"The reason for taking revenge on Akizuki Takazo." Yagyu Xia Ye took away the memory card Sana Kuranaka gave to Akizuki Takazo yesterday, and deleted all the data on it.So Akizuki Airi didn't suffer any harm, but this was also when Akizuki Takazo and Kuranaka Sana didn't say anything.

Sana Kuranaka didn't hide anything, she told what happened yesterday, and then said: "Because I wanted to record our dating process, so I placed this video recorder at the dating place. But because in the morning I There was a delay, and the guy who got there didn't see the guy, but the video recorder recorded everything that happened there."

What exactly is in the video recorder, Sana Kuranaka has no choice but to change her mind to take revenge on Kozo Akizuki.

Arranged in chronological order, Yagyu Xiaye found today's only video in the video recorder.

The scene looks like a park, and the person who appears in the camera is Takazo Akizuki. Originally, the other protagonist should be Sana Kuranaka, but Sana Kuranaka, who was late for some reason, did not appear, but another person appeared.

It was Yagyu Xiaye who saw it. After thinking about it carefully, I found that this guy was the guy who drove to pick up Qiuyue Xiaosan this morning. The car can still be seen from the corner of the video.

"Director Nagano, how is my open class today?"

"No problem, everything is going according to plan. After today's open class, I think Professor Qiuyue's reputation and academics will definitely be recognized by more people. By then, we will be unattainable."

"It's all supported by Director Nagano. After I succeed, I will definitely not forget Shengfeng College and Director Nagano, but now I need Director Nagano to help me with something."

"whats the matter."

"There is a student named Kanaka Sana in the junior high school. It is best for her to drop out of school now, or even disappear." When Akizuki Takazo's voice came out from the video recorder, Kanaka Sana also shuddered. Obviously scared.

"No problem, this matter will be discussed next week. By the way, Professor Qiuyue, have you brought your potion with you? After hearing your description, I want to try it myself, or the student you just asked to drop out of school is currently It's a nice subject."

After listening to Director Nagano's words, Akizuki Takazo took out a potion bottle from the pocket of his jacket, which contained a pink liquid potion.

"It's unfinished, but it's enough."

Although he didn't know what it was, Yagyu Natsuya's intuition made him think that what Akizuki Takazo gave Director Nagano was not a good thing.

"Professor Qiuyue, I remember that there seemed to be two daughters in my remarried family. Could it be that you..."

"Director Nagano, this has nothing to do with you. If there is nothing else, I'll go to school first."

After Qiuyue Xiaosan finished speaking, he left the park, and after Qiuyue Xiaosan left, Director Nagano sneered and said: "Hmph, you also have something in my hands, and you will never be able to escape from my control in the future."

Afterwards, Director Nagano also left, and the screen remained stagnant for a long time. Finally, Sana Kuranaka appeared in the screen and moved the video recorder.

"Are you afraid of being expelled from school?" Liu Sheng Xiaye also turned off the video recorder after watching the video.

Sana Kuranaka nodded first, then shook her head immediately.

"Do you understand what they mean by disappearing?"

"I saw once in a while that a senior senior also offended the Nagano director. After being pulled into the car, I never saw her in the academy again. But I saw her at the place where I rented a video recorder. negatives."


"The negative of being abused, I don't even know if she's still alive, it's just too scary." Kanaka Sana's face turned pale, as if something terrible happened in the meeting.

It seems that this Nagano director is not a simple person, and his surname reminds Yagyu Xia Ye of someone.

"What is the relationship between Nagano Taizo and the person in the video?"

"Bad? If it's the bad boy Nagano Taizo, he's the son of director Nagano. I heard that he was injured yesterday. Could it be Yagyu-senpai who did it?" After explaining the relationship between Taizo Nagano and director Nagano, Cana Naka couldn't help asking.

"You guessed right, Nagano Taizo was indeed taught by me, do you still need to ask me to help you take revenge?" Yagyu Xiaye did not deny it.

Sana Kuranaka was silent, because director Nagano still had relatively great power in the school, but thinking of the incident at the school gate this morning, Sana Kuranaka also made a decision.

Author's message:

Thanks to Zimei for the 200 happy coins reward when she is eighteen years old, thank you.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I still ask Senior Yagyu to help me." Cana Naka chose to believe Yagyu Xia Ye.

Yagyu Xia Ye did not comment on Cana Naka's choice, but said: "I can help you, but I hope that after this matter, you need to leave Ai Li's side, there is no room for negotiation. "

Although Akizuki Airi did not suffer any substantial harm under Yagyu Natsuya's intervention, but for a friend like Kuranaka Sana, Yagyu Natsuya really didn't want her to stay by Akizuki Airi's side anymore.

Now that she can betray Akizuki Airi for a date with Akizuki Takazo, then after Yagyu Natsuya has cleaned up Akizuki Takazo, there is definitely a possibility that people around her will appear again because of other classmates or teachers, not necessarily Akizuki Ai Li.

Yagyu Xiaye has already agreed to Qiuyue Aili's commission, so whether it is a family problem or a school problem, Yagyu Xiaye intends to solve it before leaving.

As for Qiuyue Xiaosan, he exists at both ends of family and school.

"Leaving school?" From Yagyu Xia Ye's tone, Cana Nakaka heard that there was really no room for negotiation.

She must be angry, but when she thought of the negative of that senior, Sana Kuranaka immediately made a choice.

"As long as Yagyu-senpai helps me get revenge on that guy, I will definitely abide by the agreement and transfer to another school." It seems that Sana Kuranaka's resentment towards Takashi Akizuki is quite deep.

"Okay, now go back to your junior high school. You can act as if nothing happened in front of Ellie, but the filming of Ellie must stop now, and the memory card in your video recorder needs to be given to me. , because I am useful." After hearing Cangzhong Sana's promise, Yagyu Xiaye also agreed to help her take revenge on Akizuki Xiaosan.

"Thank you, Yagyu-senpai!" Kanaka Saana bowed and thanked Yagyu Xiaye.

Pulling out the memory card in the video recorder, Yagyu Natsuya returned the empty video recorder to Sana Kuranaka.

It seems that I should have a talk with Akizuki Kayoko, but Yagyu Natsuya decided to go to the park where Akizuki Takazo and Director Nagano met after school this afternoon. There is something Yagyu Natsuya cares about there .

"Can you write me the address there? It's the address where Director Nagano and Akizuki Takazo met." Yagyu Xia Ye took out the banknotes.

"Okay." Sana Cangzhong wrote down the name and address of the park on the paper, because she chose it, so she remembered it clearly.

After finishing writing, Sana Kuranaka looked at the wall clock in the classroom and realized that it was almost time to end the get out of class, so she bowed to Yagyu Xia Ye again and left Class 2 Years.

After Sana Cangzhong left, Xia Ye Yagyu put away the memory card and the address written by Sana Cangzhong.

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