, you are back, where is Ellie?"

"Eri is now teasing the fish she bought last summer night, and she didn't even put away her schoolbag. Mom, dad, haven't you come back today?" Akizuki Marina asked after answering Akizuki Eri's question.

"Mr. Xiaosan said that he has a thesis to finish at school today, so he will definitely be late when he comes back today. After you put away your schoolbags, go out and wash your hands and eat." After Qiu Yuehua Daizi finished speaking, he returned to the kitchen to cook.


Akizuki Marina believed the words of Akizuki Huayoko, but Yagyu Xiaye only knew that Akizuki Takasan was lying.

If you want to write a thesis, you must write it in the office, but after school, Sana Kuranaka and him both went to the office of the biology department, and there was no one in the position of Akizuki Takazo, and there was no trace of it It can show that Akizuki Xiaosan is going to write a thesis.

If Liu Sheng Xiaye's guess is correct, Qiuyue Xiaosan must have gone somewhere to vent his anger after school because he failed to make things difficult for him in class today.

It's just that Yagyu Natsuya didn't say this guess, because it is possible that only Akizuki Eri would believe it, and the current Akizuki Hanayoko and Akizuki Marina would definitely not believe it.


After Yagyu Natsuya and Akizuki Marina put away their schoolbags and came out, they saw Akizuki Airi still playing with the fish next to the fish tank, and Akizuki Marina went over to tell her to wash her hands and eat.

Akizuki Airi was very reluctant, and Akiba Marina said: "Dad will not be back tonight."

"That guy is not Airi's father, huh." Although she knew that Akizuki Takasan would not come back for dinner, Akizuki Airi was still a little dissatisfied with the fact that her sister Akizuki Marina called Akizuki Takasan's father.

However, this kind of dissatisfaction can only be expressed through some small emotions, because Akizuki Airi respects her sister Akizuki Marina the most.

Akizuki Takasan didn't come back for dinner today, but Akizuki Airi's performance at the table was more active than that of Akizuki Takasan's departure from the table last night, and she was even thinking about whether she would skip class with her sister tomorrow to find a place to play.Of course, the final result must have been reprimanded by Akizuki Kayoko and Akizuki Eri, and the outsider Yagyu Xiaye could only watch from the sidelines.

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