
After two classes in the morning, it was the turn of Akizuki Takazo's public class. All the students in Class 2 went to the school's lecture theater, except Yagyu Xia Ye.

Akizuki Marina originally wanted Yagyu Natsuya to go with her, but now Yagyu Natsuya doesn't want to move at all, and still wants to sleep peacefully on the table.

Of course, except for Akizuki Marina, no one dared to persuade Yagyu Xia Ye to go to class.

Yagyu Xiaye didn't attend Qiuyue Xiaosan's public class, anyway, he didn't come here for the professional knowledge of biology.

Yagyu Xia Ye was half asleep and half awake, and felt someone standing in front of her, not the feeling given by Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi.

After opening her eyes, she found Akizuki Airi's friend Sana Kuranaka who was standing on the edge of her seat.

"What's the matter with you?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye sat up straight, rubbed his eyes with his palms, and made himself more awake.

"Senior Yagyu, may I ask what is the relationship between you and Vice President Nishimura?" Kanaka Sana is still carrying his video recorder, which made Yagyu Xiaye very unhappy.

As for the Nishimura Vice President Yagyu Xiaye that Sana Kuranaka said, I didn't quite understand it at the beginning, but after thinking about it, I knew that Sana Kuranaka was talking about Senior Colonel Nishimura.It is common for bad boys to serve in the student union, and Colonel Nishimura is the vice president of the student union of Sacred Maple College.

"What relationship do I have with Nishimura, I should have no contact with you, and you, a junior high school student who came to the high school, aren't you afraid of being taught a lesson by the high school people?"

"Senior Liusheng, I want to ask for your help to help me take revenge on Teacher Qiuyue."

"Teacher Qiuyue?" The surname that Cangzhong Sana said made Yagyu Xia Ye interested.

"He's the biology teacher in senior's class, and he's also Ellie's stepfather, and he's also a big pervert." Sana Kuranaka said to Yagyu Xia Ye.

Yagyu Xia Ye is a bit confused now, yesterday on Akizuki Takazo's desk, I found a message from Kuranaka Saina to Akizuki Takazo, which clearly contained the girl's admiration for a mature teacher, but now Kanaka Saina's attitude It was completely different from yesterday.

"Teacher Qiuyue is a pervert, what do you mean by that?"

Sana Cangzhong didn't answer Yagyu Xia Ye immediately, but took off the video recorder hanging around her neck, handed it to Yagyu Xia Ye and said, "The thing in this is what the perverted teacher asked me to shoot, I will give it to you. He then released my pigeons."

Liu Shengxia Ye took the video recorder a little curiously, is there anything in it that he doesn't know?

I started to operate the video recorder directly, and opened a few video files at random, all of which were mainly about Ellie, and they overlapped with the things in the memory card yesterday.

"He asked you to take these pictures?"

"Everything happened in the first video."

After listening to Sana Kuranaka's words, Natsuya Yagyu found the first video, and found that the time was almost half a month ago, that is, Takazo Akizuki and Kayoko Akizuki had just married.

The video was pitch black, with no picture at all, but sound was recorded.

The voices of Sana Kuranaka and Kozo Akizuki.

"Teacher Qiuyue, are you really a professor at the university?"

"Yes, I remember you are Ellie's friend, what do you want me to do?"

"Let me see what Ellie's stepfather looks like. I didn't expect him to be so handsome, and he's also a professor. It's great."

"It would be fine if Airi thought like you did." Qiuyue Xiaosan's voice was full of regret, and Qiuyue Airi did not agree with his regret.

"Teacher Qiuyue, can you date me?"

Hearing that it was obviously the first time they met, Sana Cangzhong told Akizuki Takazo that they were dating, and Xia Ye Yagyu also took a look at Sana Cangzhong who was standing beside her.

Cangzhong Sana didn't dare to look directly at Yagyu Xia Ye, so she didn't respond.

In the video, after listening to Sana Cangaka's request, Akizuki Xiaosan was also silent for a while, and then said: "If Sana can do something for me, I can agree to my request for a date, but You can't tell anyone."

"I see, Teacher Qiuyue, what do you want me to do?"

"Seeing that you carry a video recorder with you, you should be from the school club."

"I'm in the school film club and I'm planning to shoot a music movie."

Chapter two hundred and eighty fourth

"This is the best way, even the ready-made reasons have been thought of. Sana, the task I give you is very simple, that is, you shoot me a video of Ellie, and when the number reaches a certain number, I will agree to date you .”

"Ellie's video?"

"Yes, it's Ellie's videos, especially private ones. For example, when you change your tracksuit at school, and when you go to the toilet together, and some times you think you are particularly attractive."

"But Teacher Qiuyue, you are Aili's stepfather, there is no need to..."

"Jinnai, it seems that you are not serious about dating me."

"No, I really want to go on a date with Teacher Qiuyue, it's just that, Ellie..."

"This matter will only leave you and me. The video you shot is stored in my office for half a month. I will go on a date with you the next day after watching it."

Although she knew that Akizuki's request was wrong, Kuranaka Sana who wanted to date Akizuki finally agreed to Akizuki's request after a moment of silence in the video.

"Teacher Qiuyue, I will finish shooting the video you need, you must remember to date me."

"Of course, Sana who agreed to my request is a good boy."

After that, there was no sound in the video for a long time, and Sana Kuranaka explained from the side of the seat: "My deal with that guy is over, and the following video will have no content."

Sure enough, after Sana Kuranaka finished speaking, Xia Ye Yagyu saw the picture in the dark video. It should be Sana Kuranaka who opened the lens cover at that time, and then turned off the power after confirming whether it was filming.

"So since that time, you have been taking videos of Ellie, so why are you coming to me to take revenge on that guy now?" Yagyu Xia Ye had no intention of returning the video recorder to Sana Kuranaka.

"I'm really sorry, I'm the one who's sorry for Ellie." Kanaka Sana bowed and apologized to Yagyu Natsuya.

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